Monday, December 30, 2013

Legend of the Christmas Spider

The weekend before Christmas we took the boys to visit their great-grandmother.  While we were there, she asked me if I'd heard of the legend of the Christmas spider.  I hadn't.  So she told me to dig through this wooden bucket sitting by the couch.  This bucket was stuffed full of 5 million things.  Seriously - you would not believe what you can fit in a bucket.  Five cookbooks, two children's books, 50 embroidery threads, a cross stitch, a secret listening-through-walls device (I couldn't make this up if I tried...), a stack of letters, some knitted Barbie clothes, dozens of patterns, several balls of yarn, wrapping paper from Christmases gone by, a best Great-Grandmother plaque, and there, down at the very bottom, a box labeled 'Christmas Spider'.  To tell you the truth - I was impressed that she knew it was down there.

The box contained a kit to make the Christmas spider from silvery beads.  My grandmother had already crafted the spiders.  They are oddly beautiful, even though usually spiders are not my thing.
Here is the legend:
According to Legend, a poor woman had no decorations for her tree.  A spider who had hidden in her tree to escape the dust mop watched as the woman prepared for Christmas.  As the spider crawled about the tree that night he left a trail of dusty web.  But when the woman awoke on Christmas morning, she found that the dusty web had turned to shimmering silver.

How about you, readers?  Have you heard of the Christmas spider?  I'm looking forward to having the three my grandmother gave me on our tree for years to come. 


  1. I have heard of the story. We read a children's book about the legend last year. It is really lovely.

  2. We have the real spiders but they tend to stay away from the Christmas tree. Those ornaments look really good, I have never seen any before.

  3. I've never heard this story, but the ornaments are so pretty, and a memory treasure from your grandma.

  4. Neve heard of the legend but it sounds like a fun one.

  5. i have a christmas spider - it is made of gold balls and gold pipecleaners - a gift from my sister.

  6. I have heard of this story--how cool to have a grandma with a stash of stuff like that!

  7. he is so beautiful as it your post, too cute! and a Great grandmother lucky you! plus I've never heard of the Christmas Spider!

  8. I haven't. It certainly sounds like a great story to pass on.

  9. I like that story, and what a treasure to have the ornaments from your grandmother. Sounds like there are all kinds of treasures down in that basket! :-)

  10. How neat! Never heard of this, but it makes for a wonderful Christmas tradition.

  11. Just stopping by to wish you and yours a fantastic year ahead.

    Have not heard that legend--but I definitely would love a spider for my tree.... cute!!!!

    Don't we all have our junk/treasure drawers/buckets.... ha

    Happy New Year.

  12. I've never heard this before, but I love it! So cool :)

  13. What a great story. I have never heard it before. And how wonderful that you will have those spiders to always think about your grandmother.

  14. I have not but this one really is pretty!

  15. I'll bet a spider web with dew drops on a christmas tree would be gorgeous Neat legend about the spidey.. xox

  16. First time I've heard, but it's really beautiful. I'm glad you have the three for your trees. :)

  17. Never heard of it and like you I do NOT care for arachnids but I do love that story almost as much as the ornament!

  18. I have heard this story and really like it. Also, love hearing about the bucket :)

  19. This is news to me. I loathe spiders….but this one is lovely. I love that your Grandma shared this with you and the boys; so special!!!

  20. Oh I love your story and the spider story I have never heard it. What a beautiful gift from your Grandmother. Hug B

  21. That's a new one for me, never heard about the Christmas Spider!

  22. No, I never heard it. But the ornament is lovely!

  23. I never heard of the legend, but she certainly made a beautiful spider ornament. This will be a fun tale to tell your kids again and again :)

  24. aww, I love that she passed the spiders on to you. :) I hadn't heard the tale until now.

  25. How sweet is this? And I love the story.

  26. nice folk tale, new to me

    Happy New Year!

  27. I have never heard that story, but I love it. Thanks for sharing. Here is wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!

  28. I have been trying to find the necessary supplies to make spiders just like this and have come up empty handed. Do you have any idea where I can find them???

  29. I have looked everywhere for the supplies to make these exact spiders. Do you have any ideas or suggestions where I could find them?? I'm wanting to make these for my family this Christmas.


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