Monday, May 26, 2014

A Few Thoughts

In his old age, Phoenix is starting to get a little swaybacked and bubble-butted.  I don't hold it against him.
Even after three weeks of treatment last summer, he didn't seem to fully recover from the lyme disease.  He's a little stiff most of the time now, in the pasture, particularly in his hind end.  Sometimes I watch him moving (especially if he's trying to do a tight turn), and I feel bad.  I hope he isn't in too much pain. I miss riding him, but I still enjoy visits with him in the field.  He is sound at the walk at least, so sometimes I'll hop on and we'll just hang out, walking slowly around the arena.  This doesn't seem to bother him - indeed, he seems happy and affectionate over the extra attention.  At some point, I may need to put him on a daily painkiller, but these have their damaging side effects (ulcers, etc.) so I'm holding off for now.

In June, I'll be teaching a human development class at a local college.  I'm excited to get back to teaching.  But it's going to be challenging to manage two part time jobs on top of swim lessons and summer camps and all the other things the boys are up to.  My thinking is that if I can survive the summer, then the boys will all be in elementary school next year, and I can do the part time jobs during those hours, which won't be so bad. 

Speaking of school, the twins are now done with preschool.  We had switched preschools mid-year, and it was the right decision, even though I agonized over it at the time.  We were very pleased with the new preschool, and they thrived there.  Pierce's last day of school is Wednesday.  He had a great first grade year, and loved his teacher. 

Hoping it'll be a great summer, for all of us.  Readers, do you have anything fun planned for the summer?


  1. I hope you don't over task yourself. It seems to me you already do an awful lot.

    My wife and I plan to spend this summer around the house. We always fix up the porches with flowers and hanging plants. I mow the meadow. Sometimes we go to dinner and a movie. Little things around the house and nearby are the most comfortable for us now.

    As long a your horse is happy then all is well. Even when my ferrets begin to decline, I let them live out their lives naturally as long as they are not in pain.

  2. I remember when both of mine started grade school. I missed them, but enjoyed being able to have some me time for a change. I was able to sew and learn to bake bread. Good luck on the teaching job.

  3. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I bet you are going to love teaching again.

  4. Oh poor Phoenix you are a wonderful caregiver Lisa, do not worry about that. Hope he has a good summer.
    Congrats to the boys all moving on. Good luck on your two jobs you can do it I know this because was it not one of your lovely boys that called you Super Mom. Yes indeed you can do it:) Hug B

  5. The summer will go too quickly, you will be too busy to work your garden so I will let you know if I get extra tomatoes and beans.

  6. It's hard to watch an animal friend age. I'm going through that with my Grace now. I don't typically do anything for them heroic--just make sure they are comfortable and not in pain.

    We've had a busy last few weeks, so I'm hoping this summer brings me some rest. I wish you the same somewhere in that crazy schedule!

  7. That's great that you'll be teaching again! If anyone can keep up with a busy schedule, I know it is you.

    We don't have plans for any trips, but I would love to go to the beach, even for a couple of days. I need to see the ocean.

  8. Some days I can identify with Phoenix. Congrats on your teaching job!

  9. You are busy busy! Hd and psychology were my favorite subjects in school.

    How old is Phoenix?

  10. We don't enjoy summer due to the heat and humidity, so we don't make plans... we just get through it knowing that autumn is on it' way.... You are one BUSY lady!!

  11. I love how you take care of you animals.

    Good for you in going back to work that I know you do well in.

    All three of those precious boys will be in elementary. Where does the time go, (I often ask myself). :)

  12. Hello There, We just got home from a great week--which was a terrific 'healing' experience for me --as I recover from gallbladder surgery followed by that wicked infection... You'll have to check out my blog post today (if you haven't done so yet).

    Happy Memorial Day to you and yours... Let's never forget those men and women (past and present) who were/are in the Armed Forces and have done so much to give us the FREEDOM we have today. God Bless ALL of them and God Bless the USA.

    Your description of your horse (swaybacked and bubble-butted) could be ME --or most of US humans when we get old too... ha.. Phoenix is still a beauty though.

    Sounds like you have a busy summer planned.


  13. Phoenix is a beautiful horse! We don't have much for plans this summer. Will probably fly to Alaska and see our daughter and her family. She has two darling little girls ages 3 and 8 months. Sure wish they were closer!

  14. good luck with all your irons in the fire! yikes! :)

  15. Some people I passed yesterday riding had a 31 year old mule with them, a small kid on its back.

  16. I hope you will still have time now and then for posting! I just love watching the boys grow. Have you figured out what to do with Phoenix, are you tempted to keep him? He is your miracle horse and I know you will miss him.

  17. Oh my. I didn't know about Lyme disease and horses. I worry about my GSD and tick hoping the Advantik treatment does the job to keep those ugly bugs away....

  18. You Moms impress me-multitaskers :-). How can school be done already it isn't even June? Phoenix has a pretty funky hair cut and he is so gorgeous, I'm sorry he has lay over from the Lyme's disease poor fellow.

  19. I'm excited for you with the teaching again. You can sense in your tone that you're really looking forward to that.

  20. Oh man! Lyme Disease is such a problem! We have to watch for ticks constantly.

  21. We have a lot of ballgames/trap shooting planned for the summer. We go back to school at the end of July. Six weeks is about what we get for summer! I hope your schedule works out. Being a working mom is hard a times!

  22. Good for you and the boys and as for Phoenix, it is difficult to watch those we love age. I keep forgetting kids down there finish school so early...Mia has only three weeks left, then it's on to first grade!!!...:)JP

  23. how exciting that you're going back to teaching. I'm sure it will be a lot to juggle at first - but you'll get it done!

  24. We don't have any particular plans yet, but they're brewing.

    'grats on the summer class! I like to teach too. :)

  25. Just found you and stopping to say hi. My boys are in their 20's now, seems like yesterday they were as young as yours. Enjoy them!

  26. I hope your horse isn't in too much pain! Bless him! Sounds like a full summer for you. Try to take time for yourself!

  27. sounds like a fun adventure. i can't wait to hear (see) how it goes. my parents & several other family members have taught in the past & love the experience. helping & allowing the kids to learn & grow.

    i have been away on a camping adventure. & now just getting back to replying & talking to you guys again. hope you are well. ( ;

  28. Belo cavalo...Espectacular....


  29. Your old fella looks very content, and I agree with you regarding the pain killers. He has an easy job now a days, and he will determine what is comfortable and what isn't. He looks great!

    Congrats on the teaching position! We are looking forward to a week on Marthas Vineyard in July, one of our favorite places. I am also looking forward to more kayaking and riding and keeping up the walking routines we've been doing.

  30. I am so sorry to hear about the lyme disease. I hope he is fully recovered.

  31. I teach during the summer. I'm just waiting on my summer school list. I get the ones that didn't try hard during the school year - repeat students.

    Why did the twins switch preschool? Both of my boys went to a more academic preschool for the first year, it was on the pricier range. Not super expensive. Their 2nd year they kept with that and we added a state preschool. It was far less expensive. They focused on playing, had a bigger class, and an exercise class afterwards. I wouldn't say I disliked either school, but they were different. I know there were things along the way that we did dislike. That happens.

  32. Good for you and the summer teaching.

    As for plans, we are getting into vacation mode. First beach trip is in a couple of weeks and then another in August. I can't get enough of summer.

  33. You are at an exciting part of your life. I so miss teaching. Your poor horse. I'm sure it is in the best care with you.

  34. Hi Lisa,
    I love your horse!
    He is beautiful.
    I hope he feels better soon.
    I know you take great care
    of your horses, animals, your dear
    family. You are a wonderful mom.
    I am sure everybody loves you.
    It's great news about your teaching. I used to teach too.
    Teaching makes you feel good with yourself, because you can share your knowledge with others.
    I love to teach too...
    About our Season, we'll go nowhere. We stay home with our cats. It's OK. anyway.
    Have a great time with your dear family, Lisa!
    Poet Starry.


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