Monday, May 19, 2014

Not Rubbish Boot Scraper

It's not often I buy frivolous items for the house.  It's adequately decorated, and I generally put any extra money towards useful things.  But the other day I found this whimsical Dachshund wrought iron boot scraper at a thrift store.  I wavered.  Back and forth.  And finally, I paid and brought him home.

I have a small collection of wrought iron items - they seem to go well with a log home.  I've always wanted an iron headboard, but it has never been in the budget.  Still, I am quite happy with this unusual stoic-faced little dog - he makes a nice addition to our front porch.

Linked with Rubbish Tuesday


Bas. said...

zo kan je nuttig en mooi verenigen.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I have seen those. I have an old piece of steel that my grandfather used 50 years ago. The things you save that reminds you of someone.

Steve Surratt said...

I'll bet there's plenty of boot-scraping to be done around your place!

Roan said...

He is a bit stoic. Perhaps because he is tired of all those muddy boots. I think I would be. I agree, he is a fine addition to your porch. Thanks for linking up.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I LOVE it Lisa great buy not rubbish at all. Hug B

Anonymous said...

Oh, I LOVE kitschy little touches to the home like this. You will use him and also adore seeing him. The boys will always think of him when they are grown and gone. I still recall a little iron dog that my grandparents had in their home back in the 60's. Kitsch is a good thing! xox

Lin said...

with all those boys, I'm thinking your little friend is gonna pay for himself in no time.

My mother-in-law has had this exact boot scraper outside her back door for as long as I can remember. She had four sons--it got a workout.

Montanagirl said...

That's a great find!

Barbara said...

He is a cutie!

TexWisGirl said...

really great find! :)

Rob-bear said...

You've really gone to the dogs. Or, dog. He's really sweet. And you've already handled him with care.

blessings and Bear hugs!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

He's really cute! And I bet he will get a workout. :-) When something calls your name like that, it's usually worth the investment, I think.

Anonymous said...

He is so cute! I am glad you bought him.

Sally said...

Well, he's just adorable! I bet the boys like him too. :)

An Apel a Day said...

Those things are handy. My grandparents used to have one.

By the way a long time ago you posted about wanting to know how to download PDFs. I finally figured it out!!! I don't know if you did.

Here's what a it looks like: (recipe download).

Here are the steps:
sign in with FB account.
Hit upload.
Put in the title and description.
Save and Continue.
Then there is an (Embed) option.
It gives you the code to copy and paste into blogger, or Wordpress.

Cranberry Morning said...

Poor little guy. He looks like he's resigned to allowing people to scrape their boots on his back - but he doesn't have to like it. lol CUTE.

mail4rosey said...

He's cute. I'd have brought him home too. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I just love him!!! He is adorable, and I think that I would have bought him too. Where did you get him, I may go take a look. Or is it just a local place?

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
I like your cute iron item.
I remember when I posted in my random thoughts blog about
my love for iron bed headboards,
you would mention that you like
a black iron bed headboard.
Well, I'll put it in God's list
of prayers to grant your wishes.
You'll never know...
Your dreams and wishes
may come true in the end.
By the way, How is Francie doing?
All the Best,
Poet Starry.

Linda said...

I like it! I would have bought it too.

Grandma Bonnie said...

What a neat boot scraper! I did not know they made such unique boot scrapers. Now,I want to see if I can find one for my husband.

Gail Dixon said...

It's useful and it's cute! Great purchase. :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

A great idea for the Pres!!!! Now I will have to look....:)JP

Rose said...

It is wonder you brought it home.

Anonymous said...

Very cute boot scraper! Money well spent when it is also a useful item. :)

Visiting from Rubbish Tuesday.


betty-NZ said...

Ha! That is quite different and I'm sure he's been scraping for a long, long time!

What I Did Today said...

Super cute! My mom has a similar one. It's a Scottish Terrier, because she has a live one who she loves dearly. :)

Hazel said...

He's cute. Glad he's now yours.

EG CameraGirl said...

Oh, I think this is wonderful, Lisa!

Anonymous said...

Oh your boys will remember growing up with him.
We finally changed out the carpet for concrete floors in another effort to keep the floors clean.
Your wrought iron doggy just makes me smile.

Amy Burzese said...

I think you made a good choice. He's a cutie.

Anonymous said...

I love wrought iron things, too. They are hard to come by these days. This is cute & practical. I like that.

Tanya Breese said...

very cute!

marilyn said...

A great find! ...and you'll enjoy having him around whether or not he helps with 'boot scraping'.

Unknown said...

He is adorable. Subtle yet adds a nice addition. Nice choice.

Michelle said...

Excellent purchase :)

Slamdunk said...

Nice find--I like him too. We enjoy browsing for unique items like that. Fortunately, we do more browsing than buying as we have limited space.

Anonymous said...

It looks very cute! i had a real dog like this. It is of Dashion type!

Unknown said...

In college, I owned an iron bed that was very cool. You'll run across one at one of the better antique places. I enjoyed rummaging through an antique shop in Ohio during my visit home. I collect coffee mugs and treated myself to some vintage cups from "The Sands" in Las Vegas.

Busy Bee Suz said...

He is a delightful little fella!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I would have bought it, too!

Vision By Mila said...

I have a Dachshund too, for real. But also one in porcelain, from my mother-in-law.