Monday, November 3, 2014

Squeezed In

I love old buildings.  Waaaaay back when we had tv, one of my favorite shows was If These Walls Could Talk.  I love to imagine all the things a building has seen.  Recently I took this picture from the top of Center in the Square.  I liked the King's Paints sign on the brick building.  And I couldn't help but wonder if anyone ever slid down the roof of the 1902 building.

Doesn't the roof top look perfect for sliding?

Linking up tomorrow with Rubbish Tuesday.


Annette said...

How cool!! I love old buildings too. Oh, the stories they'd tell if only they could talk :)

Michelle said...

I love the look of old buildings like this. We have this type on our small town square.

Steve Surratt said...

I love those old buildings downtown. I'm sure there are many nefarious stories there. Roanoke was a very rowdy place at the turn of the century.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I can totally see some teens sliding down that roof! Great photo.

TexWisGirl said...

neat viewpoint. :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That does look like a cool place to slide. I like old buildings too, especially with the old red bricks.

Out on the prairie said...

The painted signs are real unique. Is the paint company still in business?

Lynn said...

I love old buildings too, it does look like a super slide and I imagine someone has tried it.
I'm particularly fond of the faded old fashioned publicity on the sides of buildings and homes as well...these are great shots.

Montanagirl said...

I love the "old" buildings. So much character!

Ginny Hartzler said...

That WOULD make a really good slide. Had it been raining or is it always that shiny?

Maggid said...

You share the very best stuff . . .
yes, that looks like a place kids would delight in finding - and parents would live in fear of that discovery . . .

Unknown said...

Lisa: You've hit the nail on the head. I too share a fascination with history as you've shared with us in these photos. My hometown has a lot of old structures like this. I don't remember that television program but it sounds like it must have been "an adventure" with each episode! Just to imagine...

Sharon Wagner said...

I remember that show. I liked it too.

Jeanne said...

Very interesting old building and I like the sign on the building! Does look like a good place to slide

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I was there but didn't notice the sign, I will have to look closer next time!

Harry Flashman said...

Looks like your typical old time Southern town there. Red brick buildings, and all old.

A Colorful World said...

Great old building! Yes, that looks like a great slide, too.:-)

Starry Dawn said...


Tom said...

Boy I like ghost signs!!! Tom The Backroads Traveller

Judy said...

That tin roof would be a great place to slide, depending on the landing site...
I also love seeing the old signs painted on brick walls!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a great view you had of the tops of those buildings. That one definitely would make a good sliding place!!!

Linda said...

Neat photos! Love the faded sign.

OurWanderingAdventures said...

That is definitely an interesting roof design that was meant not only for sliding, but for sledding :)

doodles n daydreams said...

A really interesting view of the old building. I like the detail at the top just under the roof in the second pic.


Roan said...

It certainly does look like a great place to slide. Not on ice, though. One could end up over the end on the other side. :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Love old buildings and I am delighted to see that many are being renovated. Our local historical society has bought two old downtown buildings and has filled it with antiques. They replaced windows and painted the old brick. It's nice to see. I love the way they used to put the date on the buildings.

Latane Barton said...

That building has a charm all it's own. Nice.

Sally said...

Love it, Lisa. I often wonder about old places also. :)

Tanya Breese said...

oh this is great, where is it? i haven't seen that show, i wonder if it is on netflix, sounds like something i'd love!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I have a feeling lots of people slid down the roof!

Anonymous said...

I can see teenagers loving to slide down that roof!

betty-NZ said...

I imagine many a Mom was frightened at the sight (or thought) of her kids sliding down. It seems so perfect.

mail4rosey said...

Some old buildings I like. Others can creep me out. My husband gets disturbed by empty factories.

Amy Burzese said...

I enjoyed that show also. And I bet some youngsters and adults alike slid down that roof.

Anonymous said...

I adore all that old brickwork!