Friday, May 9, 2014

Francie Says

Francie says....

She's all shed out now.
And looking well.  I do believe she's good and healthy.
And the horses down the load are looking much better too, thanks to the help of my readers. 
Do you know?  Taking pictures while lunging a horse in circles may cause extreme dizziness.
I don't recommend it.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa Francie is beautiful you have done such a great job. Bloggers are a generous bunch of wonderful people I am so happy the horses are doing so well. Hug B

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Shedding is over here as well, still piles of horse hair laying around. They look so different now.

Steve Surratt said...

I know people tend to anthropomorphize animals but she sure looks happy!

Monkeywrangler said...

Wow! What a change in 7 months! She does look healthy and content. Say, looking at the lungeing pic, is her left rear knee joint ok? It just looks offkilter in the picture.

Roan said...

Good to know. Although I'm not expecting to be riding a horse with my camera any time soon. :)

Linda said...

Lisa, I don't know a thing about horses, but this beauty looks marvelous! Have a great weekend! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

Montanagirl said...

She's a beautiful horse!

Tanya Breese said...

hey francie! you are beautiful!! hope you have a happy mother's day lisa!!

Bas. said...

maar ze staat er geweldig op en ziet er heel goed uit.

Busy Bee Suz said...

She looks wonderful….so nice to see she is doing well.
Thank you for sacrificing your dizziness for our benefit. :)

L.L.E said...

She's a beauty! She looks so cute in that english saddle.

TexWisGirl said...

she's a beauty! and in GREAT hands!

M.E. Masterson said...

Great Pic and so glad this is working out for you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I hope it was worth it to you because you got a beautiful picture! She is gorgeous now. YOU DONE GOOD!

Gail Dixon said...

That's great to hear!! I could really sense motion in that second shot. Whoa!

mail4rosey said...

She looks awesome!! HUGE high five to you for stepping in to make that difference. And she looks playful too in that first one, sticking her tongue out. ;)

Sally said...

She's beautiful! And, blessed to be in such a loving home. I'm glad to hear about the others also. :)

Liz Mays said...

Look what you do for the blog. This is great news!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

She's beautiful! You have worked wonders with her, Lisa. I know she is smiling at you. I am too. :-)

Harry Flashman said...

She's beautiful! Elizabeth's rescue horse, Seamus, is doing well too.

Myself, I'm pondering maybe getting a couple of those donkeys the government gives away, to keep my meadow down. A mutually beneficial arrangement for them and for me.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i feel for ya. i am feeling kind of dizzy - is it weird that i am sitting down & still feel really really dizzy? ha. ha!! wonder if it has something to do with your ears/eyes or what??!

i love your new haircut. enjoy it! ( :

Endah Murniyati said...

Cute Francie! Don't do that again, Lisa... or you will get more dizziness.... lol

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hi Francie, your so beautiful!

Lin said...

She's beautiful! Thank you for helping her and her friends.

Michelle said...

She is a beauty!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I wouldn't have tried that myself...I surely would have fallen over backwards or tripped on the rope! She looks beautiful and raring to go!

Rob-bear said...

Wonderful news from Francie! I'm so glad to see she is doing so well.

I hope you didn't fall when you were lunging and photographing at the same time.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Lisa,
Wonderful shots!! Great to see the shot with the horse in action. Well done!!

Best regards,

Karen said...

She looks fantastic! Good job, Lisa..and readers, for helping with the care you have secured for the horses down the road. I love these stories, thanks for all you do for the animals in need.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
You have done another amazing job with Francie, your pony.
I really love your pony!
She is so beautiful and smart.
These pics are so cute, especially the one when she looks at the camera like saying Howdy Folks...
Francie in motion is adorable.
Happy Mother's Day, Lisa!!
God may bless you all.
Greetings from Starry.

Sally said...

Happy Mother's Day, Lisa. One of the best mama's I know.


An Apel a Day said...

I bet that would make you dizzy. Such a pretty horse. She's looking so much better from when you first got her.

Slamdunk said...

Well howdy back at you Francie. Glad you toughed it out to get the neat pic for us.

And, Happy Mother's Day!

Haddock said...

Apart from being dizzy, you managed to get a good panning shot.

Anonymous said...

She runs with such joy!

Anne Payne said...

She is GORGEOUS!!!

Jenn Jilks said...

OK. That is hilarious!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Lisa, she looks marvelous...gorgeous....healthy and y too!...:)JP

Linda said...

Francie looks wonderful! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... the last comment is Hilarious :) Thanks for the tip :)
GOod to see you, Francie!

Barbara said...

YAY!!! She looks amazing!

Unknown said...

She looks adorable, you did a great job taking a picture while she's running round and round

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Somehow I missed this post from last spring. She looks FANTASTIC! I can only imagine how much healthier she is NOW, months after you took these pics.

I am so glad she has a good home!