Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Another picture of Shirley, our sailboat, from 2004.  We bought her from someone in Maryland off of EBay, back in EBay's heyday.  We had some good times with Shirley.  However, my parents sold their lakehouse, and now Shirley has been sitting up in the woods for the past decade or so.  She's become quite the clunker of boats.
But we sure did enjoy taking her out for a few years there.
Readers, have you ever been sailing?


  1. Oh I am sure there were a lot of good memories there. Hug B

  2. Believe it or not, I have been sailing....before the days of "the Pres"...:)JP

  3. I sail my wheelbarrows through the mud, that is about it. It is nice that you guys got to do sailing like that.

  4. Oh no... what a shame. I have never been sailing. I live on a middle land and my childhood was in highland.

  5. She looks like a gem. I've never been sailing, but it looks like fun. Motor boats and a row boat or two for me. My brother and I once built a boat to float on our pond. It didn't. :)

  6. I bet you enjoyed the heck out of ol' Shirley!

  7. have been sailing with friends that had a sailboat 'time share'. it was very cool.

  8. I sailed one time...my senior year in high school, a group of us went sailing on the Chesapeake Bay with the Uncle of a classmate. That was a fun day!

  9. I've been boating, but never sailing. Would like to someday though.

  10. Yes, as a young girl, I took sailing lessons but didn't pursue it later years.

    Rest in peace, Shirley! :)

  11. I have not been sailing, but a good friend teaches a course at LSU. We've been thinking of doing that!

  12. IN my younger days, I did some sailing, and became relatively proficient in managing a small sailboat. I've always wanted to have one, but the purchase would be very impractical.

    Hope you have another chance (or more) to go sailing!

    blessings and Bear hugs!

  13. How sad. Do you have plans to ever sell her? I have never even been on a boat. Did you get as much snow as us? It is still snowing and people are shoveling...what happened to the flurries???

  14. I have never been sailing. Larry would love a motorboat, but I don't think it's in our immediate future.

    How about this snow? It's still snowing here--we got lots more than originally called for.

  15. Never been sailing!

    My dad has a cruiser type of boat which he very much enjoys. He currently has it on the River Shannon here in Ireland.

  16. Sadly, I am not sea-worthy. I get seasick like no other. It's horrible and I am quite the buzzkill. :(

    she's a beauty, though. Sad to part with her, I'm sure.

  17. I did a lot of sailing for a few years. Camp Lejeune had an excellent marina, and there was a NATO special services outfit in Naples, Italy that rented sailboats for use in the bay of Naples. When we came back to the states, we lived on Emerald Isle, N.C. , in the outer banks, and were able to sail. When we moved here, I bought a little sunfish but our lake is so narrow and surrounded by such high mountains sailing was not really practical.

  18. Only once, in a small sailboat, on a lake. But it was a lot of fun.

  19. We think the sail boat is very beautiful,, and had lots of happy memories!

  20. At least you had some good times with her.

    I have never been sailing, just navigating boats that I paddle on the ocean or in fresh water.

  21. Poor Shirley... so neglected and ignored. Have you tried to sell her?

  22. I bet there were a lot of great memories made with Shirley!

  23. I did go sailing once, but was not in charge, does that count?

  24. I have not been sailing in ages but you brought back some nice memories for me.

  25. I haven't been. I bet it was fun, while it lasted!

  26. Yes, late 90's for me on Lake Grapevine in Texas. As the lightest person onboard, I had to be hoisted up a 33' mast to reattach a sail line buckle!

  27. I used to go sailing with my dad in the Chesapeake. It was wonderful.

  28. Hi Lisa,
    Your boat, Shirley is very pretty.
    I am sorry to hear that you haven't been sailing for a long time. It brings lots of fun.
    Yes! I used to sail with my mom when I was a child in a huge Italian Cruise Ship in the Atlantic Ocean Coastline.
    Then, I sailed to the Caribbean Islands with my best friend.
    I also sailed in the Mediterranean Ocean long ago...
    In fact, sailing in a yacht is my big dream, my big passion.
    Please, take a look at my Journals post, if you care to read what I say about "The Fingerprints of Childhood Memories."
    Thank you, Lisa for sharing your world with us!


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