Monday, March 3, 2014

February 2014 Running Recap

Sick boys and 20 inches of snow were not kind to my running this month.  I fought through it all, but did have to do a rather gnarly 14 mile treadmill run one day.  Not my idea of fun, but easier, perhaps, than trying to run 14 miles in twenty inches of snow.  The following week, I chose to brave the conditions and do a 16 miler outside in pouring rain and wind gusts.  It was a long, slow run.  Also not my idea of fun.  But I was glad to be able to run it.
Needless to say, my treadmill broke the 1,000 mile mark this month.  I was happy to have the treadmill option, even if I am tired of running indoors.  Paul was kind enough to get me an Ipod Nano for Valentines, and it helped to have some new music along the way.

Total mileage = 136.
I also had quite a few "unscheduled" snow shoveling workouts which lasted a couple of hours in duration.  Fun, fun, fun.

Hooray for March!


Anonymous said...

I bet you are loving having a Nano to run with.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa shovelling is much like running.....right?:) next month will be better I am sure. Hug B

Sunnybrook Farm said...

And here we are again with school closed for the day. I hope you have lots of activities planned for the boys. One day they will all be old enough to have a chess tournament.

Nancy said...

That's quite amazing! I have managed to do my little 3 mile run up and down the farm lane each morning despite the cold and I really feel good afterwards! Congrats on your numbers for February!

Lynn said...

you are simply amazing!

Michelle said...

You are a motivated person!

LisaS said...

Shoveling has got to be a great workoit. --and efficient in accomplishing two things at the same time ;)

Monkeywrangler said...

Wow, I just cannot fathom running that much! But then again many folks think I am nuts for wanting to ride my bike 60mi...

Kudos to you Lisa.

We added a Bowflex weight/resistance machine this past weekend to the collection, and are hoping it will improve overall fitness levels beyond just the biking.

Out on the prairie said...

Looked like more white stuff coming your way. We rode around and looked for fun yesterday, but it was hard to get out for a mile.

Sharon Wagner said...

I am determined to do the stairmaster today!

TexWisGirl said...

laughing at the impromptu snow shoveling training. :)

Rob-bear said...

Well done on the running, and the show shovelling. Snow shovelling is good exercise; we know that up here.

Running in the rain is not fun. Running in a snow storm, however, is fun! Well, maybe not at Roanoke.

Just noticed Francie hasn't made your "Meet the Animals" page. How is she doing?

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I'm so impressed with your perseverance! Good job. We're getting more of the white stuff as I write this--snow and sleet. Temps falling. It will be a mess out there soon.

Montanagirl said...

That's a lot of miles! I have a treadmill collecting dust in our basement.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I do more pushing than lifting of the white stuff..but am doing a HAPPY DANCE today because we got none!!!...:)JP

Maggid said...

Hurray for March - NOW, Get us some Spring and we'll be mobile again.

You so totally rock!

Gail Dixon said...

Your running stats always impresses me. :)

~~~jennifer~~~ said...

16 miles?! Nice work! I started running this year & am tuckered out (and bored) after running 3 miles.

Lin said...

This winter has been hell. My poor cat just weighed in at the vet at 20 lbs! Even he is feeling the effects of not being able to enjoy the out of doors. :(

Hope everyone is feeling better soon...and you can run outside again.

Lin said...

This winter has been hell. My poor cat just weighed in at the vet at 20 lbs! Even he is feeling the effects of not being able to enjoy the out of doors. :(

Hope everyone is feeling better soon...and you can run outside again.

mail4rosey said...

I love the collective readout like that on the display!! Mine does the run only (but it's not a Nordic).

Last month was a short month, and you got a lot accomplished I think!! :) High five to you.

Karen said...

Lisa, your stick-to-it attitude and accomplishments amaze me, you go girl. 16 miles in the rain, holy cow. A good day for me is a four mile walk. On a clear sunny day!

Decor To Adore said...

You are such an inspiration to this beginning runner. :)

Sally said...

My hat is off to you, Lisa! :)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

You really are a trooper! Hopefully the snow will let up soon and spring will actually come.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We hope everyone gets better soon. You are an amazing momma!

Linda said...

That's a lot of treadmill running! Glad you had some music.

Anonymous said...

I am totally impressed with your running! I had to do a double take on that 30k (plus) calorie burn! Woohoo!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I sense a bit of sarcasm in the 'fun fun fun'....Ha!
Hopefully you'll have better conditions in March.

Annette said...

Congrats on achieving 136 miles and breaking the 1,000 mark on your treadmill. You're pretty amazing to accomplish all these miles during one of our most difficult winters ever!