Friday, June 27, 2014

Wrought Iron

This picture was taken at the duck pond when we went a couple of weeks ago.
We have been staying busy.  Last week the boys did VBS and had a great time.  I have started teaching my class.  Plus I still have my other job.  It's good to be teaching again. 

Yesterday I turned a year older.  Next year I'll hit the next decade. 

I learned a new word this week, while reading a book called The Expats (which was excellent, if you like spy thrillers).  The word?  Vomitoria.  Yeah.  You know I had to google that.  Furthermore - I think it'll be a word that I get a chance to use next time I'm at a ballgame or something. 

Have a great weekend, readers!

Linked with Good Fences at Run A Round Ranch


  1. Happy (Belated) Birthday Lisa; you certainly are a busy lady. =)

    Vomitoria? That's a new one on me, although I do know what a vomitorium was... I know, the weird tidbits of knowledge we pick up!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday Lisa.

    Great fence this week.

  3. Happy belated Birthday Lisa. Every decade I pass I find I am more relaxed and know who I am. Enjoy work and the boys. Hug B

  4. Happy birthday, glad you are getting to do some teaching. Have you been getting those storms that have gone through every day?

  5. LOL I had to google vomitorium, too. Love the fence!

  6. Happy Birthday to you! and congratulations on being back to teaching...where do you find the time to do all that you do!!?!!

  7. happy birthday, young thing! :)

    love the two-toned (or three-toned) fence! thanks for linking!

    off to google...

  8. Umm, not sure I want to know what that word means..:)
    I'm glad you are having a great summer. Mine has been slow, but the extreme heat has stayed away this week, so that makes me happy!

  9. Great looking fence and bet you had a lovely time that day. How awesome that you are teaching.... school I am guessing?? What age? Bet that really keeps you busy busy. Have a wonderful summer and an belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  10. Happy Birthday to you!!

    I had to look up the word, and I laughed that you didn't tell us what it meant. I've seen one of those a time or twenty. :)

    I like the fence!

  11. awwww Lisa, Happy Birthday! I hope it was wonderful.

    You're sure staying busy this summer; I'm happy you enjoy the work. And, I know you're very good at it. :)

    Okay, now I have to google that word.

    Have a great weekend.

  12. Nice fence and Happy Birthday! I'm of to Google too -never heard of Vomitoria! lol

  13. Happy Belated Day.....

    pretty with the water behind the fence...

  14. I have to look that one up! Great about the jobs, but how do you manage them in the summer? The fence picture is cool! Is part of it really red or is it a trick of the eye from the sun?

  15. I just looked it up, so interesting! So maybe there were two kinds of vomitoriums...

  16. Did the ancient Romans invent that to use after their eating orgies...?

  17. Did the ancient Romans invent that to use after their eating orgies...?

  18. Wow! What a wonderful birthday...back teaching!!! Nice old fence, by the way. Happy belated birthday, Baby Girl!...:)JP

  19. Happy Birthday!!!
    Its nice to learn new words- isn't it?

  20. Happy Birthday ~ a little late :) Thanks for the 'new word'

  21. Happy Belated Birthday, Lisa! I hope you had a wonderful one. I'm glad you are enjoying your class. I'd like to take it. :-)

    Now I'm going to have to look up that word--and the book. I love spy thrillers.

  22. DUH!!! I forgot to give you a big Happy Birthday!!!!!

  23. Wow - do I have a lot to catch up on or what!? Job, class, broken arm, birthdays - whew! I will be back!
    Happy birthday friend!

  24. Nice fence. I find the half red, half black to be very interesting.

  25. Hope your birthday was awesome. Have a great weekend!

  26. Petronius Arbiter: The Feast of Trimalchio.

  27. Happy belated birthday Lisa. I hope your family rolled out the red carpet for you. Teaching is a challenge, but certainly rewarding--glad you are getting the chance to do it again.

  28. Happy birthday, you young thing!
    I would love to still be teaching, but I wore out!
    We learned about a vomitorium through a tour of the National Art Centre theatre! (Of course, my son, the actor would know about this, but I did not!)

    We had the grandkids and my daughter over last night. I am so tired! They've gone home. I've forgotten about having kids around!

  29. I've never heard of that word....very interesting!
    Happy belated birthday-you are a whippersnapper!

  30. You gave me a laugh! I- think I'll pass on the Wikipedia--I have an idea from grade school on that one!

  31. I hope you had a good birthday!

    I love that picture of the fence.


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