Friday, July 24, 2015

How We Had a Shaving Cream Fight

When we made our summer bucket list, I stuck 'have a shaving cream fight' on there.  I thought the boys would enjoy it.  They had no idea what I meant by this.  But they were game.
 You can find shaving cream at the dollar store.  We dressed the kids in swimwear with goggles.  The goggles are very important.  We also set ground rules.  We let them know that even if they couldn't see they should not remove the goggles.  And then we had a hose ready to spray off goggles if needed.  The main thing is that I didn't want them to get the product in their eyes.

We also set the rule that if someone falls (because shaving cream does get slippery) that everyone stop spraying until they make sure the fallen person is okay.

Good thing we have those handy goggles (you can also find goggles at the dollar store this time of year, but I don't know how reliable they are). 

Then, we simply turned them lose and were prepared to watch the entertainment.  Nothing like watching your kids make a big mess in the yard.

There were so many laughs and giggles.  What is more fun than making a huge mess? 

And when they couldn't see?  We just hosed them down gently with water.  They knew not to try to take the goggles off.

Once they were all done, they all got a thorough hosing, and then played in the yard until they dried out a bit.
This is going to be an annual summer tradition for us.  What a fun time! 


The Cranky said...

Can I come play too?

Cat said...

I want to come next time. I will bring my own goggles and shaving cream.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

And they smelled good afterwards!

Unknown said...

What fun for the guys and fun for you to watch. Such a good, safe 'game' for them!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Now that looks like fun. Great shots. Hug B

TexWisGirl said...

really, really cute. :)

Monkeywrangler said...

Fun! Love the three game-faces in the first photo!

Chatty Crone said...

That looks like fun - but I don't know if I could do it! They are so cute.

Bas. said...

dat ziet er fantastisch uit

Anonymous said...

Perfect outdoor fun!

Harry Flashman said...

Wow. We never did anything like that when I was a kid. Good imagination, mom.

Linda said...

Now that is good Clean fun! No need for a bath after that adventure. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Now that looks like a fun time!

Anonymous said...

What fun! My guy and the boys next door would love to try this!

Sally said...

awww, Lisa!

You always find fun things for those adorable boys. They look so cute and happy. :)


Unknown said...

I agree. The Dollar Store is very cool for new summer ideas. The Goggles seemed to be just right. I liked the base rules too! Fun! :)

Linda said...

Oh my! But at least it's good clean fun!

mail4rosey said...

That does look like an amazing fun time. :) Smart thinking w/the goggles!

Busy Bee Suz said...

This does look like fun!! What a sweet summer memory for them to keep.

An Apel a Day said...

This looks like fun! Maybe I should hook the boys up with a shaving cream fight for Mica's birthday. They have cousins their same ages, so it would be perfect. I love how you had them wear goggles.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

So much fun! You need to try silly string next!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

how fun!!!! and slippery!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

You are such a fun mom! That does look like fun. :-)

Eat To Live said...

You should of made it whipped cream so they could eat it.