Friday, February 7, 2014

He Looks Like Who?

1.  Another photo from my grandmother's house.  I don't know who these people are.  But I like the picture.  The dog, taking the inopportune scratch.  The costume.  The big cheesy grin with the knee socks.  And the amused mother.  They look like a fun bunch, don't they?  I'd venture to say they look like the sort of family that would be happy even off camera, don't you think?

2.  You know Cort, right?  The twin with the brown eyes and the curly hair?  Well apparently the teachers at his new preschool think he looks like Heath Ledger.  I confess that though I'd heard the name, I wasn't quite sure who Heath Ledger was.  I had to google it.  Then I was like, oh that guy!  Well - maybe the curly hair is similar?

3.  Obviously, I don't have much time for watching tv and movies.  Did you know we don't watch tv?  We get zero channels.  We watch dvds sometimes, but that's it.  I much prefer reading.

4.  I saw an egret the other day in a stream.  Betting he's really regretting his decision not to migrate this winter. 

5.  I found a protein shake I like!  Normally they gross me out.  I've never been a milk drinker, and the thickness of protein shakes creeps me out.  But I adore the Bolthouse Farms salted caramel latte protein shakes.  They are in the produce section.  They taste like creamy coffee lattes.  Unfortunately, they are kind of pricey, but sometimes I find them on clearance and then I buy them and savor every sip.

Linked with Nancy's Random Friday.


The Cranky said...

We don't watch the telly either, primarily because there isn't much we care to watch...although we will watch movies on occasion.

That does look like a very happy family, and Heath Ledger? Not seeing it...

Unknown said...

Beautiful photo!!

Anonymous said...

We had robins in our yard last week when it snowed. I think they regretted getting here early.

rayfamily said...

That's a cool pic! I like how the dad is in process of distracting the dog, and mom is glancing that way. Perfect candid. I think all,of the birds are confused. We've seen robins and cardinals recently, and they normally are our first signs of spring. I think they decided not to migrate since our winters have been so mild, tough move this year!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I LOVE that photo typical happy family. Love the costume and the socks:) HUg. B

Bas. said...

het is toch mooi als je altijd zo kunt terug kijken.

Tanya Breese said...

what a great photo that is and yes, they do seem like the kind of family that is always happy! wonder what became of them... have a great weekend :)

Jeanne said...

Love looking at these antique photos. I have a whole cedar chest of family photos that were my grandmothers and have had so much fun with them. A whole nother world of people... Our ancestors

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That is a neat photo. They look like a happy family with genuine smiles.

Heath Ledger? I never thought it, but I'll have to look up his photo again. All of your boys are cuties. :-)

Even with satellite TV, all those channels, we often can't find anything we want to watch. We don't have the premiums like HBO and Cinemax. I wish it was an expense we could let go of, but Larry could not let it go, I don't think.

Out on the prairie said...

The costume in the pic reminds me when a child wears something all the time, cowboy, Indian etc. Pretty funny.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love their smiles ... they are all having such a good old time. that is perfect. so fun!! i love these vintage shots you keep sharing. so great. ( :

Anonymous said...

I can stream all the PBS shows and How I Met Your Mother online, so I could live without TV, too.
That is a fun looking family. Humor usually accompanies big hearts.

Nancy said...

What a great vintage photo. There's a story. :)

I believe we must indulge every once and awhile....

Claire said...

That's a wonderful family photo!!
It's my first Random 5, so lovely to 'meet' you :)

Snap said...

Love the photo -- they do look happy. sometimes i wonder why i have a TV ... hardly ever on. i don't do protein shakes -- but i'm not chasing kids around! Happy Friday!

TexWisGirl said...

heath ledger was cute - so is cort. :)

love the family photo. just an old sitcom waiting to happen.

Gail Dixon said...

Mmmm....salted caramel! Sounds awesome. I wish we didn't have cable. There are 200 channels and nothing of value to watch. We only have it because my husband is a sports junkie. Ugh.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What a neat "caught in the moment" photo. Very rare to see I think- most are so posed...all stiff and unnatural. I haven't heard of these granddaughter has been buying some from a shake the weight store. She adds flavors to hers...sort of like a slushie store does. I WISH we didn't have a tv sometimes..I don't like the noise. I've gotten to the age where yak just to be yakking newscasters get on my nerves so bad!

simply bev said...

What a great photo! Absolutely, this is one happy family.

Sally said...

Love the picture; they do look happy!

I very seldom watch t.v. anymore, and wouldn't you know I have cable now for the first time ever, and I still don't watch much. Oh, yes reading. Love it. :)

Have a great weekend.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I agree with you on the photo. Looks like a fun family. I really like that photo! I don't normally like protein shakes either. I'm glad you found one you like!

Karen Lakis said...

I thought the same thing when I saw that photo - that looks like a fun, happy family. We watch very little tv - usually just on demand or netflix on the weekends, and not much of that. Have a great weekend!

Aodhnait said...

Great photo!!

What year do you think it was taken? Sometime in the 1930's maybe?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm going to look for that shake, it sounds yummy. Love the photo, it is really a cute one!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

That family does look happy! Cort looks like Heath...a lot...not just the hair! I bought some protein powder and make shakes with low sugar OJ and yogurt...YUM!!! Try it instead of milk...thicker & tastes like a creamsicle!...:)JP

L.L.E said...

Love these old photos you've been posting. This one is just great! Not watching TV--we did that for the summer when we first moved into the farm, so much work to do we hardly missed it...winter came and so did the satellite TV lol

Karen said...

I love that photo, what a treasure! and everyone looks HAPPY... rare in old photos!

We don't spend a lot of time in front of the TV, although I'm glad for it on these long winter nights. Some of the shows on the history channel are really very educational and fun - like American Pickers and even Pawn Stars, hard to believe until I paid attention! I also love the nature shows. Reality TV trash? awful. That we could all do without.

Sue Frelick said...

I love that old photo! It's classic. :-)Too bad is wasn't labeled, they may be your ancestors! Heath Ledger, huh? Your son is a cutie. I don't watch TV either, but I do use Netflix a lot. Have a great weekend!

Sarah Huizenga said...

Love that old family photo, yes they look like they have fun all the time.

Harry Flashman said...

Ever so often I think about getting rid of the Direct TV satellite system. But I do like watching some of the History Channel shows, so I never do.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We love the old photo too! Old photos are so interesting,,
Of course we think all the family event photos you take and show us,,,
WE LOVE,, they tell a story!

An Apel a Day said...

We don't watch much TV either. Just DVDs sometimes.

My sons have been compared to a younger Justin Bieber. I didn't believe the 2 people that told me. How much younger could Justin get? Sure enough when he was 3, 4, 6 my boys looked like him. I don't know if that's a good thing.

Linda said...

Love the photo! We have some really old ones. That looks like it may be before WWII.

Unknown said...

I was told in my 20's that I looked like "a young Neil Diamond". I told the person who made the comment that it must be my sleeveless sweater (he wears sleeveless vests in concert)! I don't have TV either, only because they charge for local channels and I think they should be free. Have a good weekend, Lisa!

Endah Murniyati said...

An interesting old photo!

Michelle said...

We have a bit of time for tv on the weekends, but not much else.

Vision By Mila said...

I like old photos, I'd like to go way back live a couple of days in those times.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

No cable TV here either / i just watch an occasional movie or order BBC series from Amazon, such as Downton Abbey, the Midwife, and such.

mail4rosey said...

I put bird seed out a couple of days ago in a hanging feeder and we've gotten SO many birds. Like you, I was thinking why on Earth did they not fly south?!? It's been a harsh winter!

Rob-bear said...

The old photo is fascinating. And, like you, I wonder about the Egret. Television in or house? Maybe catch the news once or twice a week. Might watch a bit more with the Olympics on. And Cort — destined for the movies, perhaps? Interesting thought, though it could be a bit frightening.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Michaele said...

I really like the photo! Bet there was a second one taken - when they were ready - that wasn't nearly as good. It does look like it is from a TV show though. I watch a lot of DVD's when I really should be reading.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Oh the poor egret. Perhaps he was ill or injured when it was time to migrate. We are the same we have no antenna or cable. We use our tv with dvds and Netflix occasionally when the grandchildren stay for a couple weeks during the summer. Other than that we do not turn it on.

Lin said...

That family looks genuinely happy, don't they? I like that about the photo.

We have cable and far too many channels with nothing on them either. We don't watch a lot of TV anymore, but we are still paying for cable. Don't ask me why. I don't know.

Jenn Jilks said...

We watch a lot of TV. Hubby adores watching curling. Neither of us curl!
It has helped in his recuperation, just to lie down and relax.
I adore the photo. Amazing.
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Anonymous said...

I don't watch TV, but my Hubs and kiddo does :)I prefer reading and reading blogs and blogging to it :) I love the pic too, and yes they looks like a fun - lot, and the boys would have made great freinds to little Aarya here :)

Barbara said...

I love looking at all of the old pictures. I hope that when people see pictures of my family they think we were a lot of fun.