Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Bracelet Man

Even if you don't have kids, you've probably seen the whole Rainbow Loom craze that is going around.  I've seen numerous posts and instagram pics on the topic.  I started thinking that Pierce might like to try his hand at the bracelet making process.  When you think about it, it's not that far off from Lego building.  It uses that same pattern-making thinking process. 

I didn't have much time the day I went to buy one, and the store I went to only had a knock-off brand.  I bought it anyway, which was kind of a mistake because the instructions were awful. Fortunately, there are tons of videos online.  Unfortunately, our internet connection is too slow to watch them.  Fortunately, I had an Amazon gift card, and ordered the kid a book of patterns. 

Pierce took to the Rainbow Loom like nothing I've ever seen before.  He made bracelets for his family.  He made bracelets for his teachers.  He made bracelets for his friends.  He said, "I LOVE MAKING BRACELETS!".  And then he said, "you can now call me Bracelet Man". 

Okay, Bracelet Man, just remember to put away your laundry after you're done making bracelets, alright?

Readers, did you love to make crafts as a kid?


The Cranky said...

Crafts, no, unless you count things like mud pies, lol. Now I'm trying to make up for lost time.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like he really loves it. What a great fine motor activity!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

We made pot holders (kitchen pots) when we were in school. It is neat to make things like that.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Bracelet Man is a natural. Love that. Hug B

Annsterw said...

That's hilarious!!! He is a cute bracelet man!

Monkeywrangler said...

wow! My girls have the looms too, and love it. They got started by the neighbor girls next door, and both received looms at Christmas. They keep bugging me to log onto youtube so they can watch new bracelet patterns.

LisaS said...

Oh this is cute!!

Barbara said...

Bracelet Man! It sounds like he really loves it! How cute that he made gifts for everyone. I'm sure they loved it.

Anonymous said...

Tell Bracelet Man that Mr. G and Mr. B love that, too. They don't have a kit, but scored some rubber bands and broke the 2 inside tines off a plastic fork and make their own here;)

Anonymous said...

Tell Bracelet Man that Mr. G and Mr. B love that, too. They don't have a kit, but scored some rubber bands and broke the 2 inside tines off a plastic fork and make their own here;)

Unknown said...

A very good activity; I well remember making the pot holders, so this must be the current thing. Two of my granddaughters have one and there are bracelets everywhere.

Jeanne said...

How fun and looks as if he loves it. It reminds me of something that was very popular when I was a kid. I remember making a million potholders for all of my relatives.

mail4rosey said...

My kids all love crafts, and my daughter is the bracelet girl. ;)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Bracelet Man is so cute! And that's so sweet that he makes bracelets for others. That's a really neat, creative activity. I haven't seen those looms. Do you wind the bands around in different patterns?

Gail Dixon said...

So sweet. I used to make pot holders using some sort of loom like this. I also embroidered and cross stitched when I was younger.

Sandy said...

My girls love making bracelets! I remember making some crafts as a kid. I had a loom to make scarves and I also loved making pot holders.

Unknown said...

What a handsome bracelet man you have there. Crafting is great! So good for focus, fine motor and then you get something hopefully awesome when done. How is your Francie doing? We just got a donkey eeeek so excited!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Way to go, Bracelet Man! I love that he is so into making bracelets. I used to make jewelry when I was younger and it was a lot of fun.

Sally said...

How cute is that, and making bracelets for everyone is pretty darn special. :)

TexWisGirl said...

that's cute.

i had one of those homemade 'knitting' things with the nails that you weaved around with yarn. and i made candles for a while.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

OH How neat... I love those things... I never made bracelets back in the 'day' --but we made pot holders galore!!!!! ha

You have a smart young man.

Bas. said...

prachtig,heerlijk om hem zo bezig te zien.

Stephanie Faris said...

I think it's wonderful that there's something that encourages creativity that's become that popular. My niece is into those. I think they've been around several years, though, haven't they? Or maybe it was something else...I remember my stepdaughter being into something with making bracelets when she was around 10 or so.

Chatty Crone said...

I think it is wonderful. I have seen them at the store - but alas no experience with them. sandie

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hmmm I wonder if that is something Mia would like? I think it is so thoughtful of him making and doing for others; reminds me of his Mom!!...:)JP

Sharon Wagner said...

If it was my house the bracelets would be prime cat toys/forbidden food. That tray looks pretty fun and colorful. What a cool activity.

Unknown said...

Yup. I not only loved making crafts as a kid, I love doing it as an adult. There is nothing more fun then being creative. Although we have not gotten into the whole rainbow loom :(

Michelle said...

Nice to see your son working on this. I did a lot of crafts as a kid and my mom really encouraged it.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad he is enjoying it. It will certainly keep him busy.

Angela said...

The bracelet man is doing a really good job at it! I'm not sure if I could do it. I did make potholders when I was a kid but my daughter wasn't interested in it when I got her one for Christmas a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Really sweet that he wants to share with everyone. Love the name...Bracelet Man!!!

Slamdunk said...

Go Pierce. Obviously, I need to get out more as I missed the Rainbow Loom craze.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

How fun is that! Its a perfect idea and his mind is already creative!
It looks like fun! real fun!

Vision By Mila said...

What's that Rainbow thingy? I haven't heard of it yet. Looks like something I would have a lot of fun with! Good for him, that he loves making bracelet, there you have, a possible jewelry designer in the house!

Unknown said...

I had to laugh at Sunnybrook Farm's statement, because when we guys were Pierce's age, we made post holders using a sort of loom frame. We then charged 3 dollars selling them shamelessly door to door in our neighborhood! This was before anyone knew Bill Gates of Microsoft. But we felt as clever as Bill, and proudly sold all but one! :)

Endah Murniyati said...

It's a nice activity, so useful. And for me it's really lovely. A good bracelet man

Nancy said...

Lil' entrepreneur that Pierce! :)

Tanya Breese said...

haha "bracelet man"!! look at those little hands go! a little girl the boys know was trying to raise money for her travel ball team and made a bunch to sell. i ordered a couple. she really made some moola!

Michaele said...

I have soused not having little girls around to make these. I really do want one : ). Love that box full of bands.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I've seen little kids making these….what a great invention! Bracelet man made me smile today; thanks for that!
My favorite crafts as a kid were making mud pies. :0

Anonymous said...

*You can call me Bracelet man* - so so adorable! You have inspired me to try this with Aarya :)