Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Thing 1 and Thing 2 - A Balancing Act

A milder than usual winter's day (week before last, it's much to cold for this right now!) led to a walk in the woods.  There, I found Thing 1 and Thing 2.

Thing 1 and Thing 2 found a fallen log.

Nature's Playground
Yes, we were thankful for a milder day or two.

While waiting for Spring to come.

Readers, are you doing any balancing acts lately?


  1. I am trying to balance work, home, and helping my mom. I don't think I look as cute doing my balancing as the guys do.

  2. I like those outfits, They will probably want shirts like that when in high school.

    It was one degree above zero a little before 7. That is plenty cold but we still have time for zero. No school at least, the time to go out and bust water is quickly arriving though.

  3. Lots of balancing here Lisa but not near as adorable as those two adorable things:) Hug B

  4. Those two things you pictured, balancing on a log, look like they're having fun. Wonderful!

    It's bracing and invigorating in the land of the Bear. We're -24C today (that's -11 in your terms). More snow last night, but the temperature is up 10 degrees C from yesterday. It's a balancing act on whether to go out, or to stay home in front of the fire. My friend and I are scheduled to have out weekly coffee chat in a couple of hours, and I think that's still happening.

    Please be careful in the chilly weather!

    Blessings and warm Bear hugs!

  5. Oh so cute.. Glad you had some mild weather to be able to take them to God's playground.. Fallen logs are the best to walk across..sometimes it's a little scary..
    No balancing here...just trying to stay warm and keep inside because of the warning that are being broadcasted.....only go outside if you have to... 2nd day of no school for the kids..
    Have a blessed day~! ta ta for now from freezing cold Iowa:)

  6. Those two Things you found are adorable! Such cute outfits too. I'm trying to balance but it's not an easy act! :-)

    With this frigid cold, I hope you got your treadmill fixed!

  7. Your boys are so cute! ( My kids dressed as Things 1 and 2 one year for Halloween. ) Every day is a balancing act, isn't it, as we try to take care of work, home, husband, kids, and all the other things that tug at us. Knowing when to step away, and when to say "no" have helped.

  8. aw sweet photos! you have to frame those!

  9. what fabulous shots, those hats are something I'd love to wear, I wonder do they make them for old ladies ;-), just look at those two adorable faces!

  10. They are precious as can be. Great series! Funny, I have a future post titled Balancing Acts, but it's about birds. Ha!

  11. Always a juggling act here... love those two cuties. Great photos!

  12. Too cute! Love the thing1 thing2 shirts too. I might have to make a set of Monkey Shirts (Monkey1, 2, and 3.)

  13. Great photos! Walks in the woods are the best! On mild days, that is. :). Stay warm back there.

  14. Hello Lisa,
    Funny shots of these fantastic kids. So nice with their funny bonnets.

    Best regards,

  15. They are adorable!

  16. These pictures are just the cutest! ;)
    xo TJ


  17. Thing 1 and Thing 2 is a great thing or two to come across in the woods. Especially when they're cute like those Thing 1's and 2. :)

  18. They are so cute with their shirts and hats!

    I took the day off yesterday because the boys had a snow day. Now I'm behind.

  19. They are adorable. I remember walking on logs, brick walls etc. when I was young....can't do that these days!

  20. Your pictures are amazing!!
    I'm still trying to balance life - back to school, back to daycare, back to work.

  21. So cute!

    Well, I'm trying to balance getting back into a somewhat normal routine while dealing with an extended Christmas break. We've had what seems like the break that never ends, with two weeks + a snow day (extreme cold day, rather) for Liv's break. Hard to get into routine when there's nothing routine about extended days off.

  22. I love this, Baby Girl! Mia loves walking through the woods and discovering treasures!...:)JP

  23. We are putting our house up for sale - buying a new one - Kelly may have to change where she is teaching - we are going to change schools for Andy - and my whole world is a balancing act right now.

    I do love those two cuties though.


  24. What cute little things you found while out walking! I'm always balancing...not too well this first week...but I'm on a roll now!

  25. they look so cute with the funny hats

  26. What a wonderful happy day, and they are both so cute!

  27. You all have the right idea (well, as you said last week at least).

    Balance is not an issue right now being between semesters, but if I tried to answer your question in a couple of weeks, I would offer a more frazzled response.

  28. Ahhhh---love it, Lisa.. Such adorable shirts and adorable little boys… Brings back memories of me taking my sons when they were little for a hike…. SO SPECIAL.

  29. What cute captures. I LOVE their hats.
    Yes, everyday is a balancing act. :)

  30. Those "things" make my heart sing! Love them. :)


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