Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I spent the past couple of months training for the Virginia Creeper marathon.  I ran quite a few long runs in dreadful wintry conditions.  The day before the marathon, I packed my bag.  I had tapered, and I was ready.
I planned to wake up at 4:00 am and do the drive to Abingdon, about 2 1/2 hours from us.  Around dinnertime, I pulled up the weather for Abingdon the next day, to make sure I had the appropriate layers.

The weather that night?  Ice pellets for us, snow for Abingdon.  100% with 1 - 3 inches of accumulation, and high winds.  I thought about trying to drive so early in the morning on roads that hadn't been plowed yet.  I decided not to go.

This is the first time I've skipped a race due to weather.  Usually I just dress appropriately for the conditions.  I could've run fine in the snow - it was the drive that concerned me.  After all that training, I was so terribly disappointed. 

Readers, have you had any big disappointments lately?


  1. I know that was a hard decision to make but it was surely the right thing to do. You have a family that is dependent on you. I am sorry you missed the race though.

  2. I'm sorry you weren't able to make the marathon Lisa but you made the wisest choice.
    There have been a couple of big disappointments of late but, as always, they've been balanced by unexpected good. =)

  3. You made the right decision as that is not a road to mess with when it snows.

  4. I think you made an intelligent decision not to drive in that goop...and then have to drive back tired from the race.

  5. Better to be safe. There is always the redundant 'next year', although that never makes disappointment better. I was disappointed that I didn't get to go to my son's this past weekend. I wasn't feeling well so had to cancel the 5 hour drive.

  6. Of course I have. I had loosen a chance to get/buy a rest land next my house. We wanted it from the first time we moved here. We had a dream to build a beautiful garden there.

  7. Sorry you had to miss the race, but better than driving in those conditions. I hope spring time comes quickly!

  8. O, I'm sorry, but I think you made the right decision. I'm learning that the best way to deal with disappointment is to change one's focus to all the plenty of good, positive things in one's life. This does remind me of my post here: Trust you and all at home are doing super :)

  9. Sorry about your race!
    The weather has caused some grief this year.

  10. That's too bad about your missing the race, but I think you made the right decision. No major disappointments for me lately.

  11. I am so sorry, after all that hard work getting ready too. You made a wise choice though.

  12. But, you are race ready for the next one :-)
    The winter that never ends just keeps on driving us crazy!

  13. Oh Lisa I am so sorry I think you made the right call you would have been so tense from the drive you may have risked an injury and not enjoyed it as much. Sorry next time there are more races coming. Hug B

  14. I am sorry you missed the race after all that training. It is a disappointment, but I think you did the right thing.

    Disappointments - hah - are you kidding? YES!

  15. So sorry to hear about your missing the race. You did the right thing not risking your life on dangerous roads. The weather has really been a bummer this spring.

  16. Oh, I hate that you had to miss this.
    If I've had any disappointments lately, I've totally forgotten them. Perhaps it's the cold meds I'm on?
    Take care,

  17. Oh goodness, I understand.

    Yes, had a disappointment lately but we'll survive.


  18. Yep, we were supposed to go to Denmark and cancelled that because my advisor wanted me to present my dissertation in Nebraska. Little man go the flu (and everyone else followed) so we cancelled that trip too. Now my only other vacation time, the advisor is out of office. I may never graduate. And I have to keep paying for credit hours to be continuosly enrolled (it's very annyoing/disappointing).

    I'm sorry you missed your race.

  19. Oh gosh, I am SO sorry!!! This is indeed a big disappointment. And all that training. I hope now with spring here, there will be lots more. Did they still have the run? I have had many hard disappointments lately, ones that have me crying every night. Some have broken my heart. I do not know why this is, but God must mean something by it. My latest this week is our cat Sunny. We lost his brother Cher last year, and now Sun is having the same symptoms. He has never been the same after his brother died. We may have to choose between doing very expensive tests that don't help much anyway in the long run, or putting him down. He is back from the hospital, and I am watching him like a hawk.

  20. Did they still have the race? What a bummer!

  21. That is a bummer! You prepared for it and everything.

    Our disappointment was on our anniversary. It ended up fine though. We planned on going to an Indian restaurant. My husband looked on their site. It was open until 8 on Sundays. We got there, and it was closed on Sundays. Luckily I knew of a French place, so we went there instead.

  22. So sorry, but you made the right decision. Your safety is paramount.

  23. After all your training, I'm so sorry but better to be safe. Sending you a BIG ((HUG))......

  24. I am sure you made the best choice by not attempting the drive, but it doesn't make missing the race any better.

  25. I'm sorry you missed the race. Weather does get in the way sometimes. But at least you will be well prepared for the next race.

  26. We think you made the right decision for sure.

  27. Yes I have. Sorry about the race, but at least you're safe.

  28. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. Better safe than sorry though. I think you made a wise decision despite all the disappointment that came with it.

  29. I think you made the right call.

  30. A wise decision, Baby Girl...the roads down there would have been treacherous!...:)JP

  31. Sorry about the marathon, but glad you are safe!

  32. oh i'm so sorry, i hate that for you...i've been disappointed in missing things because of the weather too, like the kids games or something fun outdoors....can't think of anything recently but i'm sure i've been disappointed in the past week or so lol

  33. So sorry to hear about the marathon. The weather has truly been unpredictable. You definitely made the right decision not to go. My big disappointment is owing taxes. I thought we were going to get money back from the IRS and instead, to my surprise, we owe over $2,000. That's surely going to change our summer plans this year!


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