Friday, June 12, 2015

Five Things About the Mutter Museum

Years ago I was in Philadelphia for a wedding, and later on a second trip to run their marathon (in 2004).  Both times I really wanted to visit the Mutter Museum, which is full of medical oddities.  I never found the time.  A couple of weeks ago, Paul went to a work conference in Philly, and I tagged along.  My parents were nice enough to watch the kids.  I finally got to visit the Mutter Museum, when Paul was in conference sessions.  It was excellent.  Unfortunately, they didn't allow any pictures inside the museum itself - just the lobby.
Here are five interesting things I got to see in the Mutter Museum:
1.  Slides of Albert Einstein's brain, along with information about how his brain differed from the average human's. 
2.  The tallest skeleton in North America, of an individual afflicted with gigantism.  If I remember correctly, it is 7 feet 6 inches tall.
3.  A wax replica of a woman who had a horn growing from her forehead (there were other similar models of individuals with horns growing from other body parts.
4.  A malignant tumor removed from President Grover Cleveland's hard palate.
5.  A large collection of conjoined twins, including the conjoined liver of the famous Chang and Eng Bunker.
I've wanted to go for so long, I'd say this counts for checking off a bucket list item.
Linked today with Willy Nilly Friday.
Readers, would you also be fascinated by a museum like this?


Buttons Thoughts said...

Wow I am so happy you went to see it. Unusual things are things I like to see too. Hug B

Steve Surratt said...

My creep-out threshold is fairly I'd have to choose door #2 with the pinball museum :-)

The Cranky said...

So glad you got the opportunity to go at last! I'd enjoy visiting the Mutter Museum... more so since I just finished reading The Museum of Extraordinary Things.

Mascha said...

Hm, a little scary it is too - must I had seen all these things?
Never were in such a kind of museum (maybe my opinion would otherwise another) -

Out on the prairie said...

Pretty bizzare, I hope I don't end up there.

Jeanne said...

Sounds like quite a collection.....

Unknown said...

As a retired RN, I would definitely be interested that museum. So glad you finally got to go. Happy Friday!

Maggid said...

This is the first time I've ever heard of the MUTTER Museum . . . I'm glad you went and told me about it - I don't think it's a place I'd like to visit . . . YOU are brave. love & love, -g-

An Apel a Day said...

That sounds like it's so cool! We went to the Ripley's Believe it, or Not museum once. We loved it! I know we'd like this one to!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's interesting and different but I'm not sure I would enjoy seeing those things.

TexWisGirl said...

i'm never one for medical stuff - i'd be icked out by it all. :)

Aodhnait said...

Fascinating! If I ever go to Philadelphia I will visit here.

Aodhnait said...

Fascinating! If I ever go to Philadelphia I will visit here.

A Colorful World said...

Sounds SOOO fascinating! I would love to visit there someday. I had heard Einstein's brain was different from normal. That's really amazing. Glad you got to go. (And you ran a marathon in 2005...fabulous!!!)

Latane Barton said...

I am not sure I would go... but then again, I might. Those sort of things kinda freak me out.

Sally said...

I'm so glad you finally got to visit, and such interesting things to see. Thanks, Lisa, for sharing with us. :)


Anonymous said...

I think my guys and I would love it.

Karen said...

what a facinating collection!

And hey, I got that tea.. and OMG it's delicious!! I didn't believe it could resemble chocolate, and it's chocolately delish!... and the best part is I indeed got a whole case of it for $28, so I didn't overpay. Amazon!

Thanks for the tip!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I would enjoy some of it. Was Einstein's brain preserved --or slides of samples--to try to figure out his genius?

Ida said...

Well I think it might be kind of interesting in a "weird" way to visit this museum so yeah, I'd go.

Tom said...

I love museums, but not those that won't let you take photos. Dumb! Tom The Backroads Traveller

Montanagirl said...

I'm really glad you got to go see it - what an experience for you! Check that one off your bucket list for sure! :)

mail4rosey said...

That's awesome that you got to check something off of your bucket list. :)

Eat To Live said...

I was in Philly a couple of years ago and never made it to the Mutter Musuem either.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

That is very interesting

Linda said...

Weird stuff!

Harry Flashman said...

Hum. Don't believe I'd care to go there! At least, not just before lunch.

Tanya Breese said...

how interesting and yes, i'd go! we were in philly a few years back and i loved it but i hadn't heard of this museum! thanks for linking and have a super week!

Unknown said...

Not for me, Lisa. But did walk through an antique mall and spotted a case where some vendor was selling "Quack Medical Devices". I passed on it...;)