Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Would You Eat a Scorpion?

I don't suppose you have ever asked yourself the question "Would I eat a scorpion?".  Certainly I haven't.  Would you eat one if you were starving to death?  What about if you hadn't had any food for weeks, and you knew it wouldn't harm you?  Or what about if you went to the beach with $20 "fun money" your grandparents gave you, and saw one in a sugary lollipop form?

In case you are wondering, scorpion lollipops will run you $3.99.  Not the cheapest sucker on the block. 
As for Reid, he marches to his own drummer.  He decided that rather than buy a scorpion lollipop, he would purchase a toy metro bus. 

Readers, who do you think was the wisest spender?


Unknown said...


Harry Flashman said...

Les Stroud eats scorpions on his "Survivor Man" shows with no ill effect, but if I had to eat one I would want a scorpion sucker.

Anonymous said...

I would go for the bus! It will last longer!

Steve Surratt said...

That would be a tough choice. The bus lasts longer but the bragging rights of eating a scorpion last forever!

Out on the prairie said...

candy is tough to give up, but I would have had a bus also

Endah Murniyati said... sounds so strange,and looks strange too!

Monkeywrangler said...

Thankfully, I have never been hungry enough to eat bugs knowingly, nor drunk enough. (tequila worms anyone?)

Anne Payne said...

Seems pretty typical for a boy to choose either one. But I would have to say Reid is the wiser spender :)

Anonymous said...

The scorpion is rarer, worth more.

TexWisGirl said...

we've gotten a few of those suckers but never eaten them. no thanks. i squash enough of them under my flyswatter...

Crystal Collier said...

Bus, for sure. Oh my goodness, that's insane. I guess it just goes to prove that reality is stranger than fiction. =)

Busy Bee Suz said...

I think I might have to pass on those. Your boys are so funny!

Michaele said...

That's tough. I would get the sucker and then beg to play with the toy.
Cute post.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

No I would not eat a Scorpion and I think Reid made the wisest purchase!

Ginny Hartzler said...

We are both sitting here amazed! First, it was a REAL scorpion?? Surely not! Did he eat the whole thing? This is the most icky and shocking post you have ever done!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Seriously, when he got down to the scorpion, did he actually eat it, claws and all? I know boys love bugs but this is taking it to a whole new level. Tell him I said he is totally BRAVE!

Chatty Crone said...

I guess they could - I couldn't!!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I might go with the bus but I would need a close look at the suckers. Brings back memories of bugs in the food.

Marie said...

yuck! but, if those boys are happy that's what matters. :)

Karen said...

I'd go for the unusual, the pop! But.. I wouldn't eat it. Bleh.

LisaS said...

I'd go for the bus too!

Sally said...

Well, you know? That's a really good question. I think I'd be with Reid though. :)

I love your boys!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Do they actually have a scorpion inside? I guess that would be particularly fascinating to little boys. But as much as I love candy, I would probably buy the bus--lasts longer. :-)

It is so cute how your boys wear costumes as everyday attire. So fun!

Michelle said...

I would have to take a pass on the scorpion! Bus please! lol

Tweedles -- that's me said...

the bus!

Linda said...

I would not eat it in a box,
I would not eat it with a fox.
Unless I was starving.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I saw these at a shop in Branson and I wondered if the bugs were real..all I could think was Eww and UGH. I'm thinking Reid got the best end of the stick buying a cool toy bus!

Tanya Breese said...

i would have to pick the bus, no way would i eat a scorpion, yuck!! have a great weekend!

An Apel a Day said...

I think it's cool that they both do their own thing.

In other countries they eat bugs all the time. We're the odd ones for not joining in. LOL

Unknown said...

I enjoy reading about the kid's decisions! Fun! :)I'd probably have gone with the Metro Bus too.

Annette said...

Oh my goodness! My son hates bugs and would never buy the lollipop. Did Cort eat it? The bus, however, would be a huge hit in this house :)