Monday, January 13, 2014

A Horse that Won't Eat Treats, plus an Update on the Horses Down the Road

I bought a big bag of horse treats for Francie.  I thought she deserved a little spoiling, after all she'd been through.  Francie sniffed them.  And said no thanks
I offered her carrots.  Is there a horse that won't eat carrots?  Yes.  Francie won't eat carrots.  I guess she hasn't really had anyone offer her treats before.  I guess she never had someone who loved her enough to want to pamper her.  Poor Francie.

At least she likes the Equine Senior sweet feed I've been giving her.  No, she's not a senior.  But my childhood friend who knows all about equine nutrition said it was the best I could give her to help her build weight carefully, and my vet agreed.  As for the treats, well, I'll keep trying.  There's bound to be something she would like! 

I have an exciting update on the horses down the road.  Thanks to the donations from readers, I was able to have the vet out last week.  I stressed about having that stud colt gelded, because I was afraid we wouldn't be able to catch him since he hasn't been handled, and there is a huge pond in the mud pit where they reside and I was terrified he'd fall in it while awakening from sedation (sometimes horses will panic).  Even my vet was worried about this, wishing the colt wasn't so wild so that we could do the gelding at our place, which has cleaner, more open space for a surgery.  But things went smoothly, and he is no longer a stud!  Even the weather cooperated, not being as cold or rainy as it had been.  In addition, I had enough donations left over to do rabies vaccines for him and the older horse, as well as a Coggins test.  The vet said that they are looking much "less ribby" since the massive deworming (which was also thanks to your donations, readers).  So know that together, we have made a huge difference for these animals!  Being able to help these horses has been one of my happiest moments, thank you readers for your support


Sunnybrook Farm said...

Wow a horse that won't take treats, I thought it was a natural thing, Dusty even knows which pocket I keep them in. Sounds like they will all be running around by spring.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! You have such amazing readers.

Bas. said...

dat is nog eens heel mooi werk.

Nancy said...

How about an apple for Francie? Bless you for what you are doing, Lisa. xo

Monkeywrangler said...

Put some bits of carrot in your pocket with a handful of sweet feed for her. I bet she learns to like it.

Marie said...

I love this photo and your heart.


What a wonderful shot and story to go with it, how beautiful to read on a Monday - thank you!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Awww. She's getting lots of love now. I'm sure she'll figure out what treats are in no time. Your generous readers are awesome!

Jul said...

I've rescued a small number of horses that did not understand the "treat" concept. Cutting up carrots and apples and placing in sweet feed often results in the feed being sorted and the treats remaining. However, watching their buddy eat an apple out of my hand usually generates enough interest to get the idea, they try it and are hooked!

Sally said...

This is good news, and I'm so happy for the horses. You surely do have a huge heart, Lisa.


Slamdunk said...

I applaud you and your readers. What great work in helping.

Barbara said...

What a great update!! How amazing.

TexWisGirl said...

good news on the horses down the road!

my neighbor's mini-mules don't eat carrots - don't know what they are. i bet francie might like cut-up apples, though - especially if given in her sweet feed.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I'm so glad to hear the good news about Francie and the other horses! Maybe Francie will learn to like treats. Her biggest treat right now is being cared for by a loving person. :-)

Anonymous said...

Not all apples taste the same but horses usually will eat one. They also like a handful of oats.

mail4rosey said...

I love that all the cards are falling into place just right. And I love seeing the pictures you put up of Francie. Good luck with finding the right snack for her!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Francine will learn to like treats...perhaps she's just never been exposed to them. As for your angelic work on the horses and with the were blessed...:)JP

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hopefully she will start taking treats soon. How wonderful that you were able to take care of the horses down the road. Glad it went well.

Anonymous said...

This good news update is great to read on a Monday!

Out on the prairie said...

nice to hear good reports

Lynn said...

Very good news about the horses 'down the road'-poor little girl, things have happened so quickly for her, maybe she is still adjusting to all of your love and care, or maybe she is a just a non snacking kind of girl. I see she is still a wee thin but she does look more relaxed and what an adorable face!

Unknown said...

What an amazing turnaround, Lisa! I'm catching up after traveling over the Holidays. This is certainly great news!! Happy New Year!!!

Vision By Mila said...

That's what happens to mistreated animals, they forget or don't know at all how it is to enjoy treats. Sad.

Rob-bear said...

Thank you for sharing your great news about "the horses down the road." Folks have been really kind in helping you with that project.

Francie's lack of interest in treats is a bit disturbing. Perhaps she will catch on in a little while. I think if you keep loving her up, she will do just fine.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Rob-bear said...

P.S.: Does Francie like apples?

Gail Dixon said...

What great news on the horses down the road. Francie is in good hands and I hope she learns to accept treats and all the love you have to give her. My friend used to give her horse peppermints---don't know if that's advisable or even normal, but he did gobble them up when I was there.

Jenn Jilks said...

Good for you for rescuing. Such a challenge with unwanted and abused pets.
I watch a show about an animal rehab, and it it such a challenge.

(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Linda said...

Oh, that's good news! Sounds like you and your readers have done a great service to the horses.

I'll bet Francie will like treats eventually. She's probably still shy.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Pats on the back to you and folks who donated! After a lifetime of rescuing animals, people still continue to amaze me, good and bad. My vet cuts while the stud is standing - safer, cleaner, faster and safer recovery time. She's coming tomorrow morning at 7:30 to cut a barn cat for me. We'll operate on the kitchen table.

Michelle said...

You are doing some great work.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Thank you for updating us on all the horses!
We have a feeling someday Francie will get a liking to carrots and other goodies too.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
I am glad Francie, and the other horses down the road are doing much better than before.
Francie looks like a pretty painting in your photo.
You are an Angel, Lisa.
I am sure Francie will eventually take a treat from you when she begins to trust you -as time passes. Give her time, please! Well, I guess she might have been mistreated in the past, and her trust for humans could be low. Anyway, she will eventually trust you, and take a treat out of your hand. It happened to me too...
It's so hard for me to trust humans after they mistreated me so badly in the past. Yet, I still give the chance to make it better, if they wish to connect with me...
I was Offline and away for awhile, because there was a black out, power failure in the city where we live, so we did not have elevators nor electricity for a few weeks.
Now, they repaired the trouble.
Thanks God for His mercy on us!
God bless you, Lisa.
Blessings & Hugs,
Poet Starry.

Unknown said...

Aw. Maybe soon she will appreciate the treats. Maybe she was just not in the mood. Next time, I hope.

Harry Flashman said...

Animals are strange that way. I buy different ferret treats, because they don't all like the same things. I sure am glad the horses are doing well. Good news is rare these days, but always welcome.

Annsterw said...

Yea! I was so happy to help and know that it was going to something worthwhile and not being diverted to pay a ginormous salary...thank you for the opportunity to help! You have such a huge and amazing heart!!!!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Hooray! I'm so glad to hear the good update. I bet in time Francie will learn to love her treats more!

Maggid said...

YOU are so amazing! Thank you for the update(s) -

My dog companion - arrived with similar issues - she'd been severely
neglected for her first few years . . she did not know how to play and treats were completely foreign.

Still, we love them the best we know how - and they respond in amazing ways, don't they???

GardenOfDaisies said...

Thank you for making a difference in the lives of these horses. Sweet little Fancie... maybe someday she will learn to like treats like carrots.

Karen said...

Francie has such a pretty face!.. glad she's doing well.. and you are an angel to help the others down the road, as are your readers. GOod work, all.. especially you, Lisa. :-)

Unknown said...

Such great news about the horses down the road. And your sweet Francie... you're probably right but I know she loves all the attention she has now and you'll find another treat for her. When I rescued my mustang he didn't know carrots or peppermints and now... Well he's a profession treat taster of them :).

Anonymous said...

I seriously have no idea about what horses eat... but that horse is beautiful! I love to read about your farm life... makes me want to leave everything here and hop on and get a farm life for us! Someday :)