Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Reid has a new saying he picked up in kindergarten.  He says it with just the right chirrupy tone at just the right moment, and it makes me smile every time. 
"You get what you get and you don't pitch a fit".  Indeed.
Cort, meanwhile, has had some sayings he brought home that aren't quite so cute.  In particular, I'm not happy with the repeated, "WHAT THE ?!?!" phrase.  He doesn't finish it, but we all know that the sorts of words that "What the _____" can end with are not so nice.  So I'm trying to get him to replace some of his new exclamations with old lady phrases.  He doesn't know they are old lady phrases.  I say them with the right amount of emphasis to make them sound cool.  And hopefully his teacher gets a chuckle when he shows up to school exclaiming "MERCIFUL HEAVENS!". 

Readers, have you heard any good phrases lately?


  1. Oh you had me giggle this morning. Merciful heavens you are such a good Mom. Hug B

  2. It's actually a code violation to curse in my state office so we are creative with our language. My favorite from my grandma in Galax is: "Elt Lawwww". Which I believe is a derivative of "Well Lord".

  3. Plucking a few turkeys last week made a few people come up with some good ones, glad the kids weren't around.

  4. My two and a half year old says to the baby "gods sake melissa! " which I know she's picked up off me! They do make you smile

  5. Too funny-I don't have any funny sayings on the tip of my tongue sorry.

  6. oh, that's hilarious! what a language trade!

  7. That is to cute for words! New phrases? Hmmm, can't think of any but my favourite old saying came from my Granny; she would often exclaim "That's sillier than a seal in a skirt!"

  8. Hilarious!! You picked a good one! In a way, it is sad that when kids start school, they will be learning all sorts of things from each other that we don't want them to! I wanted mine to stay innocent forever. But then they don't learn.

  9. When I taught Kindergarten, the phrase I used with my little angels was: "You take what you get, and you LIKE it!"

  10. When I married, I was in the Marines. I had done a number of floats with the Navy. Your language suffers in those circumstances.

    When I married my wife, I gave up:

    1. Happy hour on Friday at the officers club.

    2. Bad language

    3. Drinking

    4. Bringing home people from the club for Friday night drunk fests.

    So when our kids came along, the worst I ever said was "G*d D***it" and then only under extreme duress.We home schooled, so the kids didn't pick up bad language that way.

  11. So cute! That's a good idea to try to get him to replace one phrase with another. I bet hearing "merciful heavens" coming out of a child's mouth will make his teacher smile. I remember hearing "I swanny" as a child. It might stand for I swear.

  12. They are cute now - just wait! Hope all is okay. :)

  13. Yep, Merciful Heavens should get a grin from his teacher. Love it!

  14. Lol. What a great phrase. We has a similar one:
    "you get what you get and you don't get upset"

  15. Mia came home from first grade with "it's the right thing to do" as she tossed her hair over her shoulder like a young woman!!! And I was recently reprimanded for saying "darn" but she told me that "barn" was OK!!! ...:)JP

  16. Isaak's said both of those. I told him say, "Wholly buckets" instead of "What the..."

  17. I'm partial to "Good Gravy!" and "For Pete's Sake!"

  18. I know I shouldn't laugh, but that is just toot sweet! You are so raising these boys right- kudos to you!

  19. As a teacher myself, merciful heavens would be nice to hear for a change!

  20. We agree its good to find some newer phrases,, but we don't have any to share.

  21. After laughing, I cannot think of anything. But get annoyed when adults say "My bad". One of these days, I'm going to look at such a person and say, "Like, oh wow!" :)

  22. ha, braden and dalton learned that exact saying from their kindy teacher and so i have adopted it over the years :D i also dislike the "what the"...i think that one of those disney shows like zach and cody or something started it because i remember being shocked when i heard it...very bad taste! let's see, off the top of my head, i loved when my grandpa would tell me what he "et" for breakfast or dinner...he'd say something like "i et 2 eggs this morning" and rub his tummy...i miss my grandpa :)

  23. I like that saying, also enjoy "dot, dot, not a lot" (said when using glue).
    "Rats" never goes out of fashion.

  24. Nice light in that photo and of course the boys are cute.
    We used to say "What the heck?" Now we say "What the hey?" Or is it hay, I don't know.

  25. I love it!!! My father used to say, "Golly Gee Wiz." Would this work? (lol)

  26. My 1st grader just brought home 'what the heck??' and tried to use it liberally before getting the stopper (that'd be me telling him nuh uh, no way, nope). ;)

  27. They do knock your socks off sometimes don't they? Once when we were driving with my mom down our street a neighborhood kid yelled the god d--- it words. My sister asked what he said and I repeated it. My mom stomped on the brakes and it threw me up against the backseat.

  28. oh, it's dreadful what they pick up at school. I always disliked "my bad." Ugh. Just remembering it makes me crabby.

  29. Inevitably they'll pick some bad things from other kids in school.. that's what I'm already afraid of, and my kid is not even born yet! :D


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