Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Park in Winter

On a recent chilly day we headed for some fun at the park.  It was in the low 40s, but windy, so it was pretty chilly when the sun wasn't out.  I guess the park wasn't expecting anyone to come visit, because we found huge mounds of mulch just waiting to be spread.

It turned out that playing on the mulch was just as fun as playing on the playground.

But they still got in plenty of climbing time.

Afterwards, we took a short hike to see a little waterfall.
As the wind picked up, we decided we'd had enough for the day.
I asked the boys if it was too cold to stop for ice cream cones on the way home.
They unanimously agreed it is never too cold for ice cream.
Readers, is it too cold for ice cream lately?


The Cranky said...

For me at this age? Yes. At theirs, or even yours? No way!

Bas. said...


jp@A Green Ridge said...

It is NEVER too cold for ice cream...even here!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

It hasn't been to cold here. Once a week the temps drop to freezing, but we have has really warm winter.

Nancy said...

40's? That would be called a heatwave here right now. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad they had a fun day. Never too cold for ice cream!!!

mail4rosey said...

I love that last picture!! And yep, it is pretty cold for ice cream, I'd say, but my kids wouldn't agree a bit. :)

Sunnybrook Farm said...

No it isn't too cold, it is 5 degrees this morning and if I had an ice cream cone, I would eat it for breakfast!

rayfamily said...

Looks like fun! It is never too cold for ice cream! I was just craving some yesterday. :)

Anonymous said...

I've been having ice cream this past week as an evening treat... probably why I haven't been sleeping well. All that sugar in it. BUT, it sure tastes good!

Barbara said...

I would have to agree. It's never too cold for ice cream!

Monkeywrangler said...

I say it is too cold for ice cream, but you would hear different from my Monkeys.

TexWisGirl said...

i went down the ice cream aisle just yesterday to see if it tempted me. nope, too cold. :)

Gail Dixon said...

Too cute. I am not an ice cream lover, but if I was, I think it'd be too cold for me right now. Typed as I sip on my warm cappuccino.

Sally said...

Nope, never too cold for ice cream. :)

Your boys are so precious; I love taking our little's to the park.


Out on the prairie said...

After playing in the cold, especially skating, I love to indulge.

Anonymous said...

We were just talking about how my kids eat MORE ice cream in winter than in summer. Weird.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Never too cold for ice cream. And never too old to consider an ice cream cone a treat! :-)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh never to cold for icecream:) Hug B

Rob-bear said...

Looks like you and the boys had a wonderful outing. But it sure doesn't look like winter. There's no snow! How can it possibly be winter with no snow? Looks more like a dreary extension of autumn.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Rob-bear said...

P.S.: Anytime is the right time for ice cream. Even when it is -40 outside. Just toss another log on the fire, sit down, and enjoy!

L.L.E said...

Looks like a GREAT, sunny day to spend outside! Ice-cream? Always!

Grandma Bonnie said...

We are still in the negatives here so its too cold for ice cream. I would eat ice cream in 40s though. I am glad the boys were able to get out had enjoy the fresh air and exercise. I have been cooped up too long with all this cold weather. I can hardly wait for spring.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Looks like they had fun! I haven't had ice cream in a while. I think when it dips below freezing it's too cold for ice cream for me anyway ;)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I agree. It's NEVER too cold for ice cream... ha ha

Looks like loads of fun --and such great exercise for the boys.


Lin said...

Good to get out of the house, isn't it? And top it off with ice cream??? It's a win-win, I'd say!

Endah Murniyati said...

Look as a sunny day. A nice time to play out door. But I'm sure, it must be so cold.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

The boys look sooo happy!

Unknown said...

Looks like you son made the most of the mulch.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Never too cold for ice cream!!!! I love your boys; they know how to have fun no matter what.

CailinMarie said...

I'm with the boys, it is never too cold for ice cream! great photos!

Jenn Jilks said...

Aren't they adorable?!

Linda said...

To me it's too cold. But my husband eats it all the time. He also drinks ice tea on icy days! B-r-r-r-r!

An Apel a Day said...

That looks like a pretty park!

We haven't had ice cream lately.