Friday, January 10, 2014

On the Tracks - Random Friday

1.  Another picture from the photo album at my grandmother's house.  I love everything about it - the rustic building to the left, the expressions on their faces, and the train tracks.  My grandmother said the guy in the middle is "Uncle Tom", and that he was quite the ladies' man.  Again, this is likely from the 1940s.
2.  Paul was up in the woods chopping wood, and a log rolled onto a recent deer carcass.  I guess it got away from a hunter.  Or else someone was poaching (we are not hunters and do not allow hunting on our land).  At any rate, Paul decided he wanted the antlers for decoration, and he did this really barbaric thing and cut off the deer's head.  Reid saw him carrying the head back and said, "Dad, why did you cut off the reindeer's head?"  I'm pretty sure Santa is going to be MAD when he finds out.

3.  During a recent head cold, I talked to the pharmacist and was convinced to stop buying the stuff on the shelf and spring for the stuff behind the counter.  The 'good stuff' involves having your license scanned and electronically signing documents.  I felt like a criminal for buying that Sudafed, but boy does it ever work better than the stuff in the aisles! 

4.  It's been almost a year since my last haircut.  My hair is looking pretty awful.  Haircuts are a luxury, though, so I don't get it cut very often.  I'm trying to decide if I just want to trim up all the mess when I go, or if I want to donate this time around.  I really hate my hair short, so I'm tempted to trim it and keep growing.

5.  Time for me to stop procrastinating and go get on the treadmill for a run.  What are you up to today, readers?

Linked with Random Friday at A Rural Journal


Bas. said...

wat heerlijk om zo even terug in de tijd te zijn.

The Cranky said...

I'm chuckling at my lopsided Xmas wreath; as a crafter I make a good cook!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Neat photo, it looks like a mining area to me or some sort of little factory where they needed small track to transport wood or heavy stuff. I will be working today looking at old photos.
School is 2 hours late at 34 degrees.

Anonymous said...

I love the old photo! That's funny about Santa's reindeer! Hope you guys have a good weekend.

Jill of All Trades said...

I LOVE that photo! It is quite awesome!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

do you ever cut your own hair? i do. my hubby use to go to the stylist & then i started cutting it myself ... saves a bunch of doe over the year. money we could buy something else with.

do you ever got the natural way for colds? that is one reason the hubby goes for that. he hates having to give his info at the store. thanks it is nuts. he did do it once when we had to go on a flight though. i never feel they do for me. i have had issues with my sinuses all my life. & feel it downfall after what i take is enough to keep me from taking them at all. they make me feel more clear & able to breathe but then later on it is terrible. ( :

i love the track shot. so neat! is your family from the line of train workers? my mom's family are tobacco farmers. i love history.

Anonymous said...

Hair. BAH! It's always been my enemy. Not sure I like the longer hair on myself, but it's easier to deal with when you can just toss it into a clip...I understand your dislike for shorter hair. I say just trim it.

Out on the prairie said...

had a hard time getting up, the covers felt too soft

Snap said...

love the old photo. Ruh ro ... trouble at the North Pole ... not the reindeer's head! I take black elderberry extract when I have a cold ... liquid or capsule. It really does seem to help. Happy Friday

mail4rosey said...

That is a cool looking photo.

I didn't get a haircut for year either, and I'm not doing that anymore. Way too many split ends. I set up the 8 week appt. the day I got my last haircut so I'd be compelled to return on time. :)

Linda said...

Love the white, white shoes in the old photo! And cutting hair is always a dilemma. Mine needs a good chop, too. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

An Apel a Day said...

1. I love that photo!
2. Poor reindeer. It sounds like something Isaak would say. Sad, yet hilarious.
3. I know what you mean. I had to buy something showing my ID last year. I felt ready to be handcuffed.
4. I wait that long for haircuts to.
5. I'm printing like mad for my classes that start next week.

Anne Payne said...

I love old photos! Very cool :)
Ugh on the deer's head. But funny about Santa. Haircuts are so expensive! I go once a year or so to get mine trimmed. I'm reading today and writing reviews since I worked my fanny off yesterday cleaning out old homeschool materials.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing what you need to show ID for these days...what a drag.
What a great picture. That guy does look like a ladies' man:)

TexWisGirl said...

oh dear on the reindeer! :)

the old photo is greatness.

Charade said...

I love the old photo. Looks like a coal yard for powering something. How the one woman kept those shoes so white just walking to her perch is fun to contemplate. I'm writing a novel that includes a gandy dancer on the transcontinental railroad, so I'm attracted to all things RR. Thanks for posting it.

Gail Dixon said...

Your child is not likely to forget the deer head image for a long time. I'm going on three months with no hair cut and trying to see how much longer I can go. Bought organic shampoo and that has helped.

Rob-bear said...

Sorry to hear of the dead deer. Poaching in your property. Having hunters around can be pretty frightening.

Loved the family pictures. Great to have those roots.

Today, we're doing some painting. I'm also putting away th Christmas CDs, and getting out something else.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Chatty Crone said...

Well he is recycling the antlers.
Does the stuff behind the counter work better for allergies?
Locks of love is a great program, but one you have to decide for yourself on. I couldn't do it.
And how is your water there? Are you in Virginia or W. Virginia?

Love, sandie

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I love that old photo. I can imagine all kinds of stories. I have a lot of old photos that I need to scan and archive.

Larry gets the stuff behind the counter for his allergies. Such a hassle, but it is the only thing that helps him.

I am waiting at the pharmacy right now for antibiotics. I have another ear infection and doc said the ear drum is pushed aside by fluid. No wonder it hurts. Sigh.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Love that old picture too.

Oh boy Dad and Santa's reindeer :(
There's one for the books...:)

Marie said...

I'm the same way about my hair. I'm 44 and I think my hair should be shorter, but hubby says no way! lol

Michaele said...

That old photo is fantastic!!

L.L.E said...

What did Paul end up doing with the antlers?

Hear you on the hair cuts....I haven't had mine cut since last April. IT SOOOO need a trim. I just keep wearing it curly so it's not so noticeable.

What a treasure that photo is! Have a great weekend :)

L.L.E said...

What did Paul end up doing with the antlers?

Hear you on the hair cuts....I haven't had mine cut since last April. IT SOOOO need a trim. I just keep wearing it curly so it's not so noticeable.

What a treasure that photo is! Have a great weekend :)

Ida said...

Old photo's like that are so cool.
I generally get my hair cut about twice a year. I have thin, fine hair and would really like to find a style that's cute yet easy to care for.
What a funny comment about the "reindeer" head.

diane said...

I just LOVE old family photos .. they are priceless!!! Priceless!!
Where are the antlers now?
We are going to get rain tomorrow with temps in the 50's. Beats the single digit #s we've been getting!!
Happy New Year!
diane @ aug's blog

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Another great pic and yes, he does look like a flirt! Tell Paul that I agree, Santa is going to be mad!!! I knew the better cold meds are kept under lock and key because of all the drug abuse and kids getting high
using that stuff!...:)JP

Barbara said...

Oh I hope Santa doesn't put him on the naughty list. I know how you feel about the hair. It is so expensive to go to a salon here, even for a trim so I only do it once a year. Definitely a luxury item.

Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies said...

For my allergies, I had to upgrade to the stuff behind the counter. Now I too feel like a criminal.

Nonnie said...

I love vintage photos! All the people in this one are quite good looking. I wouldn't want to explain to a child about the deer head!

Anonymous said...

I finally got my haircut after months of waiting and ignoring it. It feels so much better.

Sarah Huizenga said...

I use to work in a pharmacy, and yes the stuff behind the counter actually works.

Nancy said...

Wondering why Paul didn't just saw off the antlers? Or did he want the full skull?

I haven't been for a hair cut in years... I do need a trim.

Unknown said...

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the photo from the 40s. They don't make them like they used to. Those were hard working people.

Sally said...

Love the photo! :)

Harry Flashman said...

Don't be making any biker meth with that sudafed now! ;-)

Rose said...

I love that old pic....

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I love that old photo. And #2 kind of cracked me up. I would have wanted the antlers though too. I haven't had a haircut in a long time either. I donated my hair early last year and haven't had it cut since. It's getting a little unruly!

Endah Murniyati said...

Nice old photograph. Your son is so funny

Linda said...

Wonderful photo! Exquisite.

You ask what we are doing today. I wanted to work on my old photos but my husband insisted we work on our wills. Aack!

We made some progress but did not finish.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We love old photos too.. they really tell a story of how it was,,, and it was sooo different then---from now.

Annette said...

Sudafed works great! I hope you're feeling better. I love the old picture; there's something to be said for that time period--I think we lived by simpler values back then. Oh, and the comment about the reindeer--classic! My son would think the exact same thing. Enjoy your weekend!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love the photo!

Jenn Jilks said...

I did 30 min. on the elliptical! Then spent an hour trying to clear off the steps. The ice is terrible.
It was all good exercise!
I love the old photo.
Good luck with the hair decision. I cut mine short after I finished high school (1974!).
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

I Am Woody said...

I absolutely love old photographs. I have one that is a treasure of my great-great-grandmother. She looks like the most miserable, angry person ever! I'm sure it had plenty to do with the uncomfortable looking clothing she had on for the photo :)

Tiggeriffic said...

Love the old picture.. I have several of my Mom's family pictures.. Just love the clothes, the hair styles ...
I'm getting my hair cut.. I used to have long hair and loved it but I just can't seem to get it long again. It gets past my collar and I get impatient and cut it back short..
Have a Tiggeriffic Day~!~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Willow said...

That old picture is fantastic.
Oh my Santas' reindeer . Your kids are always so cute.

Lin said...

I really hate the fact that if I want to buy medicine or Draino, I have to produce an i.d. I'm sure the "bad guys" aren't doing that, are they?

Michelle said...

Poor Reid!

Connie in Hartwood said...

My non-hunter brother did that same thing once, to a roadkill carcass on the side of I-66 in northern Virginia. He's a contractor and had all sorts of cutting tools at his disposal. Eeewwww.

About the Sudafed thing: I tell everyone who will listen to go to the pharmacy counter to get the REAL stuff that works. I had a pharmacist tell me once that the replacement can't-make-meth-from-it decongestant that's out on the shelves is almost as effective as the cardboard box it comes in.

Unknown said...

The old photo you've shared is amazing, as I copied over 200 from my parent's collection for my own Family History Photo Book. Glad that you are experiencing relief from the Sudafed too! Happy New Year, Lisa!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I adore that photo….just amazing!
Ewwww on the poor dear; I do hope Santa isn't too mad at your family. LOL!
How long is your hair? I used to go every six months for a haircut, but since I keep it shorter, I'm there every 3 months; yes, very expensive!!!