Monday, June 2, 2014

What's Exciting about Old Dish Towels?

A couple of weekends ago I was at the flea market.  I found a bin full of these dish towel calendars from the 80s and 90s.  I'm sure they'd been passed by many a time, by folks who couldn't possibly have any use for a bunch of old rags.

 But you know what my grandmother does with these?  She crochets around the edges.  It keeps her hands busy, and she enjoys the uniqueness to each one.
 She gave me a large tupperware of them from the 60s, 70s and 80s that she finished some time ago, and I put them in my Etsy shop.  Last fall, I shipped four of them overseas.  My grandmother was delighted to have her handiwork appreciated.  And the buyer reported back how much she treasured them (having bought specific years that were of significance in her life).

So yes, you could say I was excited to find these at the flea market.  My grandmother will love working with them.  And I'm thrilled to bring her some small bits of happiness to fill her days.
Some might say these are just rubbish.
I say rubbish is in the eye of the beholder.
Linked with Rubbish Tuesday.


Bas. said...

wel heel leuk om zo terug te kijken.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I had forgotten about these, my grandmother made them into towels back in the 60s. I can remember getting chicken feed in fancy calico sacks and she used those as well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, What a great find. I remember my mom's friend gifting her these at Christmas each year. What a fun idea for your grandmother to crochet around them. She must be thrilled that her handiwork is being enjoyed across the sea.

Steve Surratt said...

We had those when I was growing up, hundreds of them it seemed. Now I know where they all went! :-)


Superbes calendriers. Nous en faisons aussi de semblables en France. Si je devais choisir, ce serait celui avec les oiseaux.
Belle semaine à toi.


Anonymous said...

They would be great for skip counting with the boys!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa I love everyone of them and the image of your Grandmother doing the edges makes me smile. Beautiful post. Hug B

Willow said...

They are sweet and nostalgic We have a few hanging that use to belong to my great Auntie that lived on the farm before us.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

We had a lot of those, too, when I was growing up, and my mom used them for dish towels after the year was over. That's wonderful that your grandmother crochets edges for them. And I hadn't thought how some people would like a certain year. Great post!

Sandra said...

I love vintage fabric items
Great find!!

camp and cottage living said...

My Mother had a cloth calendar hanging on her kitchen wall and I often bought them for her, so I don't think your towels are rubbish!
Great buy, Lisa.

Out on the prairie said...

Remember my mom getting a new one each year

Endah Murniyati said...

Oh... they are so pretty!

Montanagirl said...

My Grandmother would probably do the same thing if she were still with us! These are great, Lisa, and it's wonderful that you thought of your she's loving stitching those edges!

Sally said...

I LOVE these! And, good for your grandmother with the crochet!

One of my nephews used to give our mom one of these every years.
If I still had them, I would send to you. :)

Linda said...

That covered bridge one is so familiar. I think I gave one to my mom.

TexWisGirl said...

they're awesome finds! and neat that your grandmother will give them new life, too!

Sharon Wagner said...

I have a large collection of those from my mom. I should do a blog post as well. I love them!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are so thoughtful! And also so blessed to have your grandmother. Do you get to see her very often? How far away does she live?

L.L.E said...

What a wonderful find! It's fun to find treasures like that at yard sales:)

Roan said...

I haven't seen one of these in a long time. I always loved seeing the pictures. Mom always had one hanging in the kitchen. I'm glad your grandmother enjoys them. Thanks for linking up!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

They are gorgeous... What a great find. Your grandmother will love them!!!


LisaS said...

What a great find! And thoughtful of you to get them for your grandmother ;)

Samantha said...

Love this! Very cool these towels will live on, with more story added on :)

mail4rosey said...

I think it's perfectly sweet! I love that she crochets around them, and that you found a happy home for them with your Etsy shop! :)

Gail Dixon said...

My grandmother used to have these cloth calendars. So neat!

An Apel a Day said...

I actually think old dish towels work better than the modern ones.

Rose said...

I love these...used to get one every year!

M.E. Masterson said...

Neat idea! So very lovely!

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad your grandma likes to do things think that still.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They are not rubbish to me, I love dish towels and those are really nice!

Unknown said...

They look great. I have never heard of a dish towel calendar before but it would make a great gift.

Sarah said...

What a great idea - I like the thought that one persons rubbish is another persons treasure.

Amy Burzese said...

You hit the jackpot! It is so nice that they will be useful again, especially for your grandmother.

Tanya Breese said...

how neat and i love that your grandma makes them extra special!

nookworm said...

Love them! I have many that were my mother's and I USE them. They are wonderful for drying dishes and are a great conversation piece.

Jackie McGuinness said...

Definitely not rubbish!! How great they get new life and travel across the world.

marilyn said...

Haven't seen one of these in a while and they were a great find for you and a few memories for wonderful that your grandmother has a new use for them...

Michelle said...

They are like small pieces of art and a bit of history too. I like the dog calendar the best.

Anonymous said...

What a great way to add new life to them!

Maggid said...

what a brilliant idea . . . and a blessing all around.

love & love,

Slamdunk said...

Ha. as I was reading your post about making treasure from cast offs, I was thinking of the quote that you ended with.

Well done Lisa and glad to hear that your grandmother is still creative and energetic.

Barbara said...

Those are some great finds! And how amazing that you put them in your shop - your grandma made unbelievable treasures for someeone! ;)

Anne Payne said...

Great memories seeing these beautiful cloth calendars! My Granny always had one on her wall, usually of Cardinals :)

GranthamLynn said...

I love them. They really do dry dishes great! I would love to see the crocheted ones. What a great idea. I came over from the Rubbish linky. I am following you so I can come back. I enjoyed visiting.
Have a wonderful Sunday,

Unknown said...

Whenever I fly my Mom into town for a visit, she always loves Antique Malls, and crochet patterns are her expertise. She may buy a small piece just to copy the pattern. ;)