Monday, February 23, 2015

Clay Creations

When I was a kid, I always took Art as my elective in school.  I loved creating all sorts of things.  I still have a few of the drawings I did.

Whenever I would make something from clay, my mom would always put it in the china cabinet.  There, it would have a prominent place among the family heirlooms - crystal and goblets and beautiful cups and plates.  It always made me feel special.

Pierce brought home this little golden fish that he created in art recently.
Following tradition, it now resides in the china cabinet.  Between all three boys, I suspect my china cabinet will be very full in a few years.

Readers, what did you do with your art as a kid?


Aodhnait said...

What a nice tradition Lisa!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh yes your china cabinet is going to be very full and when they move away you will get to keep it forever:) Great job Pierce. I used to tell elaborate stories:) Hug B

Out on the prairie said...

When my mother passed I found all the clay stuff all of us had made. It brought back some fond memories.

Monkeywrangler said...

The punch-card rosette spraypainted gold, still hangs in Mom's living room, as it has for decades. I still have a couple clay creations.

Unknown said...

What a grand idea. Your boys will enjoy it when they are older and can look back on their art pieces.

Bas. said...

Dat beloofd wat voor de toekomst het is nu al een groot talent.

Sally said...

Look at that! Pierce created something beautiful for you all to enjoy! :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

This gold fish is COOL! And how wonderful to follow your mom's idea. What could be better to insure that it is even more precious then the china. Now I want to see some of YOUR art. That would be such fun! Back in prehistoric times when I went to school, it was so different from now. Almost no art. In my whole time at elementary school, I remember one time we got clay. The arts are something fairly new in school, and that is a very good thing.

Montanagirl said...

That's a really sweet memory you shared. And what a beautiful fish! When our grandkids make or draw things, I display them in my china as well!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, that's so cute!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

How nurturing and encouraging to kids to have their work treasured like that! It is great that you are carrying on the tradition. The gold fish is lovely!

Michaele said...

Well that was brave to make a fish. I would have gone for a simpler turtle. Yes, soon you will need to rename you're China cabinet.

An Apel a Day said...

Ours sit in our window sills in the kitchen. We don't have a China Cabinet. Otherwise I'd love to put them in there.

21 Wits said...

How cool. This is something I've done with my own children's things!

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of putting their art of display.

The Cranky said...

That is such a lovely tradition to share with your boys!
Grandad (my Dad) had his own ideas on displaying the kidling's artwork. Since he didn't have a china cabinet he designated his refrigerator as her display space... drawings went on the front and other pieces went on top... he showed it to anyone who visited.

mail4rosey said...

He did a good job on his fish. I have some art like that, it's been around for many years (my oldest boys) and is a prized possession. :)

Unknown said...

I took ceramics in high school. His fish looks better than anything I created. :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Neat! My mom would post our paintings and drawings on the fridge. She still has a few ceramic pieces we kids made, but we had to move every three years so she didn't get to keep as much as I think she wanted to. I still have some of my kid's Christmas ornaments and I hang them on the tree every year.

Sharon Wagner said...

I think I was the one to hang it up. My mother never would have. I don't think. Sorry Mom.

Marie said...

so cute! I still have Kyle's clay creations in a cabinet in the dining room and artwork on walls and the refrigerator. :)

Lin said...

Awww...that is a GREAT idea! I'm sure it is a big deal if your piece makes it to mom's cabinet. :)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

How cool is that!!
Mommy made something out of clay mud- 20 years ago and she still has it!

Unknown said...

My family still has a ceramic jar I made in the 2nd grade on an Art Class clay wheel. ;)

Annette said...

My mom created a "Gallery Wall" in the living room with all of my art work. She kept it up there until my twenties. (Heck, my husband still remembers it when he met me at age 24!) That golden fish is pretty amazing. Your son has TALENT!