Monday, December 29, 2014

Hanging Out

We have the whole week off!  No school, and no work for me aside from Friday afternoon.  It's glorious!

I have long been waiting for this week.  The down time is MUCH needed for me.  This fall has been stressful. 

So I'm spending this week enjoying some smiling faces.  What are you up to, readers?  Do you have any extra time off?


  1. It is so sweet to breathe all that fresh air decorated with smiles!!!!...:)JP

  2. These are the times you will remember forever. I loved those weeks off of school/work, where you could just have fun with no guilt!

    Enjoy your time with the kids!

  3. Oh Lisa it sounds wonderful those smiling faces are what will get you thorough the next busy season. HUG B

  4. It's back to work week for me! Not only that but I'm the boss too! So I envy and congratulate all the others who are off :-)

  5. Those sweet smiles make any time special! I have a 3 day work week this week unless something happens (you never know with the newspaper--I had to cover something unexpectedly this weekend). I am planning to be off the day after New Year's, which gives me 4 days off in a row. Yay! :-)

  6. now you get to see what keeps me on my schedule rather than working.Lots of fun to enjoy with your kids.

  7. I hope you enjoy your time with the boys!!!! We are trying to get back to our regularly scheduled program. ;)

  8. A little time off today, cold and rain kind of limits things.

  9. Yep, I am off from the shop till January 5th. But have been busy as a bee as usual around here!

  10. That's great to get some time off with your boys.

    I took Christmas Eve Day and New Years Eve day off. I'm meeting a friend on Wed. that I haven't seen for awhile for lunch. She's been a friend since we were in preschool. It will be nice to see her.

  11. They are indeed hanging!! Beautiful faces. I am so glad for you about this time off. We spent the day in Richmond on the day after Christmas. Did you know they have 18 Goodwills?

  12. I'm so glad you have the time off, Lisa. I know you've really been so busy. And, I'm sure those little boys are happy too. :)

  13. We are doing the same this week. Just hanging out, with no need to zoom off anywhere, is a welcome relief. Enjoy your time!

  14. Doing the same here, my husband gave his company the week off.. but I must say, he's not good at


  15. JDaniel and I have two week off. My husband had a week. It has been wonderful!

  16. Ah, retirement has its privileges! We have the whole year off!
    Happy New Year!

  17. Isn't it marvelous that we've had some warm weather? Looks like your boys had fun.

  18. Yes, I have this week off too. It's been WONDERFUL reconnecting with friends and family! Enjoy those little smiles... So cute!

  19. We left right before Christmas and just got home. It was awesome to have that time off here too. :)


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