Monday, March 31, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Parade

The local St. Patrick's Day parade was a two hour affair in which I took almost 80 pictures.  I have weeded through to find a few of my favorites to share.  The boys dyed their hair green for the day, and received tons of attention.

Big angry Leprechaun?

The Vikings are always popping up randomly across town.  I've had them on the blog before.

The police department met with warm applause from the crowd.

Pierce was very impressed by the Deloreans.

We were surprised by how many Shriners were in the parade.  They amused the boys.  

Lots of bagpipes.  Pierce now declares bagpipes his favorite instrument.

Vintage firetrucks of all makes and models.  

A large group of Bolivean folklore dancers put on an impressive show.

We were fortunate to have nice weather for once.
When asked about their favorite part of the parade would you guess what the boys said? 
Catching candy, of course!


Gail Dixon said...

All of these are great, but I really love the one of the bagpipers! What a fun day. :)

Anonymous said...

JDaniel loves catching candy at parades too.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

That was nice, they talk about it on TV but don't really show photos of it.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Having my coffee in Aruba and seeing that the boys died their hair green makes me smile...forget the parade!!!!...:)JP

Roan said...

Love that the boys have green hair. Looks like a fun day!

Barbara said...

Getting candy at a parade is pretty neat! Great selection of pictures. That looks like one great parade.

Sandra said...

I always liked parades when I was a kid.
I love the green hair! :)

Bas. said...

je hebt een geweldige serie van deze prachtige dag gemaakt.

Endah Murniyati said...

It must be a green day for your boys. Such a great parade. So funny.

Montanagirl said...

That was a really nice parade! Very enjoyable.

Sally said...

Of course! :)

Love the photo's; love their green hair. The Shriners always do an outstanding job. Such a nice parade!

Sharon Wagner said...

"It's not easy being green." Kermet the frog

TexWisGirl said...

so cute. the green hair was a nice touch. :)

An Apel a Day said...

Our boys sprayed their hair green last year. :)

Such a fun parade!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a great parade. Love the boys green hair... That was special for them I'm sure..

Maybe Spring is finally coming to our area this week... I hope so since it has been a LONG winter and a crazy one!!!!


Out on the prairie said...

I always love a good parade

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That is so cute that they dyed their hair green! Looks like a fun and cool parade. That big Leprechaun is kind of scary! :-)

Michaele said...

That was a very impressive parade!! Love the big angry leprachaun.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the guys on stilts, I bet the boys went wild over that! In fact, I love all of these pictures, each one is so cool, and all good shots as well. It is so hard for me to pick out parade pictures to post, which is way I haven't posted any yet! The boys hair is so cool!! What did you use, spray, chalk sticks??

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What fun! My grands would have loved to see that. It's so boring in my neck of the woods!

Michelle said...

I always love to see a man in a kilt :)

Linda said...

Fun pictures! And you must get the kids some bagpipes! (LOL)

Angie said...

What a great parade!!! I always used to love watching the Shriner's when I was a kid! Glad you all had a good time & nice weather. The boys hair rocks!!!

Lin said...

FUN! I like the bagpipes too.

mail4rosey said...

I think your parade turned out fantastic! We don't have one here, but I wish we did. :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

How awesome, looks like a fun parade and I love their green hair!

Unknown said...

The boys are right! When I was a kid, the local Volunteer Fire Department would sound the siren and drive the fire truck down our street. The Firefighters would toss out candy on our lawn and we'd scramble for it! It was Taffy.