Friday, January 17, 2014

A Phrase That'll Make a Mom Stop in Her Tracks

1.  Another photographic find from my grandmother's photos.  A tiny child perched on the back of this gentle-hearted horse.  Surely he must've been a well-trusted animal for the parent to allow this boy on his back.
2.  Are there Blogger issues in paradise?  I've noticed recently some blogging friends have refollowed me.  Which made me curious as to whether my blog was no longer showing up in the feeds.  And then I wondered if some of the blogs I follow are no longer showing up in my feed.  Anyone know what's going on?
3.  A passing phrase that'll make a mom stop in her tracks:  "I'm thinking of making a chemical reaction..."  Wait.  What?  Pierce, get back here! 
4.  Someone asked if my treadmill has been fixed. Yes, happily, Paul was able to install the replacement parts, and I'm back in action.
5.  I have been thinking about reorganizing my pantry for months now.  It needs it desperately.  One of these days, maybe I'll actually get it done.  Just not today.
Linked with Nancy's Random Friday.  


Anonymous said...

I have project that will get done another day too.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Pierce needs that "boy's hand book of easy chemical reactions", maybe I can get a copy to him. lol

rayfamily said...

I love the old pictures. It is so fun to sift through them and figure out who is in them and what was happening at the time. I have some of my grandparents from the dust bowl, oh how I wish I could quiz them now about it!

Kerri Farley said...

Wow..... I think it's cool that Pierce is thinking of Chemical Reactions! What a smart boy!
I'm with you on that pantry reorganizing....I need to do that to my entire HOUSE!

Nancy said...

That's a wonderful photo -- maybe you could duplicate it with Pierce at the helm of one of your horses? :)

Maggid said...

I see great photos run in your family, hm? Like this a lot.

You are doing something right when your children use phrases like that.

Is there a magic spell to eliminate clutter??? (arguh.)

Out on the prairie said...

we used to like getting into the spice rack and developing experiments so that gave me a good laugh

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That's a great photo! He is a small child, but he looks very comfortable on the horse.

Yes, I would be worried if I heard "chemical reaction" come out of my child's mouth too. :-)

It sounds like Paul is really good at repair and building.

I've had issues with Blogger off and on. Blogs don't all show up when they are first posted, but hours later. I don't know what's going on.

Anonymous said...

Really a nice photo. It makes us stop and think about the child and the horse. The scene.

Sandra said...

What a great photo. I live old family photos, they are such a treasure! Have a great weekend!

Bas. said...

Een heerlijke foto een prachtig paard en een kind dat zich een cowboy waant.

Anonymous said...

Kids and their experiments...gotta love them!
No idea about blogger. Sometimes I need to "reboot" but I haven't noticed anything too unusual.

An Apel a Day said...

I just reorganized my baking cupboard. It so needed it. I've been adding coconut flour, brown rice flour, raw seeds, and it was all over the place!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

my issue with blogger the last few days is commenting ... if you don't scroll down to the very last part of the commenting section it will not scroll any farther ... so i have to write my comment, copy it & return to that comment section again. it is a real pain if they have that enter a word before i can comment. it is very tough. not sure what is wrong??!

sure hope your issue will be better asap. i noticed your horse watching you run - that is a cute shot. ( :

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your boys are the funniest!
I've noticed fewer comments lately, so I'm wondering if my blog isn't showing up or perhaps people hate me.
HA. :)
I need to clean out my pantry too; it's always something!

Slamdunk said...

Great photo. Yes, there was some definite trust involved.

With blogger, I have noticed any specific issues. I can say that updating my blogger feed a couple of years ago was a pain. It would not allow me to remove dead blogs and update my feed (even though it said it updated). One solution was to create another blogger account and then refollow the blogs I really wanted to read--thus removing the others. Maybe some of that is going on.

Enjoy your weekend.


What a sweet, sweet shot! I've actually had tons of problems with blogger lately too - feeds not refreshing, unable to leave comments on other blogs (and v.v.), unable to even sign in! Something is up, for sure!

TexWisGirl said...

laughed at pierce's statement, and yay for treadmill!

Michelle said...

I've been thinking about reorganizing the laundry room for a couple of months now. Funny...I just keep thinking about it and not doing it! lol

Tanya Breese said...

what a great photo and that horse does look very gentle! ha, that phrase would get my attention too! have a great weekend :) oh, i don't know about blogger issues but one problem i'm having today commenting is the little scroll bar isn't working, i have to enlarge the page so i can post a comment...don't know if that's just me or blogger!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, fun in the pantry time! Can't wait to see photos!!

mail4rosey said...

hahahahhaahaha on the chemical reaction. :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

I'd keep an eye on Pierce! LOL
Love the old photo.
I'm having fits with blogger; I will try to be patient and wait for them to get things corrected!

Have a nice weekend.

Gail Dixon said...

I suspect something is going on with Blogger, but I can't put my finger on it. Pierce's statement made me lol. There's never a dull moment with little boys. :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Blogger must have seen what I had first wouldn't let me publish it to your comments!...:)JP

Unknown said...

Literally laughing my butt off right now..."chemical reaction" ! Priceless!

Anonymous said...

I love that picture! And yes those words would stop me in my tracks too :) I have started following you via Bloglovin and posts shows up alright :)

Harry Flashman said...

I don't really understand feeds and following, but I can tell you that your blog is on my blog roll. It updates when you do a new post on your blog.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

A chemical reaction? Yikes! That would make me stop in my tracks as well. I think Pierce may be a little too smart for his own good ;)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

we think blogger has some issues for sure

Barbara said...

I quite literally laughed when I got to #3. Ah the joys of being a boy mom, right?

White Lace and Promises said...

I'm ready to make a trip to Blue Ridge!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I haven't had time to visit blogs until this evening and it is giving me fits! I don't know what is wrong with it. Pierce is so funny...

Linda said...

Uh oh, Pierce is one of those smart kids who likes to experiment with science! You'll have your hands full keeping up with him.

Endah Murniyati said...

I guess it's really wise and nice horse

Jenn Jilks said...

I'm resolved to taking it easy this month, for various reasons. You have enough on your plate with kiddies about! Enjoy them. No worries!
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Sally said...

Love the photo!

Pierce reminds me of Hunter at that age. :)

Grandma Bonnie said...

That's a beautiful photo! Lol, chemical reaction, you have your hands full with raising boys. I can really relate I had 3 boys and 1 girl. with one girl she had to be a tom boy just to survive.

Marie said...

I gave my treadmill away and now I'm getting a stationary bike. :)

Unknown said...

I love that photo. I am with you on the reorganizing my pantry, I need to do that too.

Michaele said...

Glad you got your treadmill back. I have one out in the shop that needs fixed. No husband around here so no treadmill I guess : (

Chatty Crone said...

Well the one I can identify with is the cleaning of the kitchen pantry - I just did mine - I was shocked at what I had in there! sandie

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Foto Espectacular....

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Foto Espectacular....

Lin said...

Blogger always has some glitch or another, but I didn't notice anything other than commenting issues lately.

I just realized that I didn't follow you, I just had you in my bookmarks. Took care of that just now. :)

Unknown said...

Hey, that's great news about the treadmill, Lisa!

Angela said...

I would love to take everything out of my pantry and then put it back all organized and all. I have a big walk in pantry and it is a total mess right now! I am also somewhat of an hoarder of food too! lol You have to be when you are stuck at home for a few days because of water crisis' and now winter storms! lol I'm almost out of milk but hey I have powdered milk for just in case! lol I'm prepared. You have to be when you live where I live.