Wednesday, April 8, 2015


In the Spring we like to foster kittens.  The local shelter I like to work with often needs help as kittens explode across the region.  But recently I got an email about a puppy mill seizure in Alabama.  Some folks from our local shelter went down to help, and brought back some of the dogs.  I saw pictures of the conditions.  They looked DREADFUL.  We decided we could help.  So we are fostering a mother Pomeranian dog and her four 3 week old puppies.  Here is Cort with the mother, Ramona.  We've found her to be very sweet.  The boys call her the "licker" dog.

Here is Reid with one of the puppies, Rusty.  This is Reid's favorite puppy out of the litter. 

There is also Riley.  He has unusual markings - they called him a merle male. 

And then there are Reba and River, the two tan puppies.  Can you stand the cuteness?

I am pretty sure there will be more puppy pictures in a future blog post.  We will take care of them for a month or so, until they are ready for adoption.  Luckily, I am not a 'small' dog person (except for my weakness for pugs and Welsh Corgis), so there won't be any temptation to keep them.  We will, however, enjoy them during the time they stay with us.  If you are local and interested in adopting one of the puppies (or the mom) seen here, please email me and I can help you get in touch with the shelter.

Readers, do you have any rescued animals at your house?


  1. You and your family are a perfect beginning for their new life (although, like you, I am not a small dog person)...:)JP

  2. I will take every puppy that comes with a kid :-)

  3. I am a cat person, but these little doggies are very tempting. They are lucky to have you and your family caring for them for now.

  4. I will look forward to see which one you get. hard to part with babies after playing with them. My brown one,Daisy, is a rescue.All I had to do was look at her and hear circumstances.

  5. Three of our four dogs are rescues... Abby, Buddha, and Geraldo. Geraldo is half Pom himself (and half chihuahua), and he's also a 'licker' dog!

  6. All our dogs came to us via TIRR rescue.

  7. Oh goodness, what darling pups and mom, and it's just the most horrible thing that some folks do to animals. It's wonderful when one can step in and help the poor animals. Your pictures are just pure happiness. Nothing better than a child and an animal!

  8. Lisa, they are adorable. I'm not a small dog person either (can't stand the yapping)---but seeing ANY puppies makes me want them all..... Puppies are so adorable. Too bad they grow up!!!!!! ha ha

    That is so nice for you all to do that... Bet your boys will be sad to give them back...

    Have a great day.

  9. oh, they're precious. bless you.

  10. What a wonderful experience for your children and great photos too! Keep making those awesome memories!

  11. Oh my goodness they're so tiny and cute!! My second oldest had a rescue dog years and years ago. They def. were meant for each other, they loved each other so. :)

  12. Awww, they are adorable! I immediately knew she was a Pom because someone in or family used to raise them. I think my favorite breeds are Corgis, Scotties and Westies. I will love watching yours grow! YES, both Simba and Sunny were rescued by us about three years ago. I would NEVER buy an animal at a store or breeder!! Not when we can save the lives of wonderful and sweet animals.

  13. Oh, those sweet puppy faces! Adorable!

  14. They are so darn cute. How wonderful of you to foster them. How can you not fall in love with those puppies!!!

  15. I think that not only do you help puppies you show your boys how to help the world. Good for you!

  16. they are so cute.

    Nope. So far I have not foster any animals yet.

  17. Ooh, they are just precious! And I used to say I wasn't a small dog person.. now I have three - plus 190 pound Dane.

    Good work you're doing - as you know, I'm in dog rescue - we have an event coming up this weekend! Fifty dogs and puppies coming from Georgia. It's hard to find good fosters, so you're doing a real service by helping your shelter and those dogs in this way. Please keep us posted... and my guess is you'll have no problem finding homes for those poms - they are very popular!

  18. Ooh, they are just precious! And I used to say I wasn't a small dog person.. now I have three - plus 190 pound Dane.

    Good work you're doing - as you know, I'm in dog rescue - we have an event coming up this weekend! Fifty dogs and puppies coming from Georgia. It's hard to find good fosters, so you're doing a real service by helping your shelter and those dogs in this way. Please keep us posted... and my guess is you'll have no problem finding homes for those poms - they are very popular!

  19. I have adopted several shelter animals in my lifetime, but never fostered any. These pups are just too cute.

  20. They are just adorable - this world needs more people like you and your boys in it!!

  21. Well, you know me. I have the two rescue ferrets. I talked to my daughter on the phone, and she said the next time she is down, she would drive me and the wife to Acworth, where we can pick up four or five other ferrets who need homes.

    It's very kind of your family to help with the dogs. And you saved the horse. Surely, if the Buddhists are right, you will reborn into a higher circle. And if not, you still did good!

  22. But the boys may want to keep them! What gorgeous pups!

  23. What a wonderful idea! I'm surprised the boys don't get attached... Those little puppies are the cutest, and they couldn't be in a better home!

  24. Here I am! I came back, because I missed this one.. I knew you left a comment saying you had some fosters that you were taking care of.!
    Oh my gosh,, are they cute or what!
    How loving and kind for you to take them in! The momma is beautiful,, and those puppies,, oh gosh!
    Adorable! Thank you for showing us!

  25. Awwww... cute little puppies. Those puppy mills are just so wrong. Wish there was a way to stop them.

  26. I rescued a cat years ago during a rainstorm in Texas. I hope that the publicity of these mills over the years has put many out of business. Your new dog is the perfect size for the boys, and she seems to have personality!

  27. Hi sweet Lisa,
    Yes! You are doing an amazing job by fostering orphans, like horses, dogs, puppies, cats and kittens. I agree with Sandie, because you are not only helping the animals, but also you are showing your children how to help the ones in need with compassion and love. You are a great mother, and an amazing foster person for animals. Yes! I have RESCUED MANY ANIMALS IN MY LIFETIME. I hope and pray to be able to buy a HORSE FARM one day, so that I might be able to help more animals, like horses, ponies, dogs, cats, etc. Unfortunately, I still live in an apartment overseas. I pray for a miracle from God in my life. You are a real blessing for the world, Lisa. I admire you so much! You are a great mom, and a superb foster mom too. God may always bless you, your children, family, beloved ones! Thank you so much for helping the animals in need, Lisa! I also do these things.
    Have a blessed Sunday, Lisa, family, puppies, loved ones!
    Greetings from Poet Starry.

  28. These are too precious for words!! I would be sitting around holding them all the time. lol

    Chase Bird was a stray cat that took up under a bush in our yard. I adopted Waddles from the shelter after my mother surrendered her. (long story) Larry took in Thunder Cat from a neighbor who didn't want to take him when they moved. Sam came from a neighbor's litter when Larry lived in Lynchburg.

    One of the cats at our county shelter is getting ready to deliver--apparently a surprise to the volunteers. She's in a foster home now. I would be a foster failure, I'm pretty sure. I wouldn't want to give up the kitties I took care of!

    I really, really want to adopt another cat from the shelter. If I can just convince Larry . . .

  29. It is so sweet of you to help and foster these puppies. In India, i always have to explain people that dogs and kids make great companions as a lot of people here have some wierd reasons to abandon dogs (especially related to kids). Very sweet pics :)

  30. Just tadpoles. We kept them in a tank outside, fed them and watched them grow.


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