Monday, March 30, 2015

Little Red Hen House Craft from Tissue Boxes

Once in a while I like to take old tissue boxes and make some sort of craft with the kids.  If you've been following my blog for a while, you've seen us create rocket ships, fairy houses, and castles from old tissue boxes.  This year, to get ready for Easter, we made a little red hen house.

You will need:  3 (or more) square shaped tissue boxes, additional cardboard (we used a Pepsi box), scissors, red duct tape, and craft glue.
Trim the top of the tissue boxes to make the openings larger.  Line up the tissue boxes and then tape them together using red duct tape (we found ours at Walmart, for just under $4).

After you get the boxes all taped together, cut a piece of cardboard for the roof.  The Pepsi box worked well, because it already had a natural bend in the cardboard.  Trim it to size, then cover with the red duct tape.

Using craft glue, secure the roof to the body of the hen house.  Let sit for several hours to adhere well.

Fill with Easter grass (or hay, as we did) and Easter eggs.  Have fun!

Readers, do you have any Easter egg hunts in your near future?


Sunnybrook Farm said...

Captain Kangaroo lives! Looks

Anonymous said...

I really love this creation! What fun!

Unknown said...

What fun!

21 Wits said...

Oh such fun photos! Happiness to all and en

Endah Murniyati said...

So creative! Must be so much fun.

TexWisGirl said...

how CUTE!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

This is so cute! You've made such creative things out of tissue boxes, I think of you sometimes when I have an empty tissue box and wonder, what could I make with this?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Very cute and creative!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, this is adorable!!! Will YOU be having an egg hunt? Or going to some place that does? I have an egg hunt every year! Now I have so many grandchildren, I think I am just giving them huge, heaping baskets that I have made up with toys and candy.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute project. I laughed when you asked if there were Easter Egg Hunts in our near future.... My answer: NO... Kids and grands are all grown--and there are no great grands yet...

BUT--it brought back to all of the years I was a Christian Education Director in a large church in Texas. We sponsored Easter Egg Hunts every year along with a children's festival (making crafts, etc.).... I used to laugh at the Easter Egg hunts since it always took longer to hide the eggs than for the kids to find them.... ha ha


Sally said...

Just precious! I love it. :)

mail4rosey said...

You did a fun job with the tissue boxes! We go to my MILs for the egg hunt, but we have our own here too. The kids like to do both... maybe we should get a little creative this year. ;)

Harry Flashman said...

When I was a child in the 1950's The Little Red Hen was one of the stories my mom read to me at bed time.

Montanagirl said...

Oh that's just really cute - and clever! You do such fun things with your boys. I admire you.

An Apel a Day said...

So cute!

We'll have a few on Sunday. :)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

wonderful fun!

Linda said...

Nice project! I don't think we'll do Easter eggs. Possibly I'll get my husband a piece of Easter candy.

Tanya Breese said...

how fun! i still hide eggs!

Tanya Breese said...

how fun! i still hide eggs!

Gauri said...

This is so very cute... I love DIY and recycling stuff :)

Sharon Wagner said...

What a cute project. No hunts planned here. But hopefully some chocolate will turn up somewhere!

Gingi said...

What a cute idea!! I love it!! I'll have to remember it when my little ones are a bit older!! -

Marie said...

so cute!!

The Cranky said...

Oh this will be a wonderful craft to do with wee Bay! We can't use real eggs, her younger sister is allergic to them, but plastic eggs decorated in washi tape would be just the thing!

Small Kucing said...

Nope...dont think so coz over here not many having Easter Egg hunt...though many celebrate Easter

Eat To Live said...

You are creative... that's for sure. That Little Red Henhouse is adoreable.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

you create so much happiness,,,
I think your home would be like medicine to the soul.
Just look at that happiness!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
Your crafts look pretty & colorful.
Your children are beautiful.
They look so happy at all times.
It must be lots of fun with the egg hunt.
Easter Greetings from Starry.