Monday, June 15, 2015

Spring 2015 Dance Recital

Cort had his Spring dance recital recently.  He performed in both Ballet 1 and Hip Hop this time around.
Here he is in ballet.

Cort is the only male in ballet, and this time he got to demo a move at the end by assisting a little girl in a pose, holding her foot up.  It was so cute that I had to share, so I asked the girl's mother if it would be alright to post a picture here.

Of course, Cort's real passion is the hip hop.  He sure loves to breakdance.
It was another successful recital. 
Now he will have a summer break before dance starts back up.
I'm sure he will miss it, but at least he has a few breakdancing dvds to watch and practice.


  1. Love those facial expressions. He looks so professional! Commercial time!

  2. He may be on Broadway one of these days and I can say I saw him dance, 'way back when'! That is fantastic. I love the look on his face when he was holding the little girl's leg up! Happy Monday.

  3. The last one I went to had one boy, a twin, whose sis also shared the stage. They were stars being in HS. Glad to see him enjoying it so well.

  4. He is so cute! In the first photo, his great posture is apparent. Even though he enjoys break dancing more, the ballet can be so good for balance and posture. (I speak as one who would have really benefitted from ballet. :-) )

  5. He is so dang cute! Boys always steal the show at these recitals.

  6. Precious, and I like the hiphop moves! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  7. I am so excited for him. Maybe someday he will be the next Mikhail Baryshnikov!

  8. Oh my, if that isn't the cutest EVER! He's so stinkin' cute, and I love that he's enjoying dance so much. :)


  9. Yay for Cort!!! He is preciously cute and love his adventuresome spirit!

  10. Wow, he looks so great in his dancing costume. I learned ballet dancing when I was a teenager. : )

  11. oh my GOSH...that FACE! :) He is adorable AND a good dancer. The chicks are gonna dig him...if they don't already.

  12. It is nice to see our kids perform. He is doing good. He has good talents in him...

  13. it's so fantastic that he has a passion and is good at it!!

  14. He is so cute Lisa. I'd be so proud of him, which I know you are.

  15. He's such an awesome kid! I love the second picture!

  16. That little girl has a crush on him, Ithink!...:)JP

  17. Wow! I love his break dance move!

  18. I LOVE the fact that Cort loves to dance. It must have been so fun to watch him. I've debated having Lewie start tap dancing lessons, but that might be more of my interest and not his... These pictures are adorable.

  19. That is what I called being versatile! Much fun! :)

  20. How nice that he enjoys dancing. I love watching Hip Hop.... but would never try it. I would break my neck.


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