Friday, March 14, 2014

Carrots are a Big Deal Mom

1.  Here's another vintage 1940s Appalachian photo from my grandmother's album.  I find it interesting that the horse has so much scar tissue on his shoulder and neck.  Wonder what gouged him up like that?
2.  When going through Cort's Valentine's bag, I found a big Ziploc stuffed full of candy and goodies.  I asked Cort, "Who's this one from?".  Digging through the bag, I found the card and said, "Oh, it's from Stella."  Cort said, "I WUV Stella!"  This is the first time I've heard him speak of Stella.  I guess if a girl gives you tons of candy, you might fall in love pretty fast.

3.  During the days when we had 20 inches of snow coating the ground, I was petting Willie one evening and found a tick on him.  A tick.  In 20 inches of snow.  Aren't they all dead yet?

4.  Pierce has been a little forgetful lately.  The other day I was in his room and found the shirt that he was supposed to wear to school.  Only he was at school and he wasn't wearing it.  Which means he was wearing what?  A pajama top?  Nothing?  I went through his laundry hamper and finally decided he must've gone to school wearing the same shirt he had worn the day before.  Nice.

5.  Driving back from the DMV one day, Reid said very serious, "Mom, I don't like carrots."  I said, "okay, thanks for telling me."  He said, in tears, "Mom I really don't like carrots."  And Cort chimed in, "Mom I don't like carrots either!"  Then they both started crying.  Oh my.  Who knew packing carrots in the lunchboxes was such horrible parenting?

Linked with Nancy's Random Friday


  1. Maybe the horse got into barbed wire?
    I have seen ticks in the winter but they seem kind of dormant so I wonder if they were hibernating on the animal?
    Don't worry about the shirt, remember the old westerns on TV, those guys wore the same clothes on every episode and never lost their hats or went to the bathroom.
    You can shave the carrots with a peeler and make a pasta looking pile of it and make a sweet little sir fry that they might like, orange spaghetti, I used to do stuff like that.

  2. I would luv Stella too:)
    That is a wonderful photo could it be from a work harness used for plowing fields just a thought.
    Mom bad Mom carrots you should feel bad:):) Hug B

  3. I love the horse picture. It may have gotten tangled in a fence and really enjoyed the kid quotes.

  4. I'm with Buttons on the reason for the scarring; my 'Pa' (grandfather) had an old horse when I was wee that had similar scarring. Pa said he bought Jarro from a guy who used a wooden harness for heavy pulling, like logs, and he couldn't stand to see the horse all scarred up like that.
    Bad Mom, no cookies! How dare you send carrots in their lunches, lol. I remember my youngest having a similar meltdown about bananas, after having eaten them happily until the age of three. Turns out he'd heard his 'Unka' Euan say that bananas were gross...

  5. I am always assured of getting some smiles when I visit your blog. Love the shirt story!

  6. I was thinking the same thing -- perhaps a collar caused the damage?

    My husband wears the same work clothes all week... ;)

  7. Oh how adorable- your boys are so precious! I really don't like carrots either, Mom. :)
    Maybe the horse in the top pic was a draft horse? Pulling a plow through the field? That's my guess- those harnesses were huge.

  8. Found a tick on me last weekend. If your snow doesn't kill them, there's no hope!

  9. I know how Reid and Cort feel -- I really don't like cooked carrots!!

    We have found a few stink bugs in the house. I guess they might be coming in from the cold, but wouldn't the cold have gotten rid of them?

  10. Those boys?
    I don't like carrots either.

  11. Looks to me like he got chaffed by a collar, like they used to use for pulling wagons and plows.

  12. laughing at #5!

    yup, found a tick on my thelma yesterday. gotta apply the chemical stuff again. we definitely don't have 20" of snow...

  13. 4 and 5 have me hooting..carrots and day old t shirts :-). I think ticks like roaches never die!

  14. I didn't know packing carrots was such a big deal, and I have found this out too late as my daughter is grown now. Laughed so hard at that!!! How cute! As for the tick, well haven't seen one yet, but I did find a flea on the dog! How could they have survived this winter? Pests always manage to sruvive somehow.

  15. hahahahahahaa on the carrots!! I know it's not funny, but it's funny! :)

    My son is so picky about his lunch stuff, telling me when he gets home what he did or did not approve of, lol.

    I can't believe you found a tick! OoO

  16. #5 had me laughing.
    your boys are so adorable!
    great photo of the horse too.

    happy weekend~

  17. What an entertaining list. Some vegetables make me cry too.

  18. Can't believe you have ticks in this cold. I had hoped the bad weather killed stink bugs but no. I think horse was a workhorse, and those scars are from a collar. He probably pulled a plow.

    Your story about the carrots made me smile. Kids!

  19. Cort and Stella sittin in a tree...haha. It's so cute when they find a girl they like! And too funny about the carrots. I can't believe they got so worked up!

  20. I was thinking fencing/barbed wire for the horse...maybe...especially back then. Love the conversations wit the you learned this week to keep the candy and nix the carrots, right?...:)JP

  21. Oh, too funny about the carrots.
    Ticks hibernate, so no, cold does not kill them,only slows them down.
    My boys are a mystery how they dress and create or do not create laundry.

  22. We are very tick-y here too, so many deer wandering about! I love that vintage photo, but oh those scars...

  23. I secretly think that my son may be trading his lunchtime carrots. :)

    Happy St. Patrick's Day weekend!

  24. Hi Lisa,
    It always breaks my heart when I see a horse, or any animal who is hurt or suffer somehow...
    I love going through vintage photos too. It's a challenge.
    It looks like views to the past.
    Lisa, I wrote my last post -in My Nature Blog- for this year 2014.
    I hope you can go there, read it, and write your thoughts about it.
    I think it is an important post to read, at least, for me it is.
    Please, write your precious comments in there about what you think about those issues...
    God may always bless you, Lisa, your dear family, and beloved ones! Greetings from Starry.

  25. My children didn't like carrot at the first. But now they are really love it. Maybe you can make variation dishes from carrots.

  26. gosh, I guess its a mystery about the horsey

  27. What an awesome piece of history that photo is! I agree with everyone else here about it being from a collar, probably wood. I really enjoyed your list of five this week. The carrot lunch box travesty was hilarious... Happy weekending

  28. Crying over carrots, that's the first time I've heard someone doing that, I just had to laugh!

  29. Pierce reminds me of Isaak. He'll throw things in the hamper that are not dirty, and wear things that are.

    My boys happen to like carrots. Sometimes kids go through phases of liking things, and then not liking things. Maybe they will change their minds.

  30. That photograph is amazing. I do hope it did not suffer much after being injured.

  31. Oh this post made me laugh! I can't believe any bug still lives after the winter we've had, but sure enough, with 20 degree weather outside, I still had a fly buzz right into the house! I guess it looks like the ticks are still out there too--Ugh!!

    I laughed about the carrots. Evidently this is a very serious topic...Does this mean no more carrots for lunch ever? What's a mom to do?!

  32. So funny, carrots in lunch! Only one of five of my grandchildren likes carrots so I can understand.

  33. So funny, carrots in lunch! Only one of five of my grandchildren likes carrots so I can understand.

  34. Oh my your boys are the cutest !
    I agree with Buttons I think those marks 0n the horse are from an ill fitting plow harness collar as that is about where they go .

  35. Ne jamais oublier d'où l'on vient, ni ses ancêtres. Cette photo est précieuse pour toi, très intéressante pour nous. Une façon aussi de savoir que tu es une bonne personne, avec une mémoire bien en place !


  36. Ticks have to stay warm too right? Oh gosh, I can't explain that one.

    I hope you had a nice weekend Lisa.

  37. I wuv Stella!

    Too cute!

    I wonder if there was a rope around the horses neck and it was pulled too tight? Love looking at old photos.

  38. I'm still laughing about the carrots. You know, they are gonna remember that forever. The stuff my kids remember!! Sheesh. And they act like we are horrible parents.

    Stupid ticks. :(

  39. That's funny about the carrots. You really must stop trying to poison those boys with veggies.

    I've heard of ticks being found in the winter. Seems odd. They are tough little monsters!

  40. Lisa: Now I'll never look at Carrots the same way! :)

  41. Oh, your boys are so darn funny.
    Please don't tell them that we love carrots!

  42. I guess they really don't like carrots! ;)

    I remember the first time my oldest came home talking about "his girl", I'm guessing Candy was involved too.


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