Friday, December 6, 2013

Give the Gift of a Great Future Holiday Campaign #MC #GreatFutures

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Boys and Girls Clubs of America. I received a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.

During the five years I worked juvenile probation, I worked hand in hand with an after school program at the Boys and Girls Club.  I had several kids that benefited greatly from the time they spent there - it kept them off the streets.  They did learning activities, they were active, and they weren't using drugs or getting in trouble while they were there. 

One of the things that struck me most about the program was how much the people who worked there cared about the kids.  On more than one occasion I got calls about a kid when they became concerned.  Boys and Girls Club is a wonderful resource in the community.

This year marks the 3rd annual Give the Gift of a Great Future Holiday Campaign for the BGCA.  To see how kids are giving back in their communities, go visit the Kids Give Back contest, and vote in their photo contest (I voted for a branch in California that was helping with a midnight meal at a mission).  You can use the gift tag generator to create festive holiday tags, and also learn tips on how to encourage your own local kids to give back. 

Readers, do you have any favorite ways to give back this season? 


  1. we contribute to all of the Food Drives...I have my knitted scarves that I carry around to hand out to those who are sitting around in the freezing cold without one. And how does one choose who to vote for, they all look like they deserve a vote! I'll go back and choose :-).

  2. I do know there are a lot of hungry single Moms working hard to raise their children on their own they will not take charity because of pride but I do know if you show up with a basket of food and say Merry Christmas they are more willing to take it to not disappoint you. Just a thought, I was amazed at all the women I have found quietly struggling on their own. B

  3. I think they BGCA is such a great organization!! I need to go and check out the website.

  4. I like to get a family from the council of churches and buy them each a gift.

  5. We collect coats on sale and take them to the homeless and domestic violence shelter at Christmas. My kids love doing it, and I love the message it instills. Even more I love knowing we may have helped keep a child warm.

  6. What a great organization! and how great that you had the opportunity to work with them! Hope your Christmas season is going well, and know your boys are very excited.

  7. I love hands on activities. It is a lot of fun to do with the children. Thank you for such great ideas.

  8. You constantly amaze me, Lisa. I'll go and vote!

  9. It's good to know that organizations like the Boys and Girls Club are having a positive impact. We donate to local funds that buy food for families and food drives. I like the things that the other commenters mentioned, too. Gave me some ideas.

    I like your Rudolph!

  10. I'm so glad that wonderful program is there to help kids who need it.

    Every few months, Livie and I try to donate non-perishable foods to a local food pantry.

    Once Jock is well trained and consistently obedient, I would like to get him certified to be a therapy dog, so Liv and I can take him to the children's hospital and VA hospital. Dogs can really provide a lot of comfort to kids and veterans in the hospital.

  11. I love the cute Popsicle reindeer. And you have such a caring heart!!!

  12. Just the Marine Corps Toys for Tots.

  13. This is a fine organization, and I'll certainly check out the links here, Lisa.

  14. I don't have direct experience with it, but I've heard nothing but good things about the Boys and Girls Club. Seems like they do great work!

  15. My favorite way to give back is through my church's food bank. My favorite charity is the Arkansas Children's Hospital. I love your cute little reindeer..I have one almost exactly like it that my son made in 1985.

  16. I have a very similar reindeer. :) I donate to different charities and pretty much help out where ever we can. :)

  17. What an awesome way to give back to the community. I will stop over and vote.

  18. We do charity locally where we donate cloths to the washermen, the lady who sells vegetables, the sweeper.. In a small way we try to enhance the lives of those around us :)
    Have a nice day Lisa :)

  19. We are different every year. Last year we donated some toys. The year before that we donated canned goods. The year before that we donated Christmas to a family that wouldn't have Christmas.

  20. Oh yes....Salvation Army, Coats for Kids and Stuff A Bus...:)JP. This year I want to bring cookies to the shelter...:)

  21. Heard on the Morning News you have ice on the way. Stay safe, please . . have All of you on my mind.


  22. I give my time to hospice and give my dollars monthly to a variety of causes!
    Cheers from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!


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