Friday, October 10, 2014

One Watermelon

Last April I picked up a pack of free watermelon seeds at a festival.  I planted them.  They didn't come up.  For months. 

Then in August I noticed a little watermelon vine.  It sprouted a tiny fruit.  I didn't think it had time to do much.

It got a little bigger.  But was still small.  And then one day stopped growing.

Once it stopped growing over a few weeks, I figured I'd better pick it.  Overnight frosts were looming closer.  Well, guess what?  It was ripe!  It had a lot of seeds I had to pick out, but was sweet and tasty.  The boys just loved it!
It was a happy garden surprise.  I have plenty of lettuce, carrots, and kale growing, which I hope will last a while longer. 

Readers, do you grow any fall crops?


Sunnybrook Farm said...

I am going to try some next year, I haven't had them produce anything in the past. You got a nice surprise with that one.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa that is a perfect little watermelon. I have yet to check my squash and pumpkins but I have a ton of kale but I love kale. Hug B

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I don't usually plant anything for fall. I'm surprised about the watermelon..but the weather has been so strange. My roses are blooming and my hydrangea has decided to come to life...very weird.

Bas. said...

dat ziet er heerlijk uit.

Sally said...

I love "feel good" stories, Lisa. So glad the boys enjoyed that perfect little watermelon. Hey, maybe next year you'll have another. :)

Out on the prairie said...

Yummers, I haven't eaten enough melon this year.

TexWisGirl said...

really cute! and glad it tasted good!

An Apel a Day said...

We tried to grow strawberries, and only got a few.

At least the watermelon was tasty.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That was a neat surprise! Wonder if it was a small-size variety? We didn't plant fall crops. But we got cucumbers well into September, which surprised me.

Michelle said...

I thought my tomatoes were finished and found a random vine sprouting some new toms. A nice surprise. Looks like that pumpkin was a nice surprise too!

Karen said...

What a nice surprise. And, no, we have put our gardens to bed for the winter. You make me feel alittle guilty that I haven't done more :-)

Unknown said...

Looks so cute and delicious!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a col surprise! So it was this green color? Here, there are lots and lots of different colors now. So does the color make the taste different?

jp@A Green Ridge said...

One seed made that melon for you and the boys. I wonder how many you'll get next year from this year's seeds?...:)JP

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I love surprises like that! It looks so very tasty, and yummy.

Linda said...

I don't have much luck with crops. I got a few squash but the other stuff I planted barely grew.

Vision By Mila said...

I love watermelon!

Unknown said...

It looks very tasty and juicy :)

Endah Murniyati said...

Wow... it must be so fresh, sweet and tasty. I always fail on growing watermelon. How lucky you are.

Lynn said...

what an unusual shape for a Watermelon, I'm used to the elongated ones. It is a lovely colour and looks delicious and really only one fruit from many seeds-isn't it odd how this happens sometimes.

Marie said...

It's so cute! Glad it was tasty. :)

Unknown said...

No, but my Grandmother had the best garden in the world. And this post reminded me about her strawberries, tomatoes, onions, corn and more. I'm not sure if she had watermelon. I'll check...

troutbirder said...

What a neat surprise.... I like late Brussels sprouts tinged by heavy frost for flavor...:)

Chatty Crone said...

I don't - but the watermelon you have looked really good - hope it was.

Michaele said...

That is the best kind of surprise. Lucky you to still have things growing in your garden. Enjoy!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Not this year but I've grown watermelons for a lot of years we've lived here. People told me it couldn't be done but with some black plastic to help heat up the plants, I've always had a bumper crop.
So glad your melon didn't disappoint; glad the children were delighted...that's the main thing.

Grandma Bonnie said...

What a sweet treat. I bet the boys love that.

Anonymous said...

It looks delicious! I am so glad you were able to eat it.

Anonymous said...

It looks delicious! I am so glad you were able to eat it.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's so awesome! Funny how you only got one but it looks delicious.....

mail4rosey said...

How fun that you got a watermelon from the seeds! Maybe even more will come up next year? :)

Maggid said...

That looks beautiful!!!

Annette said...

What an awesome surprise!! What a special garden gem this year.

L.L.E said...

That watermelon looks perfect! At least you got one! Did you save any seeds? And last year, brussels sprouts.