Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Baby Announcement (no, not mine)

I got a box of old cards from the 1950s from my grandmother's.  They had belonged to my great great aunt, May May.  I never met her.  But I have heard a lot of stories, and even read her journal.  There were many interesting correspondences in the box, but my favorite was this baby announcement.
 Wouldn't it be nice if stamps still only cost 2 cents?
Were these parents creative or what?
I particularly love the last line.
Wonder what Barbara Ann is up to these days?


  1. It's so well done. We've certainly lost something in the digital age.

  2. Oh that is brilliant they certainly were very creative. I would have loved having an announcement like that for my children to enjoy later. Thanks for sharing. Hug B

  3. Dit is toch veel mooier dan een mail.

  4. Stamps had a Purple Abe Lincoln and were 4 cents when I first started corresponding with my grandma. I got Batman stamps to send cards to the grandkids.What a great find.

  5. This is soooo fun and creative! And so nicely done. Barbara Ann's parents must have been a lot of fun. I do think the mom should have also been a chief engineer though. :-)

  6. too funny. ahead of their time. :)

  7. I had forgotten people back then had a lively sense of humor.

  8. This is hilarious!!! Was it home made or bought? If it was homemade, they are geniuses. Wonder if she is still alive, and can you figure how she is related to you? I hope no one died in order for you to receive these letters.

  9. What a hoot! Very well done. Thanks for sharing it, Lisa.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  10. LOVE this. How original and fun. Wow! :)

  11. do folks still send baby announcements this day and age or has it gotten to pricey? i have mine. it has yellowed even though i was born in 1978.

    my mom even had one when she was born. i will not say her age or she might hit me. wink.wink. ha. ha!! so fun. ( :

  12. Nothing like "personalized"!!! It is perfect...:)JP

  13. We found some stamps like that!

  14. oh that is so cool and very creative indeed! i too love that last line!

  15. They sure had a funny bone. How cute.

  16. Thats awesome ~ love their creativity !

  17. Hilarity! That is very clever, and very well done!

  18. That is so cool and so creative for the times!

  19. SO charming! The picture and the text!

  20. love it! Bowen is my MIL's maiden name and this valley full of them. btw, how is Nancy doing? I've not seen her in a long time; hopefully, all is well and she is missed.

  21. Love it! This wonderful!

  22. That is really creative! Sounds just like the kind of baby announcement my husband would want if we were to ever have a baby together (which we're not!).

  23. This is just great! So creative and inspiring! I wish I had known about this 30 years ago when I was in the makin' and bakin' stage of life!

    Would you mind if I shared the picture?


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