Friday, March 7, 2014

Directions to the North Pole

1.  Here's Uncle Tom with one of his hunting dogs.  He sure loved his dogs.  He took so many photos of them.  His album is full of dog and horse pictures.  We probably would've gotten along well, don't you think?
2.  Overheard in a recent conversation between Cort and Reid: 
"Where is the North Pole?"
"Really far away"
"Yes, but where"
"It's by Grady's house."
Grady is their cousin.  He lives in South Carolina.

3.  I read some excellent books last month.  My favorite was Necessary Lies by Diane Chamberlain.  I'm making the most of regular trips to the library.  The library is a magic place.  I walk in the doors and instantly feel calmer.

4.  I've read article after article lately about the benefits of drinking hot tea.  It seems it is all the rage.  Who knew it had so many antioxidants?  I am trying to put it to practice, but can't seem to do but one mug a day (recommendations are two or more).  I've never been much for hot drinks.  But I did find a peach/lychee flavor from Sri Lanka (Dilmah) I adore.

5.  Pierce's BFF is a little girl.  He's been crazy for her the past two years.  Recently we let the three boys take a bath in the Jacuzzi tub (one of their favorite things).  Apparently, he told his BFF about it.  Then came home and said, "Mom, L wants to come over to get in the Jacuzzi with me."  It was very interesting....explaining to Pierce why L's mom might not be so happy if he invited her over to hang in the Jacuzzi tub.....

Linked with Random Friday at A Rural Journal


Harry Flashman said...

Your son will probably be a holy terror with the women when he's a teen. Good luck to you and the husband when those days roll around.

Our library is lame past belief. I have a better collection of books than they do. Reading is not high on the list of recreational occupations in this part of the mountains.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

LOL about Pierce inviting "L" for a tubby!!! You obviously have your Uncle's love and respect for horses and dogs, Baby Girl! Snowing yet????...:)JP

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Someday Pierce can have his own Jacuzzi and invite all the girls over!
I have been drinking hot tea for years.
Still snowing here, not what I wanted to see.

Cat said...

You and Uncle Tom would have been big buddies except he didn't like cats...just dogs and horses. His wife didn't like kids and we were all scared to death of her.
I loved the book Necessary Lies!

Cat said...

You and Uncle Tom would have been big buddies except he didn't like cats...just dogs and horses. His wife didn't like kids and we were all scared to death of her.
I loved the book Necessary Lies!

Cat said...

You and Uncle Tom would have been big buddies except he didn't like cats...just dogs and horses. His wife didn't like kids and we were all scared to death of her.
I loved the book Necessary Lies!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I love Uncle Tom yes you would get along perfectly:)
South Carolina is far and makes sense:
I am sitting her drinking a tall mug of Green Tea instead of coffee we will see:)
I LOVE the library. Hug B

rayfamily said...

I just finished a book last night and was looking for a new one, thanks. BTW, the book I finished was great, about an American socialite working for the French resistance in Paris during WWII. "The last time I saw Paris"

Barbara said...

Inviting girls over to the jacuzzi tub already? Wait until his teenage years. :) The conversation about the North Pole is adorable.

Montanagirl said...

I like an occasional cup of hot tea - I prefer coffee though. You're going to be in for some interesting times when the teen years hit. lol

Jeanne said...

laughing about about your boys antics, and especially enjoyed finding out where the north pole was. I loved that!

Out on the prairie said...

I was so close to the North pole and didn't know it. I agree with the library being so calming.

Karen said...

oooh, just wait till those lovely teen years!

Now you've got me wanting to try that tea... I hope we have it around here...

Tanya Breese said...

love the photo of your uncle and his dog...number 2 is adorable and i totally agree about the library...i feel the exact same way about it!

Sally said...

By Grady's house! Hysterical, I love it. :)

Peach tea is good, but I'm thinking it's maybe green tea that does the best work. Not sure!

Pierce is a hoot! :)

TexWisGirl said...

oh, boy(s)... :)

i like hot tea in the winter evenings - but lots of 'popular' tea brands have been slammed, recently, for having high levels of pesticides and other non-healthy items in the bags, themselves. seems tea leaves are never ever washed before they're dried and bagged for our consumption, so if pesticides are used, they go directly into our hot drink.

Anonymous said...

Fun photo of Uncle Tom. Thanks for sharing the cute things your kids say. Cracks me up! John and I are normally ice tea drinkers but have been reading all about hot tea and how good the benefits are....we recently tried oolong tea and it is very flavorful.

Bas. said...

heerlijk om zo terug te kunnen kijken.

Gail Dixon said...

Love that photo! He's my kinda guy.

I started drinking Sleepy Time tea in the evening, but I'm like you--not much for hot drinks. Sleepy Time has a wonderful spearmint smell and chamomile to relax. It works!

Inger said...

What a lovely post! Full of random thoughts and things. I love the picture of old uncle Tom and his hunting dog. And great to know where the North Pole is located.

L.L.E said...

Love the old family photos you've been sharing.

Libraries are a fun place to hang out, it's been way too long since I've set foot in one.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Awesome photo of your Uncle Tom with his dog! And I cracked up at #5. So sweet :)

troutbirder said...

I feel the same way about going into a library. Something about it. Maybe just leaving the hurley burley behind and the books...

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I think libraries can be magical places too...but our local one is not. Pierce is just adorable!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Hot tub parties….so funny. It's hard to explain some innocent things to them isn't it?
Love Uncle Tom and his dog!
I've often wondered where the North Pole is….so, once I find Grady's house, I'll be good. :)

Michelle said...

You are right, the library IS a magical place.

Endah Murniyati said...

I love hot tea, especially jasmine tea. That's made from dried tea leaves and jasmine flowers. It's really refreshing. That's a popular drink here.

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Belas recordações...Espectacular....

Michaele said...

Tea pairs well with a desk job. You should see my collection!
Even in swim suits, that tub may not be a good idea. How about a pool party this summer. Ahhhhh summer!

Linda said...

Your kids say the darnedest things! I wouldn't worry about drinking tea as long as you eat fruits and veggies. Six a day!

Rob-bear said...

To find the North Pole, head west from your place. When you get about to the middle of Colorado, make a right turn and come north to the Bear's place. Then keep on going north, and you'll be at the North Pole.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Anonymous said...

I have been drinking a lot of Russian tea heated up.

Roan said...

Kids! They are a wonderful souce of entertainment.

mail4rosey said...

lol on the jacuzzi!

The picture is cool. :)

I feel calm when I walk into the library too, but I never thought of it until you described it.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Always enjoy hearing what the boys have to say. Love how their minds think! Love the photo of your uncle and how much he loved his dogs and horses. I've been trying to drink tea too but can't seem to get in the habit of it.

Mere said...

I'm glad Grady's house isn't near the North Pole....his mother would vacation in burmuda permanently 😊

Grandma Bonnie said...

Lol, Pierce is must be so funny. I love how sweet they are at that age. Oh for the library. I always feel so happy at the library. I love fingering book and the smell is so inviting.

Jenn Jilks said...

Don't you love what they say?

I think better than tea are things like blueberries!
However, hubby lost 30 lbs., exercises, volunteers, doesn't drink or smoke and got prostate cancer.
You just can't expect that these things prevent anything!
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I am playing catch up with your posts. I would have loved to have heard the conversation you had with Pierce about the tub! :-) And I love the North Pole exchange.

I have a hard time finding hot teas that are good, too. I don't like anything too sweet, but some of them are so bitter. I do like the green tea Soothe by Lipton.

I love the painting of Willie! What a special gift.


Oh #2, I love it! (You'll have such a great record of family memories with your blog posts:)

tinajo said...

I always like people who love animals! :-)

Nancy said...

You need to write a book of "Pierce-isms." :)

An Apel a Day said...

Your kids crack me up. I love how the North Pole is in the south.

Kids do not think about what is right and wrong about boy/girl relationships. They just have fun. But yes the mom would have been a little skeptical of that event. LOL

Montanagirl said...

LOVE this post. Everyone needs an Uncle Tom!