Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Shaving Cream

We were bored with being stuck inside.  So I got out the shaving cream, and sprayed it all over the table.
 The twins practiced writing their names.
 Everyone got a little soapy.
 But it's kind of like hiring a bunch of people to deep scrub your table.  For free. 
Can't argue with that.


  1. That's such a great idea Mom! Bet you could add a little food colouring for even more messy fun.

  2. I was wondering why you would put shaving cream on the table. You were thinking way ahead on that day.

  3. Plus it smells like Paul is home!!!!...:)JP

  4. Oh Lisa what a great idea can I borrow your helpers I have a table that could use some help:) Hug B

  5. Looks like the boys had fun. I hope that's not a wooden topped table!

  6. Tricky. Fun and work all at the same time. Looks like a fun project!

  7. How I wish I had known about that idea when my own daughter was small! I remember that winter seemed endless when she was a child and any fun idea was welcome. I turned up the heat once, we put on our swim suits and had a beach party in the bathroom, complete with beach ball and music. Once I gave her the water colors and instructed her to put on her swimsuit and paint anything exposed. She was happy for hours! Love the smiles and looks on their faces!!!!

  8. It looks like they were having a great time. :)

  9. Oh my gosh that looks like fun!

  10. And you got a clean table also.I have seen this done with pudding

  11. Haha! This is too cool. I bet they had a blast. Just yesterday my sister posted a photo of her son with shaving cream in the bathtub all over the place! He had a fun time with it.

  12. So cute, Lisa. You're such a great mom.

  13. Looks like fun. The girls also have fun playing with shaving cream, although I am not a fan of the cleanup.

  14. My son's Kindergarten teacher does this with the kids. She tells parents to do it at home too, as a great way to reinforce letter/number writing.

  15. Makes me almost want to be a kid again! :) I'll bet it smells good at your house!

  16. When I worked at the school system we would have the students do this to their desk the last day of school. It is fun and it's cleans.


  17. That looks like fun! Can I play to? :)

  18. You are such a great mom! I bet it was fun writing and drawing in it.

  19. Must have smelled great too! I didn't know it was good for cleaning.

  20. Aw....that brings back warm memories for me, as my kids did that too!! so much cleaner than finger-painting!

  21. Glad to see a post. I was getting a little worried about you folks up there. Thought you might have all frozen.

  22. You come up with the greatest ideas for the boys. And, may I say? They are SO cute!!! :)

  23. How fun. YOU are the best MOM ever!!!

  24. Hi Lisa,
    It looks like your beautiful children are having lots of fun...
    Greetings from Starry.

  25. I've never seen this before. Looks like the boys enjoyed it!


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