Friday, July 18, 2014

Sculptures at the Library

Recently I was driving by a library, and noticed they had some neat sculptures outside.  I was working at the time, but later I made it a point to drive back and walk through them.

The are so serene.

Love this quote.
As someone who loves reading and libraries, I couldn't resist these sculptures.
I'm glad I took a few minutes to go back and see them.
Readers, is there some sort of landmark you've been meaning to go check out?


Bas. said...

heel mooi dit moet haast wel stimulerend werken.

The Cranky said...

These sculptures are lovely and serene, and the quote is spot on.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

These are wonderful sculptures! Love the quote too.

Annette said...

I love libraries too, and I hope future generations will always see their importance (no matter how many ebooks replace real ones). I recently drove by an intersection that has about 12 large metal eagles on display... I definitely need to check out their significance! Thanks for sharing this library tribute.

Anonymous said...

Very nice sculptures. The quote is great. Summer, especially, reminds me of visiting the library when I was a kid.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

aww, i see the boys below ... that is too cute. love the fence - so decorative. i am so happy my parents - really instilled in my the love for reading. i love it. when i can clear my mind. i am doing that now that i have last Deborah Harkness book. The Book Of Life. love it!! ( :

Anonymous said...

Oh, those are cool!

TexWisGirl said...

those are SO neat!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I love libraries, as you probably already know. These sculptures are lovely--I especially like the one with the pile of books.

There are several landmarks in the area that I want to see. Can you believe I've never been to the D-day Memorial, and I'm so close?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love them! Enjoy your weekend.....

mail4rosey said...

We have a great mother/daughter sculpture just outside of our library that I've taken a picture of too. :)

Unknown said...

That is a great way to celebrate reading.

Sally said...

I'm so glad you went back also, Lisa. These are beautiful, and like you I love to read. Thank you so much for sharing! :)

An Apel a Day said...

How cool is that!!! I love it.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Unusual style, modern looking, and very cool. I love the books, and the inscription inside the book. If I could find out about any good sculptures nearby, I would be THERE! They are the perfect snapping subject as they never move and are unaffected by the wind.

Rob-bear said...

Those are just amazing. Done by a book-loving creator, and ideal for a library. Where would we be without libraries?

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Harry Flashman said...

Sometimes I go to the county Confederate Memorial Park. It's cool and shady, and it has a big plinth with an eagle on top. All the names of the county men who died in the Confederate Army are carved on it.

Gail Dixon said...

Those are cool statues and make a bold statement. I love libraries too and relate to the quote very much.

Michelle said...

I do like these a lot :)

Angie said...

How Interesting, I would have had to go back and take a look too.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Those are terrific sculptures... Like you said, they are so serene... NEAT!!

Endah Murniyati said...

The sculptures make everyone want to read some books. Really encoraging.

troutbirder said...

Yes books and libraries have been a big part of my life since childhood. Minneapolis has a beautiful sculpture garden next to the famous Guthrie Theater. Another favorite place to visit...:)

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Those are so cool! I would definitely stop to check them out!

Linda said...

Nice peaceful sculptures! They invite your to do something quiet, like reading.

Becca said...

That's really awesome that you went back later. I'm not sure I would have but maybe I will have to start in the future if I see something that looks neat!

Slamdunk said...

Those are neat.

I have a reminder for a post on a great fountain sculpture that I need to remember to write.

It is amazing the beauty that we can see if we just look around.

I hope your weekend went well Lisa.

Anonymous said...

These are really wonderful!