Monday, May 12, 2014

The Community Arboretum

On the one day that all three boys had off for Spring Break, I took them to the local community college, where there is a community arboretum.
 We started with the sensory garden, where there are things to hear, like a fountain, things to feel, like lambs ear, and things to smell, like oregano.

The boys liked seeing so many different styles of plants.

They especially liked the bleeding hearts.  

This field is surrounded by a perfect circle of birches.

And at the end, there is a gazebo.

We counted koi in the ponds.  There were pinwheels all over for Child Abuse Awareness month.

We saw a number of interesting sculptures, like this praying mantis.

A bridge led over to our grand finale....

A hedge maze!
Pierce said, "Wow, Mom, this was way cooler than I thought it would be!"
The boys are already asking when we can go back.


Sunnybrook Farm said...

You have shown me something new, never new it was there!

Anonymous said...

I warmly greet you and invite you to see my new photos.
I wish you a successful week.

Roan said...

Looks like a great place for learning about nature.

Anonymous said...

Nice post! My husband wants to put a gazebo in our backyard... they are neat to look at, but not sure I would ever go sit in it.

Glad the boys enjoyed themselves... oh, and bleeding hearts were my dad's favorite! xox

Out on the prairie said...

Sounds like a wonderful visit for all.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful place to explore! We have pinwheels up here in Greenville too.

Steve Surratt said...

My daughter was married in that Gazebo. I love that place!

TexWisGirl said...

that is so neat! glad you all enjoyed it!

Sharon Wagner said...

I love bleeding hearts. They are just peeking up here.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That looks like a great place, and so nice that it's open to the public. You are raising three little naturalists. :-)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My--I love Arboretums--and the one you went to is GREAT... Perfect, not only for us big kids, but for little ones too... I can understand why your kids loved it and want to go back!!!!!

Sally said...

I love how you introduce those precious boys to so many different areas of life. They are so adorable!

Have a wonderful day, Lisa!

mail4rosey said...

A hedge maze does sound fun. I'm glad they had a good time. :)

Willow said...

You ARE such a good mom .
That picture on the bridge huge cuteness factor ~ what great kids !!

L.L.E said...

What a fun place to spend an afternoon!

Bleeding hearts come back year after year where I live, they're pretty neat looking.

Montanagirl said...

That was a really cool thing to take the time to do with your boys - good for you!

Montanagirl said...

That was a really cool thing to take the time to do with your boys - good for you!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like a lovely day. I love arboretums.

Anne Payne said...

That does look like a fun place to go! Your boys look very happy to be there. How have you been? Sorry I haven't been around too much visiting. I'll catch up eventually...maybe. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I got distracted by looking at one of your earlier posts from last year. A bright red duck on a field trip! Do you know what it is? The post was likely when I was off with my eye surgeries, otherwise I would have seen it. I didn't know this place existed. I love the boys with the bleeding hearts, and the way you captures the birch shadows on the grass.

Jenn Jilks said...

What a lovely spot. We're traveling with the grandkids this week. It's wonderful seeing things through their eyes!
Sorry you didn't have strawberries!

Gail Dixon said...

Your boys are so appreciative. I love that they enjoyed all that nature. What a great day!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hmmm...perhaps Botany is a major for someone????...:)JP

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We love all the wonderful photos of the good time you all had!

Lin said...

How fun!! Don't you love how soft the lambs ears are?

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a fun day trip for the four of you. I thought the praying mantis was adorable. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Looked like a beautiful day.

Harry Flashman said...

You go to a lot of trouble to provide "enriching experiences" for your kids. You're a good mom. If you ever get the chance, take them to the Chattanooga aquarium. They'll love it and they can touch the sting rays, and some fish, in a little tank for the kids.

Linda said...

Yay! Now that they liked it, you get to go back and take more adorable photos!

Endah Murniyati said...

Interesting lesson, funny trip!

Lynn said...

what a cool spot for children, I love seeing the boys all together, they are just too cute for words..

Rob-bear said...

What a delightful adventure! Glad the boys had such fun, and I trust you did, too.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Unknown said...

Looks like fun. I like the idea of a sensory garden.

Anonymous said...

I think it is way cooler than anything! SO fun! Esp. the MAZE...just WOW!

Michelle said...

I'm with Pierce, this looks cool!

Slamdunk said...

What a great idea. We have an area with bonds and fountains and Koi--it is still a hit with the kids even though they are older now.

Annette said...

So cool. I wish our college would do something like that. It's not only beautiful but super educational. What a wonderful place to visit!

Barbara said...

That looks like such a fun place!