Friday, April 24, 2015

Fake Poop and Binary Code

1.  I have a little area on the side of the house that I have planted with more things than I can remember.  Most of them don't take.  But this year I read some articles about shade gardens, so I tried to make smarter choices as far as plants go.  This picture is just a small corner of the area.  You can see tulips (from years previous), plus a new plant (I forget what it is, ha!) and an azalea in the back corner.  Hopefully some of the new plants I put in will thrive - I planted about 15 new things!

2.  Pierce has been emailing my youngest brother binary code.  This is how he spent part of his Spring Break.

3.  On April Fool's Day I bought fake poop.  It was placed on the couch.  At early o'clock the twins came running in my bedroom saying, "Mom! Dad!  Something has happened!  But WE didn't do it!  There is POOP!  On the couch!!"  The fake poop has made many interesting reappearances since then.  It was a dollar well spent.

4.  Baxter (our tuxedo cat we adopted through a rescue program 2 1/2 years ago) recently had to have a dentistry done.  I had noticed inflammation around one of his incisors.  Sadly, he came back with SEVEN less teeth.  He looks pretty goofy - he only has one incisor left.  Poor kitty.  I am not sure why his teeth were in such bad shape.  I only feed dry food, but it's hard to tell what he was eating in the 5 years prior to us adopting him.

5.  I'm sad over the glitch where people on gmail no longer get my blog comments because they are not being emailed due to my aol email address.  It's pretty crappy they are doing that.  Shame on gmail.  I refuse to switch emails over this, but I do miss the commentary from some of my bloggy friends.  I still leave the comments - but I guess they don't know it because I never hear from them anymore :-(

Linked up with Nancy and Tanya


  1. We have a are at work just for shade and then one for partial shade. There is a markdown area for plants but it is in the sun, kind of a death sentence for the shade plants but a good deal if you get there early.
    Imagine working in a company that makes fake poop, I heard it is best to work on the design team.

  2. Fake poop never grows old! I remember sticking it in my twins' bed while he was sleeping....

  3. Fake poop: ha ha, now they are in the Bart Simpson phase...nothing is safe...or sacred...

  4. the boys know how to get their money's worth. :) poor kitty, but at least he has a loving home. :)

  5. Like you, I have planted something new each year in a certain area...some have made it, some not, but I keep trying. Poor kitty, hope he can eat missing teeth. Now, the fake poop....too funny!!!

  6. it is fun to find shade plants and see how they work. I have one large bed I have lots in now, but it took a while before finding plants that would fit.

  7. I love the comment "We didn't do it" :)

  8. Fake Poop!!?? You are hilarious. Always enjoy your blog. Hope you're getting my comments. (I'm way behind).

  9. i REALLY hate the google/gmail anti-phishing settings, too. i HATE having to scan thru comments in my blog dashboard to catch the aol and yahoo ones i no longer see in my inbox. i know i've missed visiting some folks that pop in on occasion. it stinks.

    love that the fake poop is a hit. poor baxter... binary code - too cool!

  10. I like that fake poop it's a riot, and especially when our April Fool's jokes are fun ones! I know the feeling about certain areas where I plant stuff and sometimes it grows, and other times not! No fun at! Then I have something growing and the deer or bunnies decide they like it too!

  11. Oh NO, poor kitty! Simba just had dental surgery last week to the tune of $245.00. How much did Baxter's cost? How is he feeling now? They say even though they have NO teeth, they can still eat dry food. The poop is hilarious! Wherever did you find it? I imagine you can't just walk into any store and ask if they sell poop. Phil is howling with laughter at the story! He is a big jokester. His brother bought plastic vomit once. Pierce is SMART if they he uses binary code. Phil says is is amazing, and so do I.

  12. Are you sure they aren't getting your comments? When I comment on my Mom's blog I always get5 a "Failure to Deliver" notice in my email, but my comment still appears.

    Anyway, I love the poop idea...that was cute to do with small children around. Good luck with the new plants in that shady bed! That's always a challenge.

  13. Lisa, I got your blog comment on the post about the SVT-40, and I am on google. Maybe it is working again.

  14. You are too funny with that fake poop gag..I can just see the boy's faces! I don't know what the gmail deal is, but I quit having comments mailed and just check them online once a day when I make a new post, so I haven't noticed anything like that.
    Ok, I'm off to figure out what emailing in binary code is all about..I have to keep up with the younger generation, ya know! LOL! Have a super weekend!

  15. The plant you're not sure of looks like andromeda... and I know I'm spelling that wrong...

  16. Poor Baxter! We had Chase Bird's teeth cleaned recently and he had a chipped tooth. You're right--when you adopt a cat, you don't know what they were fed, or how they were treated. Sometimes when we reach out to pet Abbey, she flinches. I hope that doesn't mean she was mistreated in her past.

    I miss being able to respond to your comments by email. I will just start sending a separate email! :-)

    Fake poop? Now you've probably started a trend with the boys. And binary code? That is so cool that he is learning so much so young!

  17. The plant with the white flowers is Pieris japonica. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  18. It looks like google is squeezing out everybody and everything that isn't connected to them. We either join in or be left behind, I guess. But, that's a monopoly.

  19. What a creative Mom. I love it. And here I thought only Dads would do that lowbrow kind of stuff...:)

  20. We have some fake dog poop too. Also, some fake vomit. Never gets old.

  21. We do not know what fake poop is!!
    We love your little garden area- its just right.

    We noticed that about cooments not going to our gmail like it used to..
    it used to post on the blog and then send us an email too.
    Stupid gmail..

  22. Well, that's an odd title for a post! Sorry to hear about Baxter. I've thought about using a different email but I don't want to have to check another one. I still have 7 on AOL from the old days, 4 of which are pretty much inactive.

  23. Lisa: When I opened your post, I laughed out loud at the title! This is one of your funniest posts---fake poop and the twins' cool strategy of moving quickly to deny any responsibility! Smart kids. I agree about your cat's visit to the dentist, and hope Baxter will heal quickly.

  24. Wishing your new plantings much success; I have the opposite problem, no shady areas! The fake poop is so funny, I need some! Poor Baxter.
    I had no idea about the gmail/posting change!! I'm so out of the loop these days.

  25. Fake that's a mean trick (but a funny one).
    Looks like you have a nice little garden started there.
    Poor Baxter. Our older cats (Snickers and Miss Dottie) both have dental problems but it's just to expensive for dental work. Dottie has lost some of her teeth but she still manages to eat just fine.
    That is weird about the Gmail. Sometimes Google+ Followers can't comment on blogs as well. They should just have 1 system for commenting and leave it alone.

  26. Binary code! I love a curious kind of kid;)
    The gift that keeps on giving. A friend was telling me about a fake bug that keeps making an appearance. Those jokes never wear out, do they? Especially with little boys.

  27. Your gmail is like the new Keurig. You can only use their coffee pods or it won't brew. So poopy, hahaha... your April Fool's joke made me say that, lol. ;)

  28. Fake barf is just as much fun. Both come in useful for when the kids' friends come over...especially sleep-overs. Funny how that gag just never gets old.

    I love finding new perennials for the yard--for shade and sun. Some take, some do's all a gamble. I love gardening. I am re-doing my gardens this Spring. Can't wait!

    Glad your kitty got his teeth taken care of. It may be genetic, so don't fret about his care.

  29. HA HA ---we had some of that fake poop when my sons were little. Quite fun when there was company around!!!!!! ha

    Sorry about your kitty... Bless his heart.

    Hope your shady area will do well this year with new plants. We have tons of shade ---and have the best luck with Periwinkle (Vinca Minor) and English Ivy --and of course, HOSTA which I love love love.

    Put a gadget on your sidebar allowing folks to follow you via email... It's done through Feedburner. Then tell the ones who use gmail to sign up and they'll get your post announcements in their inbox.

    Over half (or more) of the people I follow are ones that I follow by email. That makes my 'regular' followers list much smaller. BUT--it's easier for me to get their emails and then visit them from my inbox.


  30. I had no idea there were so many shade plants. Please keep us updated on how the new plants are fairing. The fake poop was an excellent idea! You are such a great mom. Have they tried the fart bags yet! My girls would sneak them under couch cushions and then roar with laughter.

  31. Fake poop...always money well spent!!

  32. Boys just love things like fake poop!

  33. oh my gosh, the fake poop is hilarious!!! love it! sorry about your kitty, hope he's doing better and able to eat, poor thing! ah, gmail...i have an account but when i linked my blog with google or something it messed up my gmail and i can't access tells me i have a gmail when i try to set up a new one but then it says i don't when i try to log really makes a mess of things! thanks for linking...sorry i was such a slow poke in visiting!


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