Friday, September 25, 2015

Why You Should Have an Emergency Car Kit

One of the things I worked on this summer was putting together an emergency car kit.  You may remember that time we got stranded on a mountain with no cell phone reception this past spring.  There have been other incidents too.  Like the time I had to drive home from Northern Virginia in a snowstorm (a drive that would normally take 4 hours and ended up taking 8) only to have to have a neighbor come pick me up by four wheeler to get me over the mountain.  And of course there have been times where the kids have needed spare clothes (from getting carsick or from jumping in a creek somewhere).  To be honest, I should've put together an emergency kit ages ago.

My car has a handy dandy secret compartment that can store all sorts of things.  I've filled it up with supplies. 
I have changes of clothes, rain ponchos, emergency blankets, flashlights with extra batteries, basic tools, paper towels and towels, water purifiers, snacks (look for shelf stable snacks like meal replacement survival bars and Vienna sausages that are well packaged - you don't want mice getting into your car - I have been there and done that, too).  I have firestarter and contact lenses and a spare pair of glasses.  I also keep a collapsible backpack in case we have to hike somewhere and carry supplies.  And then I have a lot of medical supplies.  Last summer Paul had a huge wipeout on his mountain bike.  He was bleeding all over the place and didn't have a single bandaid or bandage in his car.  So guess what he got for our wedding anniversary?  His own emergency car kit - next time he'll be able to bandage himself up (although I hope there isn't a next time, for his sake!).

When you put this together, consider the needs of your family.  If you're active, like us, you'll want things like sunscreen and bug spray and moleskin for blisters.  These are practical items you may use regularly (just remember to replace them for next time).  I also keep a six pack of bottled water.  I know that you aren't supposed to keep bottled water in a car because of BPA concerns, but in a situation where your car broke down and it was 90 degrees and you had to hike down a mountain, that bottled water will be very useful. 

Readers, do you keep some emergency supplies in your car? 


  1. you are very well prepared. I keep essentials, but not as many as you. I never unpack camping gear until November so have all of that with me.

  2. oh dear... i think i need to organise a car emergency kit too!!

  3. I need to update and add some things. I had a kit when I worked for the health department because we were so preparedness minded. Need to get back to that.

  4. I love this! It is something I have been thinking about a lot lately, yet haven't done much to remedy our non-preparations. I have been building our emergency supplies in our home, but not in the car. What do you have for a water purifier? I was thinking about getting some life straws for everyone.

  5. One of these years I'll do that. For now I make sure I have spare cash on hand. It's amazing how nice people are when you give them cash :-)

  6. I confess, I do not have a kit in my car. I so admire you for having yours and the items in it are very important.

  7. Yep though I should go thru it again and replace/refill some items that I know have been used.

  8. That is impressive! I keep a heavy coat, boots and glove in the winter but I really don't drive much anymore. It is a good idea in case of a brush fire when they force you to evacuate, those supplies would get you to some other location. Maybe a $20 bill would be good as well.

  9. Oh being well prepared is a very good thing I think you are very wise. I have a small kit but I am not as adventurous as your family so I do not need it. I do add quite a bit more for our Canadian winters that is for sure even for a short trip. Hug B

  10. I had to stop by and tell you what a great gift it is and what a great idea it is too.

  11. i have several items packed in my car (jacket, gloves, umbrella, towels, dog leashes and biscuits - for rescues) but just got a new/used truck that i need to add a few things to for safety's sake. thanks for the good reminder!

  12. You, my dear Lisa, are one smart cookie! Not that I'm surprised. :)

    Good job! Impressive! :)


  13. Good thinking Lisa! I don't have an emergency kit in my car.

    In the last year my commute has increased and now that it is coming in to the winter I will have a think about what I need to always carry in my car for emergency.

  14. I do. I keep everything I would need to spend the night out in the Jeep and the truck. I also carry food, water, emergency road items like flares. Your emergency kit looks like you have all the bases covered. I want to add a "come along" to my truck kit, I have one in the jeep. I always have an entrenching tool and some chain as well, for unditching.

  15. Yes, but mine are not this well organized. Tools are in the trunk along with an emergency blanket, umbrella, hat, fanny pack, etc, flashlight is in the dash, sunscreen and insect repellent is in the side pocket, maps are - well - all over the place, scissors are in side pocket...

    I have given emergency car kits to both my daughters in the past. There are things every motorist should have!

  16. what an excellent idea, I remember my Mom and Aunts all had emergency kits that were packed in small wooden boxes that our Dad's had made so nothing like yours though...quite impressive!

  17. Wow!! Look at all that! You are definitely prepared, smart idea.

  18. This is a great post, Lisa. Years ago, I would always have one or two heavy duty collapsible reflector triangles (just in case my car broke down on the freeway birm), a dry fire extinguisher, and flares. I have a small Medical Kit by Johnson & Johnson, but the other items went to the wayside years ago. Your post now has me reconsidering new items! :)

  19. No, but this reminds me that we should. Thank you!

  20. Thanks for the tips! I've been wanting to put one together, but wasn't sure what to gather for it. this helps.

  21. You are certainly prepared! I do have a stash of stuff in my car, but some things definitely need restocked!

  22. I do. I know my husband takes a bigger one when we go camping.

  23. I'll have to work on one myself as well, no joke with a small baby and winter in Finland!

  24. This is really nice and helpful... We do keep some regular stuff but not an elaborate first aid kit... Thanks for reminding


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