Friday, February 28, 2014


1.  Week before last, we got a huge snow.  Twenty inches.  We weren't thinking ahead.  We should've moved our cars to the bottom of the driveway.  We didn't.  Of course, at the bottom of the driveway is the old truck...which doesn't even run.  Go figure.
2.  I was thankful we never lost electricity.  Particularly since Cort was having some asthma issues, and needed his nebulizer. 

3.  We had plenty of food and chocolate.  Important things when you're snowed in for a few days.

4.  Paul finally dug his car out after Saturday arrived, and I had work paperwork due in town at 10:00 am.  His car had been stuck in the driveway for a day - even though it has four wheel drive.

5.  Snow can be fun, but I'd be just fine if we didn't get any more this winter.  It is, after all, going to be March tomorrow.

Linked with Random Friday at A Rural Journal


Sunnybrook Farm said...

For the first time we put Debbie's car at the top of our hill, not that we went anywhere for days but in an emergency we at least had a chance to get out from that point. I don't need any more snow for another year.

MastHoliday said...

What the snow!!! nice picture.

Nancy said...

Wow -- that's incredible! I do hope this next storm misses you.

Monkeywrangler said...

We'd be happy to take some of that moisture here in DFW if you are tired of it. Doesn't have to be in frozen form either--rain would be just fine!

Montanagirl said...

That's a beautiful snowy shot. We have zero degrees this morning, but not nearly the snow that you have!

Out on the prairie said...

They said 6-12 inches by the end of the weekend here. First thing I will do today is fill up my snow blower.

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

Were getting more snow this weekend - cabin fever has officially set in. Hurry spring!

mail4rosey said...

I love March!! We've got three babies born that month. ;)

That's a lot of snow you got. We've got a 2hr delay today for cold. Brr.

Anonymous said...

I know you guys are ready for the snow to stop! I did not realize that Cort has asthma. Most all of my great nieces have asthma.

Wishing you guys a nice weekend. Have fun.

Bas. said...

Dat ziet er wel heel heftig uit.

TexWisGirl said...

winter sure is hanging on and on this year - even in texas. another hard freeze night before last, and more expected by sunday - with 70s in between.

Sandra said...

I am boycotting winter :)
Chocolate on the other hand.... :)

Melanie said...

Glad that you didn't lose electricity! You did have the omportant things, chocolate and food!

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad you kept the power on. It's insufferable when it's cold to not have power.

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad you kept the power on. It's insufferable when it's cold to not have power.

Jeanne said...

My goodness, it does look like you have had enough snow already! Lovely shot though, but bet you have way enough snow shots for this year already. Are your boys enjoying it though?? Glad your electric stayed on. We have a generator for when our electric is off... runs emergency stuff and some heat if needed. They are pretty handy when you can't get out.

Sally said...

Oh goodness gracious, Lisa! That's a pile of snow. Glad you guys had food and power.

Lynn said...

Goodness I think you are all due Spring!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is a lot of snow!!!!
You may want to invest in a small travel nebulizer. They are not very expensive and you can plug it into a car in case your power goes out! Hopefully Spring is right around the corner.....

Buttons Thoughts said...

Wow it looks like Canada there:) Oh that is a lot of snow. I am so glad Cort is OK. Hug B

Gail Dixon said...

Gosh, that's a ton of snow! And here I am complaining about our weather. I'll shut up now. :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I'm glad you didn't lose power! Does the cold air bother Cort's asthma? It does mine.

I would love one more good snow. :-)

Vision By Mila said...

We're having extremely mild weather for what it should really be, but no complaints from my side!

Chatty Crone said...

I think you have had enough snow too! Die winter die! sandie

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You should see if there's a way for you scan your paperwork and email it...just in case! We're getting more this weekend...I'm heading to my sons to watch Mia...:)JP

Inger said...

That buried truck says it all. I hope the boys enjoyed some of the snow at least.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

wow, that sounds like an interesting time. i remember as a kid being stuck at home. but we were safe. nowadays folks just don't stay home??! wish more folks could work from home. ( :

they are calling for more snow this weekend. will you guys get any? i will keep ya posted ..

Michelle said...

We are supposed to get ice Sunday night. I am so over winter.

Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies said...

That is a lot of snow. Makes me think twice about complaining about our snow falls. Glad you had enough chocolate on hand. Definitely important!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

sometimes there just isn't enough time to think!

Damon said...

i like your blog a lot
+follow :)

Angela said...

You'll have to admit though that the snow was pretty! We are supposed to get an ice storm Sunday night!!!! Yikes!!!! They are already saying they expect school closings and delays for the first 3 days. My kids have only went to school for one solid full week 1 time since Christmas Vacation! They were calling for heavy rain the other day which made me think we'd be flooded in but now it's ice and snow.

~~~jennifer~~~ said...

Love your photo. The vehicle I drove around for the first couple years after I got my license was an old Chevy truck very similar to the one in your pic. Hopefully the snow goes away soon & stays away until next winter.

Endah Murniyati said...

Oh no... a very thick snow. I hope your family stay safe. Keep warm

rayfamily said...

Hopefully we will have a glorious spring, I'd say we all deserve it!

Aodhnait said...

I can only imagine what it is like to live somewhere that much snow can fall.

I feel lucky to live in Ireland with our moderate weather.

Jenn Jilks said...

What a dump of snow! You folks aren't particularly prepared for this, are you?! What a mess.
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Linda said...

We are supposed to get more snow on Sunday night. I could do without it!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
Oh! Wooww!
It looks like the Winter does not
want to go this year...
Snow is pretty in pictures only.
I prefer Spring Time with flowers
blooming, and colours blending with blue sky landscapes.
It seems like your boys are having
lots of fun playing in the snow.
The igloo looks nice with one of
your sons peeping out the door.
I am sure your husband had lots
of work shoveling the snow out
of his truck...
Have a great week ahead, Lisa!
March has begun, and I am looking
for better days ahead.
Warm Hugs,

Rob-bear said...

Think of it this way: you've now got lots of extra insulation around the outside of your house.

I can understand if you're not really thrilled by that. Happy digging.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Harry Flashman said...

Snow can be fun, but if you are snowed in and have a medical emergency it can be frightening. We used to park our vehicles down at a church on the hard surface road before a snow storm. But then we had to walk several miles to get to them. Now we just stay home.

Anonymous said...

Losing power would have been terrible. I am so glad it stayed on.

Stephanie Faris said...

It's just been cold here. For some reason, the snow always skirts around Nashville, which is fine with me! Even a light dusting on the roads here shuts the entire town down. Hopefully this is the last of winter and spring is on the way.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my snowiness. That is crazy….I just can't imagine having to worry about getting a vehicle out.
Spring is almost here….

Roan said...

We didn't get 20 inches at one time, but it has been the worst winter since I moved back in 2005. Really tired of seeing white. I promise to appreciate spring more this year.

Unknown said...

Lisa: Even though I have family back in the Midwest, I cannot even begin to imagine what you guys have endured. Glad too that your electric stayed on and I send you my best wishes for the approaching Spring to arrive--sooner than later!

Eat To Live said...

We are suppose to have a huge snow coming our way today... so far not so bad. Hope it misses us.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi, We are home from a wonderful trip to Arkansas with friends. Photos tomorrow!!!!!

Hope you have had a great week. WOW--you really got slammed this time. Most of the snows have missed us this year except for a couple of small ones... It's been a crazy winter. Glad you didn't lose your electricity.


Maggid said...

Chocolate! How could i have forgotten that??

An Apel a Day said...

We've gotten very little snow for Nebraska this year. I think Kansas City has been hit harder than we have.

I'm glad you got your vehicle out!

Anonymous said...

Are you, like us, getting snow today? I think we are at about 3 inches so far.

born imaginative. said...

Snow is quite annoying now...but that picture of the truck is beautiful! Frame worthy.