Thursday, March 6, 2014

Willie on Canvas

Recently I received the most thoughtful gift from Sunnybrook Farm blog.  We met through blogging, but oddly had some real life crossing-overs that put us in some similar circles from time to time, and I realized that I already knew his wife.  At any rate, I've long admired his paintings (especially some of his cows) and he surprised me with a painting of Willie, which he did from a picture I posted on my blog a while ago. 

You all know how crazy I am over Willie anyhow, so when he gave me this painting I was thrilled.  I moved another picture so that it could hang in our hallway. 

Willie is probably going to get an ego trip now that he is immortalized in our hallway, but he's been so busy catching mice this winter that I suppose he's earned his moment of fame.

Readers, have you received any meaningful gifts lately? 


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful gift! I really like the painting.

Jill of All Trades said...

Oh that is so cute. Love it.

Meaningful, a gift. Not lately.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

What a good photo of the painting, I have trouble taking photos of them. I haven't painted in awhile and was motivated to paint Willie because it was a good photo, I liked the bucket and wood, you need 3 points of interest so those with Willie worked out. I also wanted to do something for you because of all the work that you have done to rescue the horses near you and I don't really have any money to donate so I hope that this painting will remind you for years that people appreciate all of your efforts. - More snow coming can you believe it!

Endah Murniyati said...

A lovely gift... I hope someday I can receive a special gift from my blog friend :)

The Cranky said...

Many years ago the band on my engagement ring broke so badly that it was beyond repair. This Christmas the Great Scot gave me a wonderful eternity band with peridot stones (my birthstone). That alone made it special but what made it even more thoughtful was the fact that I'd never, not once, even mentioned wanting another ring, let alone that type of ring...but it was exactly what I would have chosen.

Tanya Breese said...

oh that is awesome!! and what a small world that you know his wife! haha about willie's ego trip! :)

Tanya Breese said...

oh and i just read his comment and love the reason he painted it...i really like that sunnybrook farm guy! :)

Sandra said...

What a wonderful surprise :)

Monkeywrangler said...

What a grand painting, and a thoughtful gift! The folks at Sunnybrook are kindred spirits, from what I can tell. We follow some of the same blogs, etc, though we have never met.

Anonymous said...

What a great gift - beautiful work!

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice, I enjoy his style

Alica said...

What a nice, meaningful gift!
A few months back, I had posted a picture of laundry hanging on my line...and fellow blogger Leenie, from Side Trips asked if she could paint it. She then sent me a color study as a thank you gift. It's framed and hanging in my kitchen!

mail4rosey said...

That is a wonderful gift!! And it's a fantastic painting too. If Willie catches mice, he deserves a whole wall of fame, in my opinion. :) :)

Montanagirl said...

How sweet is that??? That's a thoughtful and beautiful gift.

Karen said...

What a thoughtful gift, something you'll always enjoy...he has a natural way with color!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Too cool!

TexWisGirl said...

that is really sweet!

Bas. said...

dat is heel mooi gedaan.

Amazing wonders in my life said...

Lovely gift... Cute one to be gifted

Gail Dixon said...

How thoughtful! Beautiful green eyes.

Unknown said...

Nice painting. I can see why you admire his work so much.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

A very very beautiful painting!
This was such a thoughtful gift!

Nancy said...

How thoughtful!

Sally said...

How nice of your friend, and the painting is lovely.

Yes, I received a nice gift today as a matter of fact. My daughter came home from the hospital. :)

Linda said...

What a terrific gift! Love it!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a fabulous gift... How sweet of him to paint Willie for you... That makes Willie even more special... SO NEAT.... Congrats on receiving this painting.

Harry Flashman said...

That's a nice painting. I can't draw or paint but I admire the talent of those who can.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh how i love this picture of Willie!!! What a sweet gift.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

That is awesome! What a nice gift :)

Grandma Bonnie said...

That is such a beautiful painting! My son just recently gave me a locket with my grandsons photo in it.