Monday, June 1, 2015

How to Choose Fitness Equipment

Disclaimer:  This is a sponsored post written by me and all opinions are my own. 

If you've been a long-time Two Bears Farm blog reader, you know that fitness is a huge part of my life.  I work out almost every single day, and have been doing so for well over ten years.  Of course, my workout of choice is running.  Last year I ran over 1400 miles.  A number of those were on my trusty treadmill.  I've put over 1300 miles on my treadmill since I bought it in 2007.  While I prefer to run outside when possible, my treadmill has saved my sanity on many a wintry day.

When I was trying to choose a treadmill, I was most concerned with finding one that would be able to endure the pounding of a runner.  Some treadmills are better geared towards walking.  I wanted to make sure my treadmill would run smoothly at fast speeds or slow speeds, for long periods of time (I have run up to 16 miles on the treadmill in one workout). 

So I asked around for treadmill recommendations from other runners.  I had to be conscious of cost, as treadmills can be pricy.  I went to a number of stores and did some test runs on some treadmills.  It was a long process to try to find the right fit, and I felt frustrated.  I wished for an simpler and faster way to decide, as I was overwhelmed by all the choices.  Now, there is an easier way, where information is compiled together online in some treadmill reviews.  What a great resource and time saver, and you can get real opinions on the products you like!  I especially was drawn to the "Best Buy" reviews, which list the models that offer the very best value in their price range.  In addition, I found the site easy to navigate.

There is an additional resource for other equipment reviews through fitness equipment source.  If I ever am unable to continue running (I shudder, just a bit, typing that) I will likely switch to hiking and using an elliptical.  I used an elliptical when I rehabbed my knee following a knee surgery in 2004.  I found it felt close to running, but was easier on the joints.  Prices can vary on ellipticals between $200 - $5000, and if you've ever used a low-end elliptical you know that you get what you pay for with gym equipment.  Hopefully I won't be in the market for an elliptical any time soon, since I love running so much, but if I am, at least I have a great resource to find the best one for my needs.

Readers, what is your favorite piece of fitness equipment? 


  1. would it count if I said trekking poles with shock absorbers?

  2. Thanks for that link. Now that I can afford it and have plenty of space for one....I'm still hesitant. Maybe I have treadmill phobias or something :-)

  3. I admire you for the exercise you do every day. Glad you have the right equipment.

  4. My Treadmill sits in the basement collecting dust . . . (I'm a bad girl). I know I should be getting more exercise. You go, girl!!

  5. I've always admired your running like you do when you can, Lisa. I can't begin to imagine 1400 miles in one year. Wow!

    My favorite workout equipment would have to be lawn mower; I really do enjoy mowing and now with my new phone I can see how many steps I've walked. LOL

    Great post!

  6. i have a gazelle (that tony robbins thing). i like it a lot as i can usually use it without irritating my shins. and i can certainly work up a sweat on it.

  7. fyi, the link you have for fitness equipment doesn't work. i think there might be an extra e.

  8. I am applauding your 1400 miles last year and the 1300 on that treadmill. Wow. Sadly, I am a fair weather runner--but a treadmil would sure help me correct my lack of desire for cold weather running. I just do free weights inside.

  9. I would think you'd take up cycling with the boys and your's far easier on the joints than running. ;-)

  10. You ran a long way last year. Who needs a car when you have your feet.

  11. The pool. I like to swim, so I dream of one of those current pools they sell. Not sure I will ever have one, but that would be my dream. My own current pool and my own germs floating around in that water instead of everyone else's. :)

  12. Treadmills, etc... are tricky for me to use because of balance and mobility issues; a stationary bike with fixed handles is my safest option, and we're currently looking at various models.

  13. I don't have any equipment,,, not yet.

  14. Lisa: This was a very interesting read, as your approach to selecting the proper treadmill has much in common with friends of mine who are serious cyclists. They are filmed in clinics on various bike models and their posture is analyzed--all very scientific!

  15. I have a recumbent bike that I enjoy since I've been told to no longer ride a bike, due to balancing issues. I guess eventually I'll be back to riding a three wheeler. lol

  16. I never did well with the treadmill. My left ankle turns in a lot. It sucks, but I feel off balance on them.

    I have a stability ball.

  17. I have a stability ball too. It helps me to avoid lower back pain.

  18. I hope you will continue to be able to run for many, many years. I've heard of quite elderly people still running! I love my bike, though it is out in the shop gathering dust right now. As much as I love to bike, though, I can't get excited about a stationary bike.

  19. Youare so right about getting what you pay for!
    We have an elliptical. Love it.


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