Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Snow Shoveling

I told Pierce he should go down the slide.  He didn't think it was such a great idea.  But you know who wasn't scared?
 Not scared at all.
 Now for a little snow shoveling.
 That's better.
 And a cushy landing too.
Done any snow shoveling lately?


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! That last photo is adorable.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

You have a snow shoveling crew in training, some day you will have no problem getting your car out as they will have the road cleared and have fun doing it.
I have done a little shoveling but don't plan on doing any tomorrow.

Nancy said...

We received about 5 inches yesterday and I had a few shoveling sessions throughout the day. Love the photos of your fearless boy. :)

Lynn said...

sweetness personified, great photos and no we haven't even see a flake this year. :-(

Bas. said...

o wat heerlijk om zo met de kinderen in de sneeuw te spelen.


So sweet, no need for too much shoveling as long as there's a inclined slide and willing kiddo!:)

Chatty Crone said...

What an adorable snow shovel!!!!

TexWisGirl said...

cort is so cute! :)

Gail Dixon said...

He is beyond precious!

Montanagirl said...

That's really cute! I found you via Run-A-Round Ranch. I think I'll follow along. If you would like, please stop by my blog as well, and perhaps follow along? I'm in Montana.

Anonymous said...

He "sunk" the landing;)

Out on the prairie said...

Got 2 inches of real fluffy stuff last night

Harry Flashman said...

Kids love snow. Mine used to take a sled and go roaring down the meadow, which is sloped. It loses it's allure a bit when you get older.

Sally said...

So very cute! :)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Awww! That actually looks like a lot of fun. He has the right idea :) Thankfully, no shoveling of snow around here.

Sandy said...

That looks like tons of fun! A lot of our snow melted over the weekend.

mail4rosey said...

Their snow shoveling looks far more fun than my snow shoveling. :)

Michaele said...

Such a cute kid! I shovel paths for the geese and cats. I think that counts.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

He's going to be a leader for sure!!!!...:)JP

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Cort looks so adorable perched in the snow like that! You'll have so many helpers with snow shoveling, you can start your own business. :-)

Unknown said...

Your kids look like they are really enjoying this cold and snow.

Rob-bear said...

Shovelling snow is the bane of my existence! Far too much comes down, in small amounts ever few days turns into a winter work project that never ends.

NO, If I can have s much fun as our guys. . . .

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Michelle said...

He was well cushioned!

Lin said...

Oh my gosh--he is so adorable!! Look at those rosy cheeks! :)

We used to put a plastic sled on that type of slide---what was I thinking??? yikes.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

What fun times,,, oh we can feel the excitement!

Linda said...

So cute! We've done plenty of snow shoveling this winter.
Just posted some shots of Harrisonburg so take a look. (webcroft.blogspot.com_

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh to be a kid again- such fun! He sure is a cutie pie!

Busy Bee Suz said...

How fun is that???
No shoveling of any kind around here. :)

Unknown said...

What a great idea! It was a "win-win". The slide get cleared, and Pierce has a soft landing! Those photos will be savored in years to come, Lisa!

Anonymous said...

I love that you had one ready and willing to clear the slide.

Annette said...

Playing in the snow is so much fun and sliding in it is even better!

Anonymous said...

Our snow is gone gone gone. I've seen some photos on Facebook though of friends in Minnesota and think they will be shoveling until July this year! Poor things.

Barbara said...

No snow at all this year, but this looks like so much fun!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

That looks like the perfect and fun way to wear out your boys!