Thursday, April 10, 2014

If I Had 100 Dollars

On a recent trip to Pierce's school, there was a row of worksheets on the wall, from their 100 day celebration of school.  They were interesting - each child was so creative with what they would do with $100.  One girl said she would buy a jello bed and have a jello room.  Pierce?  He said he'd buy a service plan (for the old blackberry of my dad's that he carries around everywhere).  And of course, he'd buy a robot.  He drew a picture of Eve, from the movie Wall E. 
Readers, would you buy a jello bed if you had $100?


  1. No Jello for me, I would rather have the robot!

  2. I don't think so! I love Pierce's answer!

  3. How does a 7 year old kid learn about service plans for smart phones? What a hoot!
    Would the jello bed have some type of outer covering? You wouldn't be just lying in jello, would you?

  4. Oh no, I wouldn't. I would buy a composter machine. LOL...

  5. Too funny! Nope, think I would pass on the Jello bed. Its fun seeing the world from a child's eyes.

  6. Good one! This kind of exercise helps children to learn about money at early age!

  7. Hilarity! I hope you're keeping a Rubbermaid Tub of priceless artwork and writings for you to show your kids when they're all grown up.

  8. Eve. She is such a wonderful character on the movie. AND, he drew her very well.

  9. (you may get this twice)

    No jello for me, but I'd buy a robot for Pierce. :)

  10. A jell-o bed? Oh, I don't think so. But I know of children who could uses $100 worth of food.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  11. jello bed is definitely unique. i'm afraid i'd just blow it on scratch feed for ducks. :)

  12. I would not buy a Jello bed if I had $100. ;) I would not buy a Jelly bed at any price because I'm in charge of house clean up. :)

  13. heerlijk hoe kinderen kunnen wegdromen.

  14. I am impressed. The picture of Eve really does look just like her! That was an awesome movie! I think this is one of those school papers that you should keep forever. Hmmm...I might buy some coupons for free vet visits, we had a huge bill yesterday.

  15. I read it before I read what you wrote and I thought why does he want a service plan. Of course all boys his age want a robot!

  16. Any extra money I have goes to my starving college son. The jello bed is really thinking outside the box. Love Pierce's "survis" plan. Too cute!

  17. That is almost as cute as Mia's "bucket list"...:)JP

  18. I love how creative kids are. :)

  19. That is so cute, that Pierce wants a service plan. I really do need to see Wall E. I'm afraid I would have to pass on a jello bed and just put the money toward bills.

  20. No, I'd pass on the jello bed. Our youngest son's fav movie right ow is Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and the lead character on that show makes a jello bed and lots of other things out of jello--so it must have a following.

  21. that was a very cute robot!!!
    years ago my mommy paid 75 dollars for her little horse that mommy loved so much

  22. Okay, get that kid a robot! He has earned one.

  23. I'd buy 7 boxes of Federal 115 grain full metal jacket 9mm Luger ammo in 50 round packs.

    Oh, I just did that.......

    Well, I'd send the $100 to my son then.

  24. I would pass on the jello bed..that's too funny though. Kids come up with the cutest ideas.

  25. I remember doing this kind of activity in school. It's fun seeing them budget it!

  26. How clever is Pierce???
    Me? I'd buy a pudding bed….and it would be chocolate.

  27. I guess the next 100 € I'll spend will be in a hair salon, to get highlights. Which is a lot. More than a lot. So I'm not sure I'll actually do it.

  28. How cute!! My son would surely buy himself another train! A service plan for a cell phone--well I'd say you're little man is quite practical :)

  29. Pierce is practical! I have a service plan for my phone. :)


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