Friday, December 26, 2014

Fun Time

I have been waiting and waiting for the holiday break, so the boys and I could have some fun, and some relaxation.  We've faced a lot of change this year with them in school, and me working.

So this week and next we have some fun activities planned.  The boys don't return to school until the 6th.  A trip to the science museum downtown is imminent (Santa brought a year membership - he seems to believe in educational gifts).
This is a picture I took from the observation deck on the top of the science museum in downtown Roanoke when we were there in October.

Readers, do you have anything fun planned for the next week or so?


  1. a neat shot. i hope you are able to pack in a LOT of fun!

  2. Thinking of FL, wish I knew someone with a spare room!

  3. Santa is a very wise man. Enjoy every moment with those precious boys. :)

  4. I have only been there when we were putting up the dulcimer exhibit last summer but it did look like a neat place for kids. I liked the fish tank.

  5. Santa gave the perfect gift that keeps on giving. They are going to have so much fun.LOVE the shot. HUG B

  6. I hope you have loads of fun!! I am planning to take the day after New Year's off for a 4 day weekend since I'm working part of today. This weekend I'm planning on digging into the books I received for Christmas! :-)

  7. A lovely photo, and I bet you all had lots of fun there!

  8. Well, we are on our way to Richmond for the day in a few minutes. Then tomorrow we will be on our way to spot some of the famous strange roadside attractions. I am so glad you will all have so much fun, the boys will LOVE it!! LOVE the cute trolley and the yellow umbrellas. It really looks more like a little toy town!

  9. They going to have a great time. Enjoy your Winter break!

  10. Wow! What a neat time off from school this will be for all of you!...:)JP

  11. That's very long time we didn't go to museum. A very interesting place to be visited for us.

  12. Oh, I miss those lazy days of Christmas Break! Now that I work, there are no long breaks to spend with the kids. :( Well....the kids aren't really here either--one lives out of town, the other in college....

    Enjoy your time together! I am envious of your Christmas break of sleeping and doing fun stuff!

  13. That picture is so cool - it reminds me of the opening of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. For the next week: My oldest daughter will be in a quincinera for a friend tonight. There's so much to it for her to learn, especially for the dance she's going to be part of.

    Me? I can't wait to see her do this, and also, the food. yes, the food.

  14. Well done Santa! I am really loving that view.

  15. Lots of families with kids seem to be doing projects and making trips over the holidays. Must be really tiring for parents.

  16. Being from rural Nebraska there is only smaller museums here. However, when we went to Denver we took in the one there and it was so educational and interesting.

  17. what a great gift! no plans, just taking it one day at a time!

  18. That is a great gift!!! I wish we had a science museum. The closest is 2 1/2 hours away in KC. Mica's getting a little old for the children's museum. Isaak would still enjoy it though. I like Lincoln's better than Omaha's.

  19. I LOVE educational gifts. Santa is one smart fellow! I have to admit that when I first saw this picture, I thought it was a miniature display of a city...I didn't realize it was an actual picture of the real deal. The city looks too perfect. Ha!


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