Friday, December 12, 2014

Five Years

Do you know what yesterday was?  It was my five year blogiversary!  Unbelievable.  I love that I have so many memories and photos from the past five years preserved here.  One day perhaps the boys will read it and laugh over their antics.  And I've enjoyed so much the friendship of other bloggers.  Those two things are what keep me posting day after day. 

I'm going to celebrate with a giveaway of one of my homemade soaps.  It's a santa soap, scented lightly with peppermint.  To enter, you must be a follower by GFC, and you must leave a comment.  That's it!  I will ship anywhere.  Drawing to be done on 12/15/14.  Winner must respond in 48 hours to be eligible.

Readers, why do you like blogging?  What keeps you going over time? 


  1. It helps give me an outlet for expression, it has allowed me to meet some good folks I now consider friends, and I am enjoying it.

  2. You got me thinking and I missed my five year mark, it doesn't seem that long. I started a new blog and don't post on mine too often these days, maybe I have said it all several times in five years! I enjoy your posts about the boys and the horses. Not sure how you find time to do it all.

  3. I'm not quite at 5 years yet- and I have started over twice with both of my blogs. I just enjoy having a place to share, and even more I love to visit my favorite blogs and meet new people.

  4. Happy blogoversary!!! So happy to have met you here!
    Have a great weekend!

  5. 5 years! Congratulations!!

    I blog to document what was going on at that time and as a place to store photos and the story that goes along with them.

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful christmas!

  6. WOW five years Happy Blogaversary I have only been around for just over four but have loved your posts. Love seeing and hearing about your boys who are going to love these posts. Yes I would love to be entered. HUG B

  7. Congratulations! You are creating a wonderful record for your boys. I blog to share and connect. I have met some great people, including you, and for that I am very grateful.

  8. I've certainly enjoyed being friends with you, and watching the boys change over the years. I used to blog more often, however to answer your question, I really like reading the ones I've made friends with, it's like an outlet for me and I appreciate any or all who might stop by.

    Have a happy weekend, Lisa. :)

  9. Wow! 5 Years!! Congratulations on that milestone! I hope I can make it that long. Some days I wonder if I can even have anything to share... but then I get "re-inspired" by all of you bloggers out there, and that gives me hope. Hope you go another 5 years!

  10. 5 years is a big deal!! Congrats to you, and I think you're right, this is a great way for the kids to see themselves growing up through your eyes. I bet someday they'll love that you did it.

  11. This one is beautiful! It is so detailed, and pretty. I LOVE mint! Congratulations on your Blogverssary!! You know, I never really thought about it! But I think it is a way to catalog my life and also to interact with so many blog friends, and have their support and advice when I need it.

  12. How did you ever find time to blog with twin babies and a three year old and a job? Congrats!

  13. I enjoy the support from people. We share highs and lows, deaths and births, health and illness.

  14. My dear friend - congratulations on your blog anniversary - you sure did a great job all these years!!!

  15. Thanks to you, I like blogging for several reasons...meeting new people, writing my thoughts because I have a lot to say...LOL and making others smile! Congratulations on five years!!!...:)JP

  16. Hi Lisa! Congrats on your blog anniversary - that's awesome! Quite impressive as well. I just recently came back from a long break and what got me back into blogging is missing my creative outlet and also all my blog friends. Glad to reconnect with you!

  17. Mooi volgens mij is dit een stuk zeep met de afbeelding van sante claus.

  18. You made me go back and look. My 4th was 12-2. I have been too busy with docs to catch it. Congrats on yours!

  19. What a merry bar of soap. You can include me in the contest. Blogging is great for sharing photos and stories that real life friends and family don't want to hear!

  20. I'm in, the soap is so cute! I started five years ago too. So glad to have meet you here. I am hoping that someday my grandchildren will read my posts and get to know me. Happy Blogiversary!

  21. Blogging lets me communicate with people I like.

  22. May the message of Christmas fill your life with joy and peace. Best wishes to you and your family during this holiday season.

  23. Five years of blogging, good for you. I bet that soap smells wonderful

  24. Congrats on your blogiversary. I enjoy reading your blog. Here's to many more blogging years!

  25. I blog because A) It helps me vent in a healthier way. B) It keeps record of things I may have forgotten otherwise.

  26. December was 10 years for me. I am a writer at the core, then a broadcaster and a musician somewhere in between. But writing has been such a big part of my life since 4th grade.

  27. Congratulations, Lisa!
    You have been 5 years blogging.
    Happy 5th Blogging Anniversary!
    You are a super friend.
    I see you've got over 2,000 followers.
    I guess you achieved your goals.
    Did you?...
    All the Best,
    Poet Starry.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I love hearing from my readers!