Monday, September 8, 2014

A Day at the Beach

When we took our little extended weekend trip south, we decided to do a day trip to Myrtle Beach, as it was less than an hour from where we were staying.  Myrtle Beach isn't my favorite beach (being a little too touristy for my preferences) but it had been two years and we all needed an ocean fix.
 These boys all love the beach just as much as their mom.

Indeed, two years is too long to go without a trip to the beach.

Unfortunately, it was jellyfish season, and 3 out of the 5 of us were stung.

The good news is that these jellyfish were not really bad ones.

Still, it kept me from venturing far into the water.  I had a toxic reaction to a jellyfish sting some years ago, which landed me in the hospital overnight with heart damage.
I try to play it extra safe now.

The lifeguards had a spray for the jellyfish stings, which helped get the sting out.

And then, it was right back into the water.

Because a little jellyfish can't stop the pure joy of sand and sea.
Readers, are you a fellow beach lover?


  1. I love the beach but the Atlantic ocean is kinda icky. Still, great memories for the boys!

  2. Oh Lisa what incredible photos the boys look so happy. I am not a fan of the beach I like hiking in the forest more. I think the Jellyfish thing would scare me a bit. Oh what incredible memories you give your boys. Hug B

  3. We haven't been to the beach in years, just can't afford to go unless it is winter and how much fun is that? It was good that you could get the boys there, they had a really good summer and now a trip to the beach.

  4. Fun at the beach! I love going, but only get my feet wet. I saw Jaws! I've spent my life landlocked, but when I lived in Raleigh NC, drove to Wilmington almost every weekend during the summer.

  5. We live too far from the beach to make a trip there. The last time DH and I were in the ocean was on our honeymoon in Hawaii.

  6. I am a mountain lover and dont care for the beach, but when my children were all small, we went to the beach every summer. I think that is why I burned out on beaches.

  7. My oldest is the only one of us whose ever gotten a sting. Knock on wood. Silly jellyfish.

    I'm glad you had a great time, the pictures are fun.

  8. Lots of fun and a wild town to explore. I have been there a lot.

  9. it's been years since i've had sand in the toes and saltwater in the eyes.

  10. I desperately need an ocean fix, and it's only been one year.. hopefully next year we'll get fixed! ;)

  11. Your boys look like they're having a ball! I'm sorry about the jelly fish. I've never been stung by one. I love the ocean but haven't been for years. I want to go, but we need to find someone who will watch Chase Bird.

  12. I LOVE the beach (as you know) --but we go during off-seasons to stay away from the tourists... We also go a little ways north of Myrtle to Ocean Isle where the beaches are much cleaner I think.. Regardless, even with jelly fish stings, it looks as if the boys enjoyed every second there... I don't like jellyfish either --and stay FAR away.

  13. I would love to go to a beach, I have never been to one! Except once when I was a little girl, and I can't remember it. Our family goes several times each summer and stay for weeks. WHAT kind of jellyfish gives heart damage? You seem great now, what is the lingering damage? This is a scary story and now I would not go the the beach anyway! I did not know that jellyfish even had a season!! You guys are brave to go right back in!!

  14. I grew up in Florida, 45 minutes from the beaches and I was never stung by a jellyfish. :) We haven't checked out the beaches here in NC yet.
    Great photos!

  15. oh sorry about the jelly fish :( i was stung once by a man o war in hawaii while out snorkeling...dang, that hurt! i'm from san diego so we were always at the beach...i'm not crazy about just sitting in the sand like i did as a teen...i love to swim in the water but when i'm done, i'm ready to leave and take a shower! my husband though can sit at the beach from sunup to sundown...way too long for me!

  16. That is too bad you have such a bad reaction to the jellies. The boys look like they enjoyed themselves immensely. We live 7 miles from the beach and hardly visit. I know; I'm a bad person. ;)

  17. Ouch on the jellyfish stinging! You were definitely wish to stay out since you had that reaction, that would scare me for sure. The pictures are so cute. So glad you had a day at the beach.

  18. You know I love the beach and we have never been stung...and neither have the kids. ...:)JP

  19. I'm glad they had a spray for the stings. Goodness, Lisa, such a terrible thing to happen to you in years past. :(

    When I was younger, I loved the beach. Ironically, when I had a condo years later, only one mile from the beach, I think I went twice. :)

  20. I do love the gulf coast. Been to Myrtle Beach years ago and enjoyed it. Looks like your boys enjoyed it too!

  21. I do love the beach! Especially for a vacation.

    Bummer about the jellies though. :(

  22. I do love the beach, but to swim, I prefer fresh water. I must admit that I do get scared of ocean critters; I've been stung by a jelly fish too, but your experience sounds just horrible. I'm glad you all had a fun time!

  23. It has been a long time since I've enjoyed the beach! Pretty pics.

  24. What a great photo op! I hate to think how far I would have to drive to get to the nearest beach.

  25. I do, yes. The last beach I visited was Delray beach in Florida. Manhattan Beach in California is very touristy. The boys look as if they had a blast! I've been fortunate to elude jellyfish myself. I agree. Play it safe!

  26. I'm not a big fan of the beach but my husband is. Looks like the boys had a blast!


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