Monday, October 13, 2014

Last Laugh

The past two years the squash bugs desiccated my garden.  This year they were foiled by the radishes I planted around my squash.  I had squash galore!  I must've given away 100 squash this year to friends, family, and random people who showed up at my house to buy unrelated objects off Craigslist.  Even now, there are a few gargantuan squash in the garden that I never bothered to pick.

When the radishes died off, the squash bugs did make their appearance.  But it was too late.  The squash was already played out.
I am, however, considering torching my garden so these suckers aren't alive for next year....


Bas. said...

ach niet alles kan perfect gaan.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Maybe the stink bugs will eat squash bugs, now that would wipe them out in about 2 minutes. I have squash hanging up to dry as they are like gourds eventually. I save the seed from the large ones but sometimes get some strange crosses.

Sandra said...

I am glad to hear you had a great year! I live when the garden works out that way :)

Heather said...

I will definitely be trying your radish trick next year! And then I will continue to plant radishes all summer :-) I hate those little suckers!

Endah Murniyati said...

I think I should try your way to keep the squashes save from bugs. Thanks for sharing.

Steve Surratt said...

I didn't know that. We used to plant radishes but, that was it, radishes. My dad liked radishes. A lot.

Out on the prairie said...

Hard to get rid of. The radishes work well, I just picked 2 this last week.Getting tired of them, need a good recipe.

Sharon Wagner said...

They are definitely having a field day. Lunch is served!

Roan said...

Sounds like a great idea. Our squash didn't do very well this year, but last year we had way too many. Our garden is finished for the year.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I like the natural way you kept the squash bugs at bay. Those squash are pretty! We didn't plant any.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Sorry if you get this message twice. :-) I like the natural way you kept the squash bugs at bay. The squash is pretty! We didn't plant any.

Sally said...

Such a smart young woman you are! I wonder if I plant radishes next year, the grasshoppers will go away! No? I didn't think so! :)


Michaele said...

Great natural bug control. I guess torching would fall under natural also. Good luck.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Ewww, I never heard of Squash Bugs. But the yellow ones that survived are so pretty. I think torching is a good deal. It purifies and renews. BUT, can they come back again from somewhere else?

Grandma Bonnie said...

Oh, my goodness. I will have to try planting radishes this year near my squash. Thanks for the great tip.

Harry Flashman said...

I wonder if chickens would eat them?

Montanagirl said...

Now that's a great tip for those who have gardens. We don't plant a garden, but I'm sure it'll work!

Montanagirl said...

Now that's a great tip for those who have gardens. We don't plant a garden, but I'm sure it'll work!

Gail Dixon said...

I had such big plans to plant a garden this year. Had to push it off until Spring 2015. Your squash are so beautiful. Darn those squash bugs!

Anonymous said...

The radishes really made a difference.

Tanya Breese said...

we mostly had cucumbers...hey, i posted your young farmers sign friday, did you see it?!

Aodhnait said...

Lucky Craigslisters!

Michelle said...

I also have trouble with squash bugs. Terrible trouble actually. Also thought about burning some areas that were affected. Didn't know about planting radishes. Will have to try that!

Lin said...

I have no experience with squash bugs. Do they eat up the squash?

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We love that kind of squash too,, and moms planted some,,, but ours did not grow very good at all.

mail4rosey said...

I'm glad the radishes worked. Are they really called squash bugs? Someone here calls them potato bugs, but I don't think that's really their name either?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

You won that one for sure, Lisa... Glad you planted those radishes....

Someone told me to put human hair around the bulbs we plant --and that will keep the chipmunks from digging up the bulbs. SO---I'm going to get some hair from my hairdresser --and try it this year...


Busy Bee Suz said...

Well, it looks like you've won this battle. I'll have to remember the radish trick!!!

An Apel a Day said...

Our greens got green worms. :( We've still had many breakfasts with them though.

Annette said...

Too funny... Glad planting the radishes around your squash worked. Every year our deer eat our tulips--that is until I planted Daffodils around the tulips...

Linda said...

Radishes, huh! I'll have to remember that.

Unknown said...

Somehow, Lisa, I can't see you in your yard with a flame thrower! :)

L.L.E said...

I have the same type of bumpy yellow squash in my garden :). Are those yellow flowers the radishes?

Anonymous said...

Planting squash is either feast or famine, isn't it? But those darn squash bugs--DESTROY THEM ALL!!!

Maggid said...

would that work??? torching your garden? i mean, would you still be able to plant the following year - but the bugs would be gone??? Golly, i have sooo much to learn.