Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Scooters Seeking Catfish Heads

The summer after I graduated from college, Paul and I housesat for my geology professor while looking for our first professional jobs.  I worked at a vet that summer, my favorite job ever.  The professor taught classes out west, and Paul and I cared for his dogs and hamsters. 

There was an old yellow Vespa (Italian scooter) in the professor's garage that hadn't run in years.  Paul got it going again.  I have many happy memories of riding the Vespa down country roads.  There was one ranch in particular that had catfish skulls decorating the tops of each fence post.

Recently my uncle emailed us to see if we'd like a scooter.  He likes to work on engines and such, and when his neighbor crashed hers and bought a new one, she said he could have it.  Uncle George got it up and running again, and brought it up (whenever I have a mechanical question, I always call George!).

We've been having so much fun riding the scooter on the old logging roads on our land.  It goes just slightly faster than I can run.  Actually, I might be able to beat it on foot going uphill, if I sprinted. 
Paul and I have had so much fun reliving our youth as we putter along the dirt paths.  I would be scared to drive a motorcycle, but these scooters are slow and easy to handle.  The only thing missing is a big old ranch with fenceposts topped in catfish heads...


Sunnybrook Farm said...

What a neat story, I got a mental picture of you guys on an the old scooter and the catfish skulls.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa that would be fun and the memories are wonderful. Hug B

J@ckie said...

Very Good!!! Have a nice day! :)

Barbara said...

Such a great memory and how great that Uncle George gave you a scooter!

Roan said...

Nice memory! I might be able to handle a scooter, but I'm way past motorcycles. My dad didn't give us toys, but we always had a go-cart and then as we got older, motorcycles. He even made us a dirt track to ride on. Cute scooter.

Endah Murniyati said...

A really sweet memory...

Out on the prairie said...

Those skulls were to show the monsters they caught. I love to cruise on my bike. I got started on a little bike one had to pedal to get it going faster.

Montanagirl said...

Ha fun! Would love to see you sprinting! (My sprinting days are over).

Sandra said...

my husband would love the scooter :)
Sweet memories!

TexWisGirl said...

how very cute!! so fun!

mail4rosey said...

That is a nice trip down memory lane. I'm glad you got the scooter. :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

How cool! I've never ridden a scooter, but it does look like it would be fun. I feel like that on a bike--I have so much fun and feel like a kid.

Since you enjoyed your job at the vet's so much, have you ever thought about doing that work again? You'd be great at it, I'm sure.

Sally said...

Awesome, Lisa. I'm happy for you and Paul; reliving your youth is a wonderful thing!

Have a happy day. :)

Steve Surratt said...

Time to go fishin for catfish :-)

The Cranky said...

What a sweet gift, and sweeter memories! Perhaps you need a catfish skull on the front of your new scooter?

Bas. said...

dat is toch heerlijk genieten.

Unknown said...

Your story reminded me of the Tom Hanks movie a couple of years back about an out of work retail store manager who buys a Scooter and joins a Scooter Club. I acquired my motorcycle license, but never renewed it (or used it) after encountering an intersection accident involving a motorcycle. The next day I placed my riding gear on eBay and sold it. But Scooters are different, and I'd like to try one out now!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, I just love this story, what great memories! I wonder if the catfish skulls are still there, do you know? The scooter is cute as a button, let the fun begin!!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

It sounds like a lot of fun to putter around on a scooter. Did it handle gravel roads well? I do not like and will never own a motorcycle, but I've always thought a scooter would be so much fun. (If I could keep my grands off of it long enough to get a ride now and then!)

Gail Dixon said...

After reading the blog The Daily Coyote, I wanted a Vespa for the longest time! What a cute little motorscooter to putter around in. Enjoy!

Harry Flashman said...

Seeing that reminds me of living in Europe. Pretty girls on Vespas. I wonder if they still ride those these days.

20 North Ora said...

That is a darling scooter! I bet you do have a lot of fun with it. I've never been one to even want to ride a motorcycle but a scooter would be fun. I am your newest follower.


Linda said...

Looks like fun! Enjoy!

DeniseinVA said...

This is a fun read and good memories. It must be lovely reliving them on this cute looking Vespa.

Karen said...

What a fun memory and a really cool scooter. I'm thinking you need to find a few catfish heads to put on your fenceposts, are garden posts atleast :-)

An Apel a Day said...

Such a cute scooter!!!

Anonymous said...

What fun! It will be great to have a scooter!

Willow said...

That story and the scooter is just so awesome !
Thanks for sharing it .

Slamdunk said...

What a great image you have created. I could do without the speed as well, and also the catfish heads could remain absent.

Angie said...

I used to have a scooter when I was younger. So fun :)

Anonymous said...

I am getting remembered of my college days!

Annette said...

Oh my gosh! I sooo want a scooter. I've wanted to ride one ever since I spent a semester studying abroad in Spain. The only problem is that there's not much country back roads by least not anymore...

Maybe one day. ENJOY!!!!

Unknown said...

Those were the days..I remember going to school with the use of scooter!