Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Nine Psychology Documentaries I Love

Since 2008, I've been teaching psychology classes as an adjunct off and on at a local university.  It's a job that I adore.  I love everything about psychology.  I enjoy reading psych, listening to psych podcasts, and of course, watching psych movies. 

I know I've had some readers over the years who also enjoy psychology, so I thought I'd share some documentaries that have relevance in the field of psychology, but also teach great information.
1.  Babies - this film follows four babies in four completely different cultures.  It's cute and charming and funny.  Bottom line:  regardless of what privileges a kid has their first year, they all develop in the same way.

2.  Crazy, Sexy Cancer - Kris Carr is one of the most inspiring health gurus I know.  She has such a dynamic personality that you will be completely wrapped up in watching this documentary about her fight with cancer.

3.  The Lobotomist - this is a little gory, so viewer be wary.  However, it shows how far we've come in mental health treatments.

4.  Secrets of the Wild Child - this is a great documentary for both human development and the development of language.  A tragic story of Jeanie, who was unsocialized for years due to child abuse.  Once discovered, she fell into the hands of science, and continued to deal with adversity.  This film will remind you of why ethics are so important in research.

5.  Thin.  This film goes into a therapeutic eating disorder community in Florida, and follows several women throughout their treatment.  You will see how difficult it is for those with eating disorders to embrace a healthier life.

6.  Brain Games - this is a fun one.  It will make you ponder the way your brain works with new appreciation.

7.  Coma - follow four individuals as they struggle to recover from comas.  This will show you more about how the brain works, how fragile it is, and also how it can regenerate and recover.

8.  Happy Valley - A look at addiction to over the counter drugs in the state of Utah, with human interest stories along the way.

9.  Sunset Story - this documentary falls under the category of the human lifespan.  Follow two spunky political activists in their 90s as they deal with the last stages of life. 

There you have it!  Have you seen any of these?  If so, what did you think?  Do you have any recommendations for documentaries not on my list?

Maybe in the future, I'll do another one of these with some of my favorite fictional films that deal with psychology.


  1. I haven't seen any of them, but I'll be looking for at least some.

  2. I "barely" was able to watch the Lobotomist. I've been working on a story chronicling the 7 years I worked in a private psych hosp in the 80's. Nothing I ever do will surpass the events that unfolded there.

  3. Funny when we find an interest and stories just jump out at us.I enjoy the science and read a few articles that arise.

  4. Nope I have not seen any of them thanks for highlighting. will look out for it

  5. Sounds interesting, I might get my hands on the baby one.

  6. i'm thinking #6, is right up my alley. curious, what part of Nebraska is Toadstool n? looked all over our map? we will visit one day again we hope. now 2 finish the US with Alaska & Hawaii! ( ; overseas too!

  7. I've watched Babies and Brain Games. I think human development and the brain is fascinating. My graduate work was in learning and behavior disorders. I am always intrigued by how the brain works.

  8. I didn't know you worked in the psychology field. I guess I better give more thought to what I say!

  9. No, haven't seen them. I've "read" some interesting audio books on similar topics.

  10. I haven't seen any of these, Lisa. But, there are a couple I'd like to watch considering the mental disorders of some family members including myself. Thank you so much for this post.


  11. You've piqued my interest. :) I've read some books along these lines, but never seen any of these movies.

  12. I've watched half of those! Thank you for all the recommendations. I will check them out!

  13. I never watched any of these... I must live under a rock.

  14. I have not, but as a Psych major for my undergraduate degree, I may post a hysterically funny story about working a Crisis Line on Halloween during my Fieldwork Practicum! :D)

  15. Thanks for this list. There are a few on there that I am definitely interested in watching. Hopefully they are on Netflix.


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