Friday, May 15, 2015

Up High

Willie is such a climber.  I see him in strange places sometimes.  Like the roof of our little tack shed barn.  Or here, up on the balcony.  Good thing that light is screwed in well!

Luckily, he doesn't seem to get stuck when he's up high in trees and on rooftops.  Even by cat standards, he seems to be pretty athletic.

Readers, if you have cats, do they like to get in strange places?

Linking up today with Feline Friday


  1. Willie seems to fit well in the family....athletic!..:)JP

  2. Willie is pretty funny but very normal as far as cats go. Great shot. Hug B

  3. mine look for good hiding spaces like behind a stack of hay or love boxes.

  4. I have 2, and never know where they will turn up. They love to hide under blankets, in cabinets or anywhere they shouldnt be!

  5. We have found our cats in unusual places--linen closet, drawers, etc. Abbey is so small, she could slip through the baby gate we have in the doorway of the room where we separate her from Chase when we're not supervising. Just walked right through. Larry wrapped towels around the bars of the gate to safely keep her in. lol

  6. we had a barn kitty that loved to walk the rafters in the barn...I have only had one cat that would that.

  7. so darn cute! i miss having a cat.

  8. We only have dogd, and they sleep funny. Legs in the air, crammed up in a corner, feet on chair rungs, heads on table crosspieces, but mostly on the bare tile floor. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  9. My cat likes to jump onto the entertainment center! I mean JUMP the thing is at least 6.5 feet tall. It blows my mind every time lol. Every cat is different though because my other cat... shes happy right on the ground! :]

  10. Yep, cats go where they want and explore every single inch of everything. Bless their hearts.

    Willie is a cutie pie too.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. :)

  11. aww look how cute. :) We used to have a neighbor whose cat would climb the tree between our yards and look in our window. Funny stuff, that. :)

  12. aww look how cute. :) We used to have a neighbor whose cat would climb the tree between our yards and look in our window. Funny stuff, that. :)

  13. Hi and so nice to meet you! I found you on Feline Friday and am so intrigued by your "About Page" I am a log home freak, I LOVED your cat photo today and your blog seems so interesting!
    I would love to follow you by email if you would please make that option available.
    Thanks so much!
    Caren and Cody from

  14. Mine usually just sleep in the hay in the barn.

  15. That's funny! He must like it up there. We don't have any pets...

  16. I don't have any cats but I hear they get in some really unusual places.

  17. LOL what a brilliant capture heheh!

    Have a kittytastic weekend :-)

  18. I bet Willies Mother always knew he would get up in the world.

    Have a cat-tastic weeked!


  19. What a neat picture!! Well, our cats like tight places and hide behind the T.V. when scared.

  20. While mine don't have a place like that to climb, they do like to put on their cloak of invisibility sometimes, just to spite me!

  21. A nice Cat! Have a great weekend, Lisa!

  22. circus kitty!
    thats what you are!

  23. cats are so fun to watch! cute pic!

  24. So cute... my cats often climb and stay for a while on the tree or wall. But they more often take a nap on the roof.

  25. Cute kitty! My cats love to climb and stay for a while on the tree or wall.

  26. Now, that is one great picture! I'm not really a cat person, but Willie is very pretty. :)


  27. Cute! I don't have a cat but enjoy seeing them and the crazy things they do!

  28. The neighbors cat got stuck on our roof three weeks ago.

  29. My daughter's cat climbed on top of her fridge then to the top of the cupboard. She ended up getting stuck in my daughter had to get her down

  30. I have had cats, in the past. Never one this brave!

  31. Go Willie! Yes, we have two cats like that. They figured out how to climb to every tall place in our house. Funny that they seem to have no point with it, other than to show-off and remind me that they still know how to hunt even being inside cats.

    I hope your weekend went well.

  32. Wonderful picture! I've never had a cat; just dogs.

  33. Cats do love be climb!!! I grew up with a cat (Snowball)... She was a climber also --and I guess she felt safe ABOVE everyone.


  34. Ha! Ha! All the time, they sure do love to do all kinds of tricks and it seems they love to see you take pictures of it all too! This is a perfect capture.

  35. Cats can be such fun! Yours looks like he is. We used to have cats when our daughter was small but haven't in quite a while. Our daughter though has three. :-)

  36. Cats can be such fun! Yours looks like he is. We used to have cats when our daughter was small but haven't in quite a while. Our daughter though has three. :-)

  37. WOW that's funny! What a crazy, daring cat!

  38. Willie looks very happy up there surveying his surroundings. Yes cats can get in the weirdest places.

  39. Willie looks very happy up there surveying his surroundings. Yes cats can get in the weirdest places.


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