Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Go Fest 2014

Every year we enjoy a huge outdoors festival in Roanoke called Go Fest.  It has certainly grown since we first started attending.  There were long lines for almost all the activities.  The boys braved the lines to do some rock climbing:

They have a rock wall at their school in the gym, so they jumped right on.

Course the rock wall at school isn't so tall.  And it has mats underneath.

Reid had a good run of it, until he looked down and had a wee panic. 
We had to get a little help in getting him down.

After that they all had a go at riding the bull.

I'm always a little tempted to ride the bull myself.

But like usual, I left it to the boys.

They had hammock rest areas everywhere. 
There must've been 100 hammocks scattered about for the resting.

Not everyone was lying around in hammocks, of course.
It was a fun day, which we ended with cupcakes.
We can't wait to see what next year brings!


  1. What a fun time! (Btw, the Great Scot walked behind me whilst I was reading this, doubled back and exclaimed "What wee cheety (cute) boys!"
    He's right. =D

  2. I like the hammocks, I have never seen this anywhere. Around here rodeo is big, I can sign you up to ride that bull. We were always going for that belt buckle award.

  3. That rock climbing looks amazing and your boys look like they had their usual great time! They are growing up so fast!

  4. Looks like a delightful event overall. Glad everyone was having fun!

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  5. What a fun event. It seems you and the boys are heading to something fun and new all the time; love that!

  6. i love jacqueline's (great scot's) comment. :)

  7. Yes, a fun day for boys, for sure! I might be tempted to ride that bull, too ;)

  8. I never, ever tire of seeing your boys experience different things, and having so much fun. Lisa, I'll say it again; they are PRECIOUS! :)

  9. Those rock walls can be tough...I'm with Reid!...:)JP

  10. Looks like the boys had a great time. It looks like fun. I'd go if only they didn't have it outside.

  11. Your boys are dressed like true rugged outdoors-boys. And so cute! I am impressed by their gusto to try different and new things. With the rock climbing, it looks fun, but I think I'd be right there with Reid with a little panic if I looked down!

  12. great pictures...i think we attended the very first one and it is amazing how much it has grown each year!

  13. Neat that you all have gone to the Go Fest festival for several years --and have watched it GROW....

    If I ever did rock-climbing (and I never will--ha), I would definitely not want to look down!!!!! ha

    Looks like a great time was had by all. I'd love the cupcakes myself--and maybe a hammock. Ha


  14. I love the idea of rock climbing; would love for aarya to try it someday!! Such happy memories!

  15. When I was in high school, wall climbing was my favorite outdoor activity! It was long time ago, and I miss it...

  16. That does look like fun! I've never seen so many hammocks in one spot before.

  17. I love the enormous purple flower, and the last action shot. And I am very glad to see that the boys were tethered! You are a good mom to not smother them too much, that takes quite a bit of self control.

  18. I cannot believe how big your boys are getting! It's completely crazy!!! They're beautiful. :)

  19. How awesome that they have hammocks. I instantly thought it's a great place to rest while mom runs the kids around, lol

  20. Hi Lisa,
    Oh! The first picture of your 3 boys
    is really stunning...
    Your boys are growing really well.
    Their wall climbing seem not too hard for them at all, except the wee time.
    My baby granddaughter also climbed a big wall last Season at School.
    I used to climb tall mountains when I was a young girl, long ago...
    I guess I was a mountaineer back then. I love all of your photos, Lisa. Thanks for sharing them!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
    Hope, Peace & Love,
    Poet Starry.

  21. My son likes rock climbing very much.

    Sometimes, I feel so tired to look after my son as he is so energetic. I just wonder, how can you look after three?


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